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  1. #1
    Busta_Nut is offline New Member
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    My first use of roids / test / cycle

    Greetings fellow meat heads haha
    Firstly, I have done my research on what would suit me the best to achieve my meaty, muscle bound goals but I've got some burning questions and thought I'd introduce myself and ask away so here goes.

    I'm an Aussie guy in his mid dirty 30's. I'm 6'2", 94kg/207lbs, broad shoulders, still got some old flab around my gut and I train in the gym at least twice a week. I'm pretty fit and healthy as opposed to a few years ago when I was totally out of shape, smoking and drinking booze heaps and generally eating junk food all the time. I studied Health & Fitness at a reputable institution in Australia and got into shape, I have quite a healthy diet now and understand the importance of nutrition with a fitness regime. I am now looking to take it to the next level.

    I've done a bit of research to find what would best suit me and seeing I'm Currently in Mexico I thought I'd take the opportunity to invest in some products and test some out. I waltzed into a pharmacia with a list of stuff to buy including:

    * Stanozol / Winstrol
    * Clenbuterol
    * Anavar

    * Dianabol
    * Deca -Durabolin
    * Anadrol

    Didn't return any results for any of it EXCEPT for the Deca.

    I bought 6 boxes of Deca with each box containing 2 x 50mg 1mL syringes of Deca (12 syringes total). I have figured that this will be good in combination with Winstrol to get around all the fluid retention while bulking up. I am considering taking 100mg per week as I understand that Deca has a good half-life and I don't want to retard my nuts too much lol.

    At this, I have read from various sources that Deca really smashes your natural testosterone producing capabilities so I am wondering what I could take to up my T-levels.

    Additionally, I would like to hear feedback from people that have personally cycled with Deca as you may have something of note I may find useful.

    I have attached pics showing my physique so you can see what I am like currently.

    I hope to hear from you all soon.
    Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2
    lestat85's Avatar
    lestat85 is offline Associate Member
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    All cycles should have a test base. That being said, your first cycle should actually be test only. That way you will know how your body is reacting to the test and can know where side effects are coming from.

    I didn't notice any AI, HCG or PCT listed. I would strongly recommend more research before starting a cycle.

  3. #3
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Welcome...Don't like either one. Especially the bulker. You should be taking an AI. And as mentioned, no test is not a good thing. And PCT? And making it to the gym minimum twice a week might not suffice.

  4. #4
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    Firstly, I have done my research on what would suit me the best to achieve my meaty, muscle bound goals but I've got some burning questions and thought I'd introduce myself and ask away so here goes.

    I do not feel you have done any research. If you had you would have bought test. It is imperative you do not run the deca without a test base. You will not enjoy deca dick.

  5. #5
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I agree with the folks above.

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