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  1. #1
    cherryking is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    2nd cycle advice and diet

    So I wanted to do a second cycle, my first was a 5 week tbol only cycle at 60mg a day, I'm 6"2 200 pounds bf i don't know, right now I'm trying to cut down and I have my macros set at 225c 200p and 80f I ended my tbol cycle a little while ago and everything went well, what I wanted to know was how long do I Have to wait before starting my next cycle and if I do start my next cycle should I up my calories while on cycle if I'm using it to cut or should I leave my macros the same in a deflect and just up my protein, I know that while on cycle protein synthesis is increased by a lot so how much should I increase my protein? And if I do increase it should I lower carbs so I stay in a deflect because of the extra calories the protein brings? Thx sorry if this should be in the diet section but I had some side questions as well

    If I do another oral only should I do anavar to switch it up or tbol again because I responded so well and for my tbol pct I did clomid at 100/50/50 with no sides and I seemed to come back fine, should I use clomid again at 100/50/50 or do nolvax at 40/20/20 thx
    Last edited by cherryking; 08-15-2012 at 11:04 PM.

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