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  1. #1
    Stosh_112's Avatar
    Stosh_112 is offline Productive Member
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    Jan 2012

    New to prop. When will it kick in?

    Finished 8wks of sust and felt like a million bucks towards the end. Decided to finish off with a few wks of prop from a DIFF LAB. 1st Pinned 100mg yesterday afternoon, 100mg last night and 100mg this afternoon. total of 300mg in lil over one day. wanted to pump a high dose to see if shits real. WHEN SHOULD I FEEL THE PROP KICK IN??? Just curious, cuz im a lil scared i got some bunk gear. I still have a wk to go for pct from the sust, that is if the prop doesnt kick in by then... Any time frame with prop as to when i should feel it??? In new to the prop compound and wasnt sure when it would kick in.

  2. #2
    Metalject's Avatar
    Metalject is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If you're asking for a feeling, there really isn't a "feeling" associated with steroids . They aren't narcotics. You probably know this but I think a lot of guys expect some type of hulk like insanity on the inside, and some do, but that's due to more of a placebo effect. I new a guy who had a bunch of teenagers who asked him to sell them some steroids once. They were looking for Dianabol . He sold them a bunch of baggies full and told them to be careful. A couple weeks later one of them came up to him talking about how awesome it was, said he and all his friends were "raging" al over the gym. Point of the story, the guy had sold them multi-vitamins.

    Now this isn't to say you shouldn't feel better with steroids, especially testosterone . You said you felt like a million bucks with sust, well, you should feel the same with won't produce a different "feeling" over the other. Further, you shouldn't have to wait for testosterone benefits to kick in since you've already been on cycle for 8wks. The benefits should simply continue.

  3. #3
    Stosh_112's Avatar
    Stosh_112 is offline Productive Member
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    Jan 2012
    Right on, i guess im just a lil worried about switching labs. Guess if by next wk i still feel good than it should be g2g since by then the sust should be dying out. thanks for your input.

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