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Thread: hi newbie here

  1. #1
    marv221288 is offline New Member
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    hi newbie here

    Im 23 5'10 and weigh 11.4 stone...... Just got back into trainin after 18 m out, got medtech tt300 and deca300 doin 1.5 ml of each monday and thursday.... I need a diet plan startin from breakfast rite thru to supper..... How many shakes I should have and please if you could make the times to eat specific.......... Thanks fellas any advice is a boost in my eyes

  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    bro stop what you are doing. First your taking way to much, you just got back into training so there is no need to jump on steroids right away. Get back into shape first. You have no diet. Whats the point of taking this when you arent ready? you mention no ai that you are using. And do you have a pct?
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    JohnnnyBlazzze's Avatar
    JohnnnyBlazzze is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    This would be best in the nutrition section bud!

    People will help you but probably nobody will build you a specific diet!

  4. #4
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Starting AAS a little early, and w/no diet makes things even worse. As mentioned, hold off on cycle. too much going on for a first one regardless of age.

    Spend some time here:

  5. #5
    TOkidd is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    bro stop what you are doing. First your taking way to much, you just got back into training so there is no need to jump on steroids right away. Get back into shape first. You have no diet. Whats the point of taking this when you arent ready? you mention no ai that you are using. And do you have a pct?
    Gotta agree with gixxer here. If you just started training again, you shouldn't be jumping right back on to steroids . You need about 6 months to get back into shape. And you really have to have your diet figured out BEFORE you start with the gear.

    If this is primarily a diet question, then the Diet Forum is where you need to go, but rather than posting, reading the stickies and other posts will give you more than enough information to plan your diet. But really, if you just started your cycle, I'd stop NOW, get your diet in order, hit the gym for a few months and then when everything is dialed in and you're ready, then re-start your cycle. Nobody here is trying to be a dick or anything, we're just trying to help you so you get the most out of your cycle. I mean, the sh1t's expensive, tough to get, has plenty of nasty side effects; plus, you have to train harder and eat more than you ever have in your life. It's best to spend this time and effort when it will pay off most.



  6. #6
    marv221288 is offline New Member
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    I havrnt started them yet which is a bonus thats y I asked for a specific diet from some of u guys, I wanna get a good wating routine 1st, ill leave tgw gear for a good 6-8 weeks till im happy with my diet and get some painstakeing sessions at the gym in, my friends tell me of what I call 'an old wifes tale' its called muscle memory'

  7. #7
    TOkidd is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marv221288 View Post
    I havrnt started them yet which is a bonus thats y I asked for a specific diet from some of u guys, I wanna get a good wating routine 1st, ill leave tgw gear for a good 6-8 weeks till im happy with my diet and get some painstakeing sessions at the gym in, my friends tell me of what I call 'an old wifes tale' its called muscle memory'
    Glad to hear you haven't started yet. I don't know much about tren dosing, so I'll let others comment on your dosing, but I think taking tren and deca at the same time is not too common because it's very risky for progesterone sides. I think the tren and test together is plenty.

    You're being smart by putting off the cycle until you have your diet straight, but instead of waiting 6-8 weeks, I'd do 6 months of hard training and good eating before running the cycle.

    I'm assuming you have a good AI on hand, and proper PCT all planned out. Are you running HCG ?
    Last edited by TOkidd; 09-10-2012 at 12:16 PM.

  8. #8
    marv221288 is offline New Member
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    May sound silly but what is hgc? Im awaiting on my pct peoducts now, a friend who is getting em for me said a name what I cant remwmber but he is a diehard bb so I have faith in him

  9. #9
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marv221288 View Post
    May sound silly but what is hgc? Im awaiting on my pct peoducts now, a friend who is getting em for me said a name what I cant remwmber but he is a diehard bb so I have faith in him
    Don't have faith in a friend when it comes to this. You need to find out what the pct products are and how to run them. Post here for feed back

  10. #10
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marv221288 View Post
    May sound silly but what is hgc? Im awaiting on my pct peoducts now, a friend who is getting em for me said a name what I cant remwmber but he is a diehard bb so I have faith in him
    You should really know the answers to all these questions before using steroids through doing research and reading.Do not rely on other peoples seat of the pants approach.

  11. #11
    marv221288 is offline New Member
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    Hi just spoke to my pal he said clomid or novadex he will he giving me

  12. #12
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marv221288 View Post
    Hi just spoke to my pal he said clomid or novadex he will he giving me
    for pct that is correct. however, I feel you should educate yourself when it comes to everything you are going to put into your body. Just because someone is a friend that doesnt help. (he may be ognorant about aas also) and just cause he is big or a bb as you said, this doesnt mean he knows aas or research chems. good luck and props for asking questions

  13. #13
    marv221288 is offline New Member
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    This is why I like this page, ill inform u on what he informs me then I can bw sure his knowlage isnt bollox lol, hes a dexter wen it cones to the gym tho , thanks again what are beat product for me to use ue whey orotien brands and other useful products

  14. #14
    TOkidd is offline Productive Member
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    All these guys are right about educating yourself a little more about what you're taking. The fact that you were going to combine Deca and Tren , and that you don't know much about the PCT drugs your friend is getting you, or anything about HCG tells me you need to do A LOT of reading. All the infrmation is on this site, so you should get started. This is important stuff. Steroids are not to be toyed with - they can really f*ck up your body (permanently) if you don't take them properly, and are practically useless if your diet and training aren't on point. Don't take this stuff lightly, man, or you could be making the biggest mistake of your life.

    That said, do some reading about tren (including the side effects, which are pretty severe compared to other compounds), and about test. Head over to the PCT section and learn about Clomid and Nolvadex , when to take it and at what dose. Then learn about aromatase inhibitors or AI's, which you will need to take throughout your cycle to prevent gyno and other estrogen-related side efffects. Arimidex is probably the most commonly used, and from experience I can tell you it's a very effective drug. Learn about it, then get some BEFORE you start your cycle.

    Also do some reading about HCG. It's relatively new to the world of steroids, so there is a lot of conflicting information out there. Still, see how the majority of other experienced steroid users are using it, and post questions if necessary.

    Do yourself a favor and get educated before you even think about cracking one of those vials. Get your diet sorted out, spend some time in the gym biulding muscle naturally, wait at least six months (more, if you have less than four years of training) and only then consider using the gear you have.

    Last edited by TOkidd; 09-10-2012 at 01:37 PM.

  15. #15
    marv221288 is offline New Member
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    Your the man..... U say arimaldex or what eva its calld, is that easy to purchase?

  16. #16
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by marv221288 View Post
    Your the man..... U say arimaldex or what eva its calld, is that easy to purchase?
    you can get it from ar-r the banner up top
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  17. #17
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Sounds like you made a rookie mistake. I did too. Why did you get gear without coming to a place like this first to research? And why get the compounds first without knowing the correct protocol? Be safe and take advice with stride here. These guys are the best! Good luck?

  18. #18
    TOkidd is offline Productive Member
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    As gixxer said, Ar-r sells all the AI and PCT stuff you'll need. Lots of people use them, and they're supposed to be very reliable. However, if you're outside the US, customs is always an issue. Even though none of it is a scheduled drug, so it shouldn't be confiscated even if the package is searched, I don't trust the dicks at customs so you never know.

  19. #19
    marv221288 is offline New Member
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    Im from the u.k mate greatbritian ..... Ill ask around my local gyms see what they come up with and ill checi wiv u fellas 1st

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