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  1. #1
    RoadToHuge's Avatar
    RoadToHuge is offline Associate Member
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    Cool Help me - Cycle Help

    4th or 5th cycle ( depending on if you count 1-ad as a cycle)

    I have a bunch of test e. I have anavar and dbol , but I would rather use the var as my kickstart.

    Thinking of doing 200mg of tren a (50 eod) 1-10
    500 test e 250 twice weekly 1-12
    Var 1-3 @ 70-90mg

    Norizal ed
    Prami ed .5
    Stane Ed (estrogen prone) 12.5
    Rogaine 2x Ed
    Thinking of finasteride 1 mg

    I am moderately hair lOSS prone thus the huge anti hair loss regimen.
    I also have deca but I don't think I'm ever going to use it. Also, this will be first tren cycle.

    Any thoughts and advice is appreciated.

  2. #2
    measuretwicecutonce's Avatar
    measuretwicecutonce is offline Associate Member
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    Los Angeles, CA
    what are you goals? tren will really speed up the hairless more so than anything else combined. if u wanna bulk u should dbol deca test, if u wanna cut u should test tren. also for deca or tren ull need a progesterone auxiliary. n if you run the tren u should do 250mg test. n do 250-350tren. id rather see ed pinning with the tren to keep blood plasma levels more stable. what were ur previous cycles?

  3. #3
    RoadToHuge's Avatar
    RoadToHuge is offline Associate Member
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    The prami would be my anti progesterone. I might get some caber instead. Is the tren that muchworse than the deca for hairloss? I have a slight receding hairline. My last cycle was test e and dbol kick. I think it was the dbol that cause the receding hair line but I'm back to better than before the cycle thanks to rogaine.

  4. #4
    RoadToHuge's Avatar
    RoadToHuge is offline Associate Member
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    Looking to bulk but not increase bf. looking for 15 lbs lean body mass. 200 total would be acceptable (180 now short as ****)

  5. #5
    measuretwicecutonce's Avatar
    measuretwicecutonce is offline Associate Member
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    Los Angeles, CA
    sorry didn't see the prami. yes much much worst. it has to do with the androgen # which is 500 where test is 100 n deca is 37. but test and dbol are also hairline culprits in a different way as they convert toDHT. what were you dosage last cycle? if you were ok with the hairless on the last cycle then i would run the same cycle and add deca

  6. #6
    measuretwicecutonce's Avatar
    measuretwicecutonce is offline Associate Member
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    Los Angeles, CA
    personally i would save the var for a cut for a cutter as well as at the end of a cycle

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