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  1. #1
    siggzor is offline New Member
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    All steroids seem to do for me is mild joint pains and achne.

    Ok ive been lifting weights for like 4 years im 183cm and when i started i was at around 60 kgs and now im at 84. I have some weight around the middle so i decided to get some winstrol to cut me down so i started taking 1ml every other day for 30days really didnt se any change in my body or no weight change. To be hones i wasnt expecting any miracles but some change would have been satisfying so i decided to add some test to this so i started on 250mg/ml 2ml of some thay shit every 4 days and thn i when i was up to 6ml it had run out so i switched to some russian 300mg/ml 2ml every 4 days and now im at 15ml of winstrol 6ml of the thai 250mg and 6ml of the russian 300mg.

    Ok i am still the same wheight as when i started with no significant changes and maybe a little better in the bench but not in the other muscles ive been lifting 4-5times a week. This is my first cycle.

    I know the shit i bought isnt fake or bad because i got 2 friends dooing the same thing nd theyve gained insane weight and imrpooved alot in everything theyre my roomates so theyre dooing the same thing as me and were all supplementing with creatin, protein, amino acids and some vitamins.

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You should see weight loss in 30 days even without gear. This is an indication of diet issues. I would reevaluate both diet and training.

  3. #3
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    it has to be fake. Your taking over 3grams of steroid a week. And your luck it is. You have no idea what you are doing to your self of the other issues that high of doses cause
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  4. #4
    siggzor is offline New Member
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    my diet is usually no bread but i eat about 2 chicken breasts with veggies for dinner i eat skyr for breakfast its an icelandic low fat highprotein dairy product i eat eggs or chicken for launch and maybe some fruit inbetween if i have time for a break in my job usually dont but i eat bananas, apples and pears inbetween

  5. #5
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by siggzor View Post
    my diet is usually no bread but i eat about 2 chicken breasts with veggies for dinner i eat skyr for breakfast its an icelandic low fat highprotein dairy product i eat eggs or chicken for launch and maybe some fruit inbetween if i have time for a break in my job usually dont but i eat bananas, apples and pears inbetween
    That's a decent breakfast. What about the rest of the day?

  6. #6
    siggzor is offline New Member
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    it cant be fake its dooing wonders for my friends we have it in the same bag so theyre not scamming me 100% on that

  7. #7
    siggzor is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    That's a decent breakfast. What about the rest of the day?
    so your indicating im eating to little?

  8. #8
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by siggzor View Post
    it cant be fake its dooing wonders for my friends we have it in the same bag so theyre not scamming me 100% on that
    well your doing over 5 times the normal dosages and seeing no results. Diet does matter but i that much steroids even with a bad diet you would see changes including side effects. What you are doing is not smart
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  9. #9
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by siggzor View Post
    so your indicating im eating to little?
    Gear does not make you gain like magic. Food does. You need to fix your diet. And to be honest, by the way you are running gear, you really have only one choice at this stage. Stop. Stop what you're doing because whoever is advising you on these dosages is completely clueless and is doing you more harm than good.

    Visit the nutrition section and post your detailed diet. Let the guys there critique and tweak it for you. You should never cycle before you learn how to eat. Those who know how to eat can grow naturally and do not feel the need to cycle as often and most certainly not with heavy dosages.

    Best of luck to you. Fix your diet.

  10. #10
    siggzor is offline New Member
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    yeah my friends are used to this theyve been dooing this for a long time and theyve always been on this dosage but i am experincing some joint pains and achne

  11. #11
    austinite's Avatar
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    Gix has a good point. That much gear will do SOMETHING to just about anyone. Just because you're getting a couple of sides doesn't make it legit.

  12. #12
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    It doesnt look like you are eating enough. Do you know what your daily macros are?

  13. #13
    siggzor is offline New Member
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    well my friends have gained up to 10kg in month on the same stuff and same diet and same exercise.

    but about my diet since you tell me im dooing it wrong i would like to have a little idea about wht is wrong about it
    1 meal 500gr of skyr has 50gr of protein in it no fat
    2 meal 3-400gr of chicken breasts rice and veggies
    3meal usually dont have time for it cause of work so its only a shake and fruits
    4 meal 4-500gr of chicken breasts veggies and potatos
    5 meal shake before sleep either made of skyr and fruits 500ml or if im lazy a regular protein shake

    this diet has helped me gain 24kg in about 3 years but im open to learning more about everything dont think i will stop the cycle though ill lower the dosage though and try and fix the diet

  14. #14
    siggzor is offline New Member
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    i dont know what macros are?

  15. #15
    Shsm is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by siggzor
    i dont know what macros are?

  16. #16
    siggzor is offline New Member
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    English is not my first language so i'm used to the terms in my own language so what is it macros that is

  17. #17
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    head over to the diet forum bro! You have the right idea with the 5 meals but i would up that to 6 meals per day and make sure you have protein and carbs with meals 1-4 and have protein greens and fats with meals 6-7 and probably greans added to meal 3. The gurus over there can help you get the macros set up to your caloric needs. With out getting your diet personalized you will never be able to completely control your abilty to gain and loose weight. Trust me when i say once you get it dialed in it becomes very easy to be in control of your weight.
    Quote Originally Posted by siggzor View Post
    well my friends have gained up to 10kg in month on the same stuff and same diet and same exercise.

    but about my diet since you tell me im dooing it wrong i would like to have a little idea about wht is wrong about it
    1 meal 500gr of skyr has 50gr of protein in it no fat
    2 meal 3-400gr of chicken breasts rice and veggies
    3meal usually dont have time for it cause of work so its only a shake and fruits
    4 meal 4-500gr of chicken breasts veggies and potatos
    5 meal shake before sleep either made of skyr and fruits 500ml or if im lazy a regular protein shake

    this diet has helped me gain 24kg in about 3 years but im open to learning more about everything dont think i will stop the cycle though ill lower the dosage though and try and fix the diet

  18. #18
    siggzor is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    head over to the diet forum bro! You have the right idea with the 5 meals but i would up that to 6 meals per day and make sure you have protein and carbs with meals 1-4 and have protein greens and fats with meals 6-7 and probably greans added to meal 3. The gurus over there can help you get the macros set up to your caloric needs. With out getting your diet personalized you will never be able to completely control your abilty to gain and loose weight. Trust me when i say once you get it dialed in it becomes very easy to be in control of your weight.
    yeah thank you for that my problem has always been time at work i have a 10 hour work day and i takes another 2 hours gettin to and from work so my time to eat is very limited but ill see what people say at the other forum

  19. #19
    BBJT200's Avatar
    BBJT200 is offline Senior Member
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    Macros is short for macro-nutrients.

    Carbohydrates, protein, lipid/fat.

    My suggestions:
    drop the potatoes and eat sweet potatoes.
    If you're eating white rice, go to long grain brown rice.
    Find out how many calories you are actually eating every day. Your diet is way too vague to have any predictable change. Change, maybe...but Use a BMR calculator to figure out what you should be eating each day for maintenance, and if you're looking to gain muscle, go 500+cals over maintenance, if you're looking to trim down, 500 below maintenance.

    Stop the cycle and do PCT. You're doing your body more harm than benefit right now.

  20. #20
    siggzor is offline New Member
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    i usually eat sweet potatoes i don't like the regular once but i eat the white rice ill try and switch that out. but since im doing this with my friends that have done this alot id t least like to explain why i should quit since theyre dooing the same with great results but im taking everything here in consideration

  21. #21
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by siggzor
    i dont know what macros are?
    This is one of many of your problems. How do you expect to accomplish anything when you don't even understand the basics!?! Steroids aren't magic - too many people don't understand this. If all it took was injecting yourself or popping a few pills to gain lean mass and look good, everyone would have a much easier time! Hell, why workout or eat properly if all it took was some steroids? It's simply untrue. You will ONLY achieve your goals when you have the right nutrition plan with the correct macros, a training program tailored to your goals (gaining OR cutting), and THEN after these two basic pieces are developed, use of a proper steroid cycle to support your goals.

    What your friends have or have not done is irrelevant. You are telling us you are taking large doses of gear and seeing no results. You have already received great advice here. If you're not going to listen and instead, keep referring to your friends and what they've achieved, go ask THEM why you're not getting results.

  22. #22
    BBJT200's Avatar
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    Since it appears that you don't really know anything about the steroid profiles yourself, it is unwise to use them.

    You could end up permanently shutting down your natural testosterone production and going bald by using steroids both incorrectly and at high doses. You're playing with knives, and you're putting your well being in your buddies' hands. Not a good idea.

  23. #23
    siggzor is offline New Member
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    yeah like i sayd id take this all under advicement but i wasnt going to stop with out a little more explaining i know what macros are in my language i know a thing or two about nutrition but i have to admit my steroid information has mostly come from what i learn from my friends and i really thought they knew what they were dooing but ill start PCT and educate my self more before the next cycle but ive made great progress with my body without steroids but the last 6-8months i just hit a rock and havnt made alot off progress so i took my friends advice theyve always seemed to know what they were doing and where we got this from told me he used 2 of the test and one of dec every 3-4days so my friends seemed to be doing the same but just if anyone would clear it out for me since 50mg of winstrol every other day for a month and than 2 of test every3-4 days after that is to much how much should i have done so i can see the mistake i will read more about this no doubt im not stupid but this is all comming as a shock to me and since all of you seem to agree i will not question this anymore.

  24. #24
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    average test dose is 500mg a week
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  25. #25
    siggzor is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    average test dose is 500mg a week
    ok what about the winstrol that i was on first?

  26. #26
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    winny dose was ok at 50mg eod. But you will not see results of winny unless you are already lean.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  27. #27
    siggzor is offline New Member
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    ok thank you last question than im done. how long should i wait before next cycle? i will educate my self alot before that and wont take just anyones word about what i should be dooing

  28. #28
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    time on cycle + pct time = time off
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  29. #29
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    time on cycle + pct time = time off
    Awesome Gixx.

  30. #30
    BBJT200's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by siggzor View Post
    ok thank you last question than im done. how long should i wait before next cycle? i will educate my self alot before that and wont take just anyones word about what i should be dooing
    Very glad to hear this. Good luck in your future endeavors!

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