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  1. #1
    drumms is offline New Member
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    Jul 2012

    erectile dysfunction after prohormone

    hello i am currently 20 years old. back in febuary 2011 when i was 18 i took mdrol which is a superdrol clone. i did a cycle for 7 weeks at 20mgs i did a pct of nolvadex at i think 20/20/20/20 for four weeks. now its more than a year later and i have erectile dysfunction. i can get an erection but i cant maintain one. i also dont get any morning erections anymore. it also requires a lot of stimulation for me to get an erection. what should i do? has anyone had this experience? i also took a test booster a few months after my pct to see if it would help and i think it did slightly. right now i am taking zinc tribulus and yohimbe to see if it will help but i dont think they are. what should i do? oh and also i have gotten bloodwork done and for the most part everything seems normal is what the doctor said, although for one test my prolactin was 14 which is high but i had another done and it came out normal.

  2. #2
    Ben_66's Avatar
    Ben_66 is offline Junior Member
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    I'm no doctor, but if everything came out normal, it could be psychological, perhaps your brainwaves are out of wack. Consider brainwave therapy it will do you wonders.

  3. #3
    freddy1418 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by drumms
    hello i am currently 20 years old. back in febuary 2011 when i was 18 i took mdrol which is a superdrol clone. i did a cycle for 7 weeks at 20mgs i did a pct of nolvadex at i think 20/20/20/20 for four weeks. now its more than a year later and i have erectile dysfunction. i can get an erection but i cant maintain one. i also dont get any morning erections anymore. it also requires a lot of stimulation for me to get an erection. what should i do? has anyone had this experience? i also took a test booster a few months after my pct to see if it would help and i think it did slightly. right now i am taking zinc tribulus and yohimbe to see if it will help but i dont think they are. what should i do? oh and also i have gotten bloodwork done and for the most part everything seems normal is what the doctor said, although for one test my prolactin was 14 which is high but i had another done and it came out normal.
    What one doctor considers normal another may see as high/low levels... what was your test #s with the tests? Did u have any issues with this before your ph cycle? Your wayyyyy to young to be suffering from this...

  4. #4
    chrisdog212's Avatar
    chrisdog212 is offline New Member
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    How much porn do you watch??
    Not trying to be creepy I went through a stint that I was watching so much porn I was only getting an erection with porn.

  5. #5
    drumms is offline New Member
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    ok so i have had multiple blood test done after my ph cycle.
    the first one after my ph cycle was on april 11th 2011. total testosterone was 540ng/dl
    free test was 123.5pg/ml.
    for the second blood work which was done on 6/4/12
    prolactin was 31.8ng/ml
    LH was 8.8 mIU/ml
    total estrogen was 52.3.
    the third bloodwork done on 6/29/12 results were
    free test 124
    test % free 2.2
    test total 556
    prolactin 9.23
    estradiol 28
    LH 4.56

    As far as the p**n goes it used to be everyday but i have cut back. i also never had this problem before my cycle. what should i do?! whats going on?

  6. #6
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    Defiling Myself
    This should be kept bumped for under-aged noobs to read. Sorry you are experiencing this. I hope you find a doctor that can help. But I also hope some other 18-23 yr old reads this and waits.

  7. #7
    drumms is offline New Member
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    Jul 2012

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