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  1. #1
    liftology is offline Junior Member
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    Gear use if competing

    So I know most people on this forum recommend that you not use gear before 25 because of the HPTA issue. What if you are competing and need it to compete at a higher level. Many pros started using early and are/have been successful. What is your opinion on that? Just wondering because I am getting into competing and am pursuing a career.

  2. #2
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by liftology View Post
    So I know most people on this forum recommend that you not use gear before 25 because of the HPTA issue. What if you are competing and need it to compete at a higher level. Many pros started using early and are/have been successful. What is your opinion on that? Just wondering because I am getting into competing and am pursuing a career.
    I would suggest posting some pics...back,chest, arms and mostly legs. Good way for Vets to see if you are serious.

  3. #3
    liftology is offline Junior Member
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    Well I am not ready yet, I wouldn't use for another year or two, I am just asking for opinions in advance. If I plan on competing at a professional level eventually

  4. #4
    Thunderforge's Avatar
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    Your question just has too many intangibles.

    Even posting pics and presenting folks with a very impressive physique still doesn't really prove much. It's also a question of long term dedication and maturity. Those things are very hard to convey on a forum. You may even feel differently about your choice of careers in two years.

    Better to really tough it out and get to 24-25 naturally.

  5. #5
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    its a risk only you can take. No how many people say the are going to compete and dont. Or compete and just in local shows. Going to nationals and pros are a whole different level. More fail then succeed no mater how much they inject.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  6. #6
    bigZthedestroyer's Avatar
    bigZthedestroyer is offline Anabolic Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Learn to eat first. Your stats on your profile could be better. Use these next few years to learn to eat big and clean. Once you get some more weight on your frame, you'll start looking big. After your solid and committed and still want to pursue AAS, then thats your decision. I would like to do the same as you. As Gixx stated above, nationals is a whole different level. If its what you want though, go get it. Do you have any shows in the near future?

  7. #7
    liftology is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by zreinke View Post
    Learn to eat first. Your stats on your profile could be better. Use these next few years to learn to eat big and clean. Once you get some more weight on your frame, you'll start looking big. After your solid and committed and still want to pursue AAS, then thats your decision. I would like to do the same as you. As Gixx stated above, nationals is a whole different level. If its what you want though, go get it. Do you have any shows in the near future?
    Thanks bro, I am eating as clean as possible, seeing as I eat at a college dining hall. I try to hit my macros for lean bulking but its tough sometimes. I am planning to enter a show next in 10 months, so I have time to put on weight until then. I know my stats aren't great but my physique is pretty decent and competing is all I really want to do.

  8. #8
    bigZthedestroyer's Avatar
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    yeah the dining halls arent the best for a clean diet. Thankfully I have a palce that has chicken and brown rice bowls that hold me over. I wasnt trying to say you didnt have a good build when i knocked your stats. What class are you planning on entering. You should be able to make some sweet changes in that time.

  9. #9
    liftology is offline Junior Member
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    Yeah I know you weren't, lots of people are surprised when I tell them my weight because I look heavier. Not entirely sure about the class yet, I am about 182 at 11-12%, so I will see how it goes during the course of the year. Luckily I don't gain much bf, I have never been above 13%. I have been looking into the competitions and asking competitors about their experience and such.

  10. #10
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Why don't you try a natural show first. Give yourself a goal, train and diet for it and see how you like the actual process, including getting on stage. Not everyone handles it well. It would give you a good idea on whether you want to pursue this lifestyle further, IMO.

  11. #11
    liftology is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Why don't you try a natural show first. Give yourself a goal, train and diet for it and see how you like the actual process, including getting on stage. Not everyone handles it well. It would give you a good idea on whether you want to pursue this lifestyle further, IMO.
    yeah thats what I'm planning on doing

  12. #12
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by liftology View Post
    Well I am not ready yet, I wouldn't use for another year or two, I am just asking for opinions in advance. If I plan on competing at a professional level eventually
    bahahaha God luck brother. I hope you are a genetic freak!

  13. #13
    liftology is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    bahahaha God luck brother. I hope you are a genetic freak!
    thanks for the sarcasm bro, don't really need it, but I guess some people take comfort by insulting others. I will do my best and give it everything because its all I care about

  14. #14
    Bevsta123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by liftology View Post
    thanks for the sarcasm bro, don't really need it, but I guess some people take comfort by insulting others. I will do my best and give it everything because its all I care about
    thats not sarcasim. thats being honst. out of the 1000's of bodybuilders out there how many of them do you think can live comftorbly and know that lifting is paying their bills and putting food on the table? How many of them can you name? Bodybuilding is the toughest sport to make it im.. Have you seen the size of them? not to be a dream crusher most of them were lifting since their mid teens, you may say look at Phill, his the definition of a genetic freak that and try guess how much juice his pumping through his body.

    now thats the honest truth. This kid in the picture below got denied his pro card just for you to get a semi idea at the level that these people compete in. Most people on AAS would even reach this level this kids at.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	kcysM.jpg 
Views:	5845 
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ID:	125965
    Last edited by Bevsta123; 08-28-2012 at 09:44 PM.

  15. #15
    liftology is offline Junior Member
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    I understand what you're saying. I am not some delusional kid trying to be like Zyzz. Jeff Seid got denied his pro card because he isn't ready yet. I am not trying to have this pay my bills. If it does, thats a miracle and a dream come true. I am in school for kinesiology, and will continue to get my degree. Competitions are on the side and if I make it, then I do, if not I continue with my life, nbd.

  16. #16
    Bevsta123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by liftology View Post
    I understand what you're saying. I am not some delusional kid trying to be like Zyzz. Jeff Seid got denied his pro card because he isn't ready yet. I am not trying to have this pay my bills. If it does, thats a miracle and a dream come true. I am in school for kinesiology, and will continue to get my degree. Competitions are on the side and if I make it, then I do, if not I continue with my life, nbd.
    whatever tickles your fancy at the end of the day its not my life your living

    like myself and others have said, bodybuilding is more then a hobby if you think your going to "compete pro one day"
    Last edited by Bevsta123; 08-28-2012 at 09:51 PM.

  17. #17
    liftology is offline Junior Member
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    I wasn't making a prophecy, it was merely a statement. I think people should have goals, whether realistic or otherwise, or they will never push themselves. (As said by Arnold)
    Anyways, thanks for all the advice and such guys. Good luck in your endeavors and I hope you wish me luck in mine, regardless of your opinions.

  18. #18
    Metalject's Avatar
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    If you do end up turning pro your HPTA is going to be screwed for life regardless of when you start using gear. If you never turn pro but compete at a national level and are actually completive for years on end your HPTA is going to be screwed for life. I'm sure there are some rare exceptions, but "RARE" is the key word. For those that might say it doesn't have to be this way, yes it does. Surely no one would argue that this can be done without massive amounts of hormones for long periods of time.

    All that was not said to encourage you to use at a young age. Most never turn pro when they're collage aged...those days are long gone. Again, there are exceptions but generally not.

    Just to give you an idea of what you're getting into...I dabbled in small local shows years ago. I worked my ass off, lived for it year round. My genetics, subpar and I never really could do anything with it...I was able to recognize this early on. I still loved bodybuilding but had to take a different path. Since then, I've prepped a little more than two hundred competitors...mostly bodybuilding and figure but a few bikini the past couple years. Tons of state show winners...many of who go to nationals and I support them in this but will give them the honest truth. I've seen many of these people destroy a state show and then get their ass handed to them at nationals. I have been lucky enough to work with some that have placed very well at national shows and even a few that have earned pro cards...just a few and no big names. Been a few years since I've had a potential pro card level person...recently picked up one though that's got a good shot. Anyway, those that have the shot, the genetics are not only unreal, even the guys that aren't big names have unreal genetics but what they're also willing to do gear wise would make most people on this board sick to their stomach.

    In the end, it all boils down to risk and reward. Big time gear use is just like a risky investment. The odds of success are low, but there is a potential for a high return if you can pull it off...the high return in mind being the satisfaction...anything else is a bonus. You have to be willing to take a risk and recognize the potential fallout and consequences are on you and you alone.

  19. #19
    kelkel's Avatar
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    ^^^Very well said Metalject.

  20. #20
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Your 19. How many natural shows have you competed in? How many have you won. If you are genetically gifted I know you have competition experience at this point in your life. Look at when Cutler started around 16 he and Branch.

  21. #21
    capetown's Avatar
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    I can tell you just by the fact that you are coming to a message board looking for help that you are not even close to being were you hope to be one day. To get to a pro level or even national comps you are going to be surrounded with people that will teach you ever different aspect of the sport. You will meet these people the harder you work and the more you want it. Its then you should start thinking about the next step. Until then, eat, train, sleep, and dream. These boards are great for references but your ability to make it to where you dream to be depends on support and knowledge in your gym.

  22. #22
    liftology is offline Junior Member
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    I wasn't thinking anytime soon. I first stepped in a gym 2 years ago, so I know I am nowhere near ready. I am enter my first comp. next year and I will see how it does. Thanks for all the advice guys. Very much appreciated!

  23. #23
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by liftology View Post
    I wasn't thinking anytime soon. I first stepped in a gym 2 years ago, so I know I am nowhere near ready. I am enter my first comp. next year and I will see how it does. Thanks for all the advice guys. Very much appreciated!
    Best advise is to stay natty as long as you can. If your only 2 yrs into training at this point and want to turn pro. Do it while you get an education. In case it doesn't work out.

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