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Thread: Clen and SVT

  1. #1
    Sldp is offline New Member
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    Clen and SVT

    I want to start taking Clen , I've done my research and know about dosage cycles and side effects,
    But I've been diagnosed with supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) when I was 7, I've had about 3 attacks in my life since then, spread over two years apart. In an attack y heart rate gets up to 200bpm or more, But in a normal day my resting heart rate is between 70-80bpm and whole exercising/cardio it easily gets to 180/90 without me fatiguing excessively.

    Would it be safe for me to take Clen in smaller doses not nessecarily doing a pyramid cycle? Would It give me an SVT attack? Has anyone else got SVT ?

  2. #2
    honda88 is offline New Member
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    a would not touch clen if you have a heart problem ive never personally took it but a few friends have and theyve said it feels like your heart is gonney jump out your chest.. just my opinion somebody might come on and tell you its fine but a wouldnt feel safe doing that mate

  3. #3
    Sldp is offline New Member
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    Yeah it's something that's bothering me. About the only thing I'm concerned about taking it. That's what SVT feels like, like your hearts going to jump out your chest, you can see it beating through your shirt. I'm also a young female, but of anyone can describe what happened to their heart whole they were on Clen , SVT or no SVT it would be much appreciated. I'm just extremely tired of working my ass off, still being fat as a house but all muscle with a layer of crap I need to get rid of on the outside. No matter how healthy I eat, or how much exercise I do, my outer layer won't budge and y
    Muscles keep growing... any other suggestions would be awesome too

  4. #4
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    i wouldnt recommend it at all.
    but bonaparte or atomini im sure will chime in with a more education medical response
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  5. #5
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Are you out of your mind?
    No, you should never use clen or anything that increases your heart rate with your condition.

  6. #6
    t-dogg's Avatar
    t-dogg is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    My vote is no. Clen deals with the heart and you have heart issues. Not a good mix, considering clen raises your resting and excerising heart rate.

  7. #7
    Sldp is offline New Member
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    That's what I thought, it'd be too large of a risk, thanks for the clarification. Just need to find an alternative now! My SVT isn't a constant thing, it comes in attacks when the circuit in my heart trips, but I'd rather not force an attack on my heart and end up passed out unable to regain consciousness and oxygen.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Clen will increase your body metabolism considerable. It dilates the blood vessels and increases your heart rate. With your condition you could be setting yourself up for a trip to the hospital. What's wrong with good 'ol fashion diet and cardio?

  9. #9
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    clen will most likely trigger another episode, and the docs in the er will have a hard time trying to reverse it.

  10. #10
    Sldp is offline New Member
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    Thanks guys! Decided not to take it. Rather a safer alternative like orlistat or something of the like.

  11. #11
    es1991 is offline New Member
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    I'm on day 5 of liquid clen , and taking 60mcg right now. I had cardiac svt about 6 years ago but had an ablation to fix my problem so I wouldn't have anymore episodes. My heart is fine right now with blood pressure at 140 and 75 which is somewhat higher than normal but I live an active lifestyle and also in great shape. Since your episodes still can come at any time I wouldn't recommend clen. Cardiac svt feels like a mini heart attack, and with clen it could be a disaster for you

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