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  1. #1
    d.calef11 is offline New Member
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    Aug 2012

    Hit the gym tonight -Update-

    Sorry I haven't posted anything for some time guys, work has had me SLAMMED. I managed to get a good workout in tonight, at least I think. Here's a run down of what I did tonight along with some stats.

    Weight:149 (Last stats I posted, I was at 142 I believe)
    Gear: None
    Daily Supplements: DHEA 50mg, D3 5000iu (Austinite, if you read this, I went ahead and got these two, it's all I could find at Walgreens and I even asked the pharmacist about the other 2, and he couldn't find them in the database. He said check out a vitamin store which I will be doing come Wednesday.)
    Diet: Shitty

    -Bicep Curls
    80lbs x 12
    80lbs x 10
    95lbs x 8
    95lbs x 6

    -Chest Press
    90lbs x 12
    90lbs x 10
    110lbs x 10
    130lbs x 8

    -Pectoral Fly
    100lbs x 20
    115lbs x 12
    115lbs x 10
    130lbs x 10

    -Lateral Raise (First time ever doing these)
    50lbs x 12
    50lbs x 12
    65lbs x 8
    65lbs x 8

    I wouldn't say I really "pushed myself to the max" on any of these but the lat raises. That really killed me even though I feel like I could of done more weight, the machine was just really weird for me to use. I'm not use to it yet. Oh, and FYI, all reps are done on machines. I don't go to the gym with anybody and I get really nervous doing free weights by myself due to past experiences so I tend to just do machines. And I've never really set a schedule for what to muscles to work, on specific days, but I have been following along with StPete's workouts (Once again man, it's really an inspiration, thank you) to try and get a schedule down for myself.

    Just thought I'd post this to let you guys know how I've been doing and to see if maybe you had some advice for the young guy. I'm not really looking for anything specific, just random advice on maybe something else I should try, maybe a group of muscles I should work, I really don't know, anything guys.

    Thanks for taking a look!

  2. #2
    fries's Avatar
    fries is offline Junior Member
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    Since you're not using any AAS or posting a question about AAS... shouldn't this be posted in the "Lifting Techniques" forum?

  3. #3
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Welcome...This should probably be posted in the cycle result forum or lifting techniques.

  4. #4
    JWP806's Avatar
    JWP806 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by d.calef11 View Post
    Sorry I haven't posted anything for some time guys, work has had me SLAMMED.
    Thanks for filling us in. We have been worried about you!

  5. #5
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Great for you kid....keep pushing! Just like my love cums with time!

  6. #6
    liftology is offline Junior Member
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    IMO that doesn't seem like a great routine. why would you hit biceps, chest, and shoulders on the same day? seems like an odd split

  7. #7
    d.calef11 is offline New Member
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    Couldn't find lifting techniques? I'll look harder, and yeah it's a weird split, like I said I really don't know what group to work out and stuff, I pretty much just go on whatever I'm comfortable doing that night.

  8. #8
    TOkidd is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by liftology View Post
    IMO that doesn't seem like a great routine. why would you hit biceps, chest, and shoulders on the same day? seems like an odd split
    Agreed. Your routine seems all over the place. I don't know what type of training regimen you're using, but this workout doesn't make much sense to me.

    Also, you're doing lateral raises with 65 pounds? Is this with dumbbells? 65 pounds per arm, or 32.5 pounds per arm? If you are using dumbbells, I can't imagine you using that kind of weight and doing the movement properly (without cheating). Shoulders are probably my strongest body part, and I would never use that kind of weight for laterals, simply because I wouldn't be able to maintain proper form. With laterals, it's best to use light weight, and excellent form. The heaviest I go is 20 pounds per arm. If you're using a machine, I would start doing your lateral raises with dumbells - much more effective, IMO. Start with 10 pounds per arm, seated (to keep you from cheating) and raise the dumbells slowly as high as you can, lowering them as slowly as possible. Repeat until failure. Unlike many other muscle groups, I find that the side deltoids don't respond well to low-rep sets. Light-weight, high-rep sets with perfect form are far better IMO.

    I'd head over to the lifting technique forum and post your weekly routine.

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