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  1. #1
    stevenmcgiver is offline Banned
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    Aug 2012

    Keeping gains post cycle?

    Hey guys, I'm currently running a cycle of sustanon250 (250mg E4D) and finaject [trenbolone acetate] 65mg EOD. I'm planning on running the sustanon for 12 weeks, upping the dosage to 350mg E4D during my 6th week. My finaject will last 8 weeks and taper down to 50mg in the last 2 weeks.. I plan on running my PCT with nolvadex and clomid (dosage is undecided at this point)

    I'm really keen on getting to 195-200 lbs after this cycle(currently 186) with 9-10% BF(currently 11%)

    I want to keep most of my gains post cycle and water retention isn't a problem because of the compounds I've chosen, so I know I won't lose the "water weight" because almost 85% of my gains will be lean muscle mass.

    So I guess my questions would be 1.) would it be affective to run a TRT dose of Sustanon at 250mg every week for 10 weeks after my cycle? 2.) what dose do should I run my PCT and for how long? 3.) what else can I do to keep my gains?

  2. #2
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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  3. #3
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevenmcgiver View Post
    Hey guys, I'm currently running a cycle of sustanon250 (250mg E4D) and finaject [trenbolone acetate] 65mg EOD. I'm planning on running the sustanon for 12 weeks, upping the dosage to 350mg E4D during my 6th week. My finaject will last 8 weeks and taper down to 50mg in the last 2 weeks.. I plan on running my PCT with nolvadex and clomid (dosage is undecided at this point)

    I'm really keen on getting to 195-200 lbs after this cycle(currently 186) with 9-10% BF(currently 11%)

    I want to keep most of my gains post cycle and water retention isn't a problem because of the compounds I've chosen, so I know I won't lose the "water weight" because almost 85% of my gains will be lean muscle mass.Not if your diet and training aren't on. And 85%...That would be nice.

    So I guess my questions would be 1.) would it be affective to run a TRT dose of Sustanon at 250mg every week for 10 weeks after my cycle?No. Are you hell bent on being on TRT at a very early age? 2.) what dose do should I run my PCT and for how long?You should already know this but...Nolva-40/40/20/20...Clomid-100/50/50/25 3.) what else can I do to keep my gains?
    Do your PCT, keep cals high and keep going to the gym.

    Good Luck

  4. #4
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    Changing dosage mid cycle is rather old school. It's actually better keep one dosage throughout your cycle.

  5. #5
    stevenmcgiver is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02
    Changing dosage mid cycle is rather old school. It's actually better keep one dosage throughout your cycle.
    I've tried that but my gains slow down after 7 weeks to nearl nothing even with a 500-600 cal increase

  6. #6
    stevenmcgiver is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete
    Do your PCT, keep cals high and keep going to the gym.

    Good Luck
    Everyone I've run a test cycle I put on about 15 lbs and keep 10 lbs or so which is lean mass and doesn't leave me.. Making me pretty lucky I think Ahaha I got strep throat last test enth cycle and lost about 5-6 right at the end of my cycle which was a serious bummer

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