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Thread: First cycle

  1. #1
    chrsmystr2012's Avatar
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  2. #2
    stocky121's Avatar
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    read the rules no source posting please edit your post
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    keep all source request's to PM'S please

    someone once said to me a clever man learn's by his own mistake's. But a wise man learn's by the mistake's of other people.

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    at least 45 day's active use and 100 posts for a source check
    unsure about the rule's please read up
    thread for first cycle choices


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    chrsmystr2012's Avatar
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    Last edited by chrsmystr2012; 05-20-2015 at 11:09 AM.

  4. #4
    kronik420's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chrsmystr2012 View Post
    Ordered dbol and deca from bs and test e . Is it a good cycle? Im 22 145 pds 10-12bf tryna get big. Is there gear legit ? Heard great things from them
    go to the kitchen and EAT, forget about using AAS for a few years.

  5. #5
    austinite's Avatar
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    Welcome. Please read the article below...

  6. #6
    btern's Avatar
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    read the rules, and wouldnt u make sure your stack is ok before you purchased it? your too young for aas anyway. research a few more years!

  7. #7
    TOkidd is offline Productive Member
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    Sigh. Why do people think steroids are the answer to smallness? They are not. Steroids are only useful to long-training, heavy eating, well-researched individuals who want to take their physique to the next level. They are not the first step, or even the second or third step in obtaining a killer physique. Most users of AAS train for years before they consider a cycle. I would say 2 years of heavy training and proper eating is advisable before doing your first cycle.

    Dude, please listen to me - visit the Diet Forum, then the Lifting Techniques Forum and while you are stuffing your face with boneless, skinless chicken breast with whole wheat pasta READ! READ! READ! It's not too late to avoid making a mistake. You need to put on lots of lean muscle mass and do some heavy research before you consider steroids.

    I know you sre about to make a mistake because your bodyweight is way low, and there is no testosterone in your cycle - which should be the only thing in a first cycle. This means you haven't done your research, and you probably just started lifting, or think gear is an easy way to put on a good "base" of muscle quickly.

    The fact is, doing a cycle is complicated and potentially risky endeavour that requires hours of research, and is best suited for dedicated lifters 25 years-old and older who have already spent at least a couple years busting their a*ses in the gym and the kitchen, and want to take their physique to the next level. You don't have to have a perfect body to take steroids, but you do need to have experience in the gym and the kitchen, hours spent reading, and a decent base of muscle and strength.

    Please reconsider your planned cycle and start hitting the gym, start eating like a bodybuilder, and start reading about other members' first cycles.

  8. #8
    ShortStack 1984 is offline New Member
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    Damn it...maim starting to stress this website...y'all are harsh here lmao

  9. #9
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TOkidd View Post
    Sigh. Why do people think steroids are the answer to smallness? They are not. Steroids are only useful to long-training, heavy eating, well-researched individuals who want to take their physique to the next level. They are not the first step, or even the second or third step in obtaining a killer physique. Most users of AAS train for years before they consider a cycle. I would say 2 years of heavy training and proper eating is advisable before doing your first cycle.

    Dude, please listen to me - visit the Diet Forum, then the Lifting Techniques Forum and while you are stuffing your face with boneless, skinless chicken breast with whole wheat pasta READ! READ! READ! It's not too late to avoid making a mistake. You need to put on lots of lean muscle mass and do some heavy research before you consider steroids.

    I know you sre about to make a mistake because your bodyweight is way low, and there is no testosterone in your cycle - which should be the only thing in a first cycle. This means you haven't done your research, and you probably just started lifting, or think gear is an easy way to put on a good "base" of muscle quickly.

    The fact is, doing a cycle is complicated and potentially risky endeavour that requires hours of research, and is best suited for dedicated lifters 25 years-old and older who have already spent at least a couple years busting their a*ses in the gym and the kitchen, and want to take their physique to the next level. You don't have to have a perfect body to take steroids, but you do need to have experience in the gym and the kitchen, hours spent reading, and a decent base of muscle and strength.

    Please reconsider your planned cycle and start hitting the gym, start eating like a bodybuilder, and start reading about other members' first cycles.
    This is great advise. Please listen. And learn

  10. #10
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShortStack 1984 View Post
    Damn it...maim starting to stress this website...y'all are harsh here lmao
    Harsh? Harsh? What do you think is harsh getting advise you don't want to hear?
    Or being on TRT for the rest of your life?

  11. #11
    ShortStack 1984 is offline New Member
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    Ha relax brother it's called sarcasm. Rest easy the advice is warranted and very knowledgeable. Just here for the ride. Not making problems right off the bat.

  12. #12
    TOkidd is offline Productive Member
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    Not trying to be harsh, man. We're all trying to help you out. Many of us have been around and know someone who did steroids before they were ready, or read the posts of people who did steroids before they were ready.

    I knew a guy when I was in high school who did a Deca / Dbol cycle at age 18 with very little gym experience and no idea how to eat properly. He was a little overweight at the time, and during the Dbol portion of his cycle he looked like the Pillsbury Doughboy. Still, he thought he looked awesome and started wearing muscle shirts within a couple weeks. By the end of his cycle he had had actually lost some of his BF (mostly from the cardio he was doing), but looked the same way he would have looked after two months of training: a little more definition, some more strength, but that's it. Nobody bothered to ask him if he was having trouble "down there" 'cause we were too young and stupid to know that his choice of steroids would shut down his natural testosterone completely, or that he was 7 years too young to even be dabbling in the stuff.

    On the other hand, at 18 I also weighed about 145, but was 6'2". I was skinny as hell and wanted to put on muscle. I read Arnold's Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding cover-to-cover many times over, joined a gym and started eating more. Within a year I was 165 and could bench 185. I went away to university the next year and continued my training. My gains kept increasing, and when I was 23 I was 185 at about 10% BF. The point is, even without the benefits of a proper bodybuilding diet I managed to make significant gains in size and strength in a relatively short time. If you dig through the posts here, you will see amazing stories of transformation where guys who were skinny like I was put on heaps of muscle in less than a year through serious eating and proper training. The before and after photos would make you think they had definitely done a cycle, but it's all natural.

    The point is, if you do a cycle now, any increase in LBM and strength you experience will be small and fleeting. However, if you take the time to start eating properly, training properly, and give your body a chance to gain naturally for a year or two, your first cycle (which should be testosterone-only) will REALLY make a lasting difference.

    Sometimes people here come off as being harsh, but we see so many people coming through here starting cycles that make no sense when they're clearly not ready for ANY cycle. It gets frustrating trying to convince people that steroids are not going to make them huge. Hard work and proper training will make you huge. Steroids will help once you're ready. Before that, you're just playing Russian Roulette with yor endocrine system for minimal gains.
    Last edited by TOkidd; 09-14-2012 at 07:16 AM.

  13. #13
    swollix is offline Junior Member
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    You need to do a few years blast and cruising with foodalone enanthate ...

  14. #14
    bigZthedestroyer's Avatar
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    Whats your training experience?? Current diet??

  15. #15
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    Last edited by chrsmystr2012; 05-20-2015 at 11:04 AM.

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  17. #17
    JohnnnyBlazzze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chrsmystr2012 View Post
    143 grams of protein per day and all lean meats veg and tons of cardio
    You need far more protein. Also cardio is counter-productive for weight gain.

    Eat more, Lift Heaver, Run Less.

  18. #18
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    Last edited by chrsmystr2012; 05-20-2015 at 11:05 AM.

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    Last edited by chrsmystr2012; 05-20-2015 at 11:06 AM.

  20. #20
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chrsmystr2012 View Post
    143 grams of protein per day and all lean meats veg and tons of cardio
    I would take that protein to 200. If your BF is truly 12% and you weigh 145 that is.

  21. #21
    JohnnnyBlazzze's Avatar
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    When you're trying to gain weight 1.5g protein x bodyweight should suffice. It's not just protein my man, I highly recommend checking out the nutrition section, It's all about diet!

  22. #22
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    Last edited by chrsmystr2012; 05-20-2015 at 11:03 AM.

  23. #23
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    Last edited by chrsmystr2012; 05-20-2015 at 11:03 AM.

  24. #24
    TOkidd is offline Productive Member
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    Make sure only about 90g of your total protein intake comes from whey or another powder supplement. The remaining 110 grams (ideally more) should come from food.

  25. #25
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    best suited for dedicated lifters 25 years-old and older who have already spent at least a couple years busting their a*ses in the gym and the kitchen, and want to take their physique to the next level. You don't have to have a perfect body to take steroids, but you do need to have experience in the gym and the kitchen, hours spent reading, and a decent base of muscle and strength. [QUOTE]

    i agree with the point your trying to make, but i think this statement kind of contradicts itself. i mean, i would think MOST people who have "spent at least a couple years busting their a*ses in the gym and the kitchen" should have a body damn near perfect. everybody says to get below 15% BF before is it possible to be under 15% and NOT have a perfect body?? i guess it depends on your idea of perfect. but i would say under 15% is pretty damn lean, and usually is a pretty fit body. so to say you don't need a perfect body to take steroids sorta translates into you don't need to be under 15% to start a cycle. just being the devils advocate here....what kind of body would you expect someone to have after hitting the gym consistantly for 2 years and eating clean/correctly? and what do you mean by "don't have to have a perfect body"....please describe this non-perfect body which would be acceptable for steroid use ?? 99.9% of the members on here basically indicate that you DO need a perfect body before using AAS, which is why i think this needs clarification.

  26. #26
    TOkidd is offline Productive Member
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    I'll give you my opinion. But before I do, please remember that if you had a perfect body you wouldn't need to take steroids . Also, you're making logical deductions that aren't necessarily true. You're making all kinds of assumptions to get from point A to point B, the main one being that 15% BF is some kind of magic number. Ask a professional bodybuilder if 15% BF is lean in their opinion. Ask a power lifter if they really give a damn whether they have 15% or 18% or 20% BF. Does that mean they shouldn't take steroids?
    15% BF and two years in the gym will look very different on different people. They're really both arbitrary numbers, but they generally mean you've put some work in and will actually achieve enough gains from the cycle to make the side effects worth it. Not everyone wants to be huge and completely shredded, but they still might want to take steroids to help them increase their LBM and/or strength. All that matters is that the person has enough experience to make the most of the experience. In the end, no one on this site or anywhere else can judge their success, and whatever 99.9% of posters think is irrelevant to the guy who did a cycle and is happy with his gains. I think a lot of the veterans have unrealistic expectations for where people should be when they start a cycle. I doubt that many of them had the stats they recommend for others when they did their first cycle.

    I'm not as strict in my thinking as many veterans. I've heard posters saying you should be able to bench at least 300 pounds before you do a cycle. Some guys can train their whole lives and never bench 300 pounds simply because their chest is a genetic weak-point and their bodies aren't built to bench that kind of weight. Does that mean they won't benefit from a cycle? Perhaps they could care less if they ever lift 300 pounds. It all depnds on the person's goals, their expectations and their genetics. Setting arbitrary restrictions like 15% BF or no cycle for you is generally done by people who have been taking steroids for years and already have great physiques. They don't realize that only a small percentage of sterlids users want to look like Arnold any professional BB.

    So, no you don't have to have a perfect body to take steroids IMO. And I don't care if you have 15% or 18% BF. But I do think it's important for a person to have spent a couple years in the gym, learning to lift and eat properly simply because taking AAS without this experience isn't worth the sides. Perfection is subjective and not everyone seeks it. But many of us seek better physiques and we turn to steroids for help getting there.

  27. #27
    Full_Auto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TOkidd View Post
    Full Auto:

    I'll give you my opinion. But before I do, please remember that if you had a perfect body you wouldn't need to take steroids . Also, you're making logical deductions that aren't necessarily true. You're making all kinds of assumptions to get from point A to point B, the main one being that 15% BF is some kind of magic number. Ask a professional bodybuilder if 15% BF is lean in their opinion. Ask a power lifter if they really give a damn whether they have 15% or 18% or 20% BF. Does that mean they shouldn't take steroids?
    15% BF and two years in the gym will look very different on different people. They're really both arbitrary numbers, but they generally mean you've put some work in and will actually achieve enough gains from the cycle to make the side effects worth it. Not everyone wants to be huge and completely shredded, but they still might want to take steroids to help them increase their LBM and/or strength. All that matters is that the person has enough experience to make the most of the experience. In the end, no one on this site or anywhere else can judge their success, and whatever 99.9% of posters think is irrelevant to the guy who did a cycle and is happy with his gains. I think a lot of the veterans have unrealistic expectations for where people should be when they start a cycle. I doubt that many of them had the stats they recommend for others when they did their first cycle.

    I'm not as strict in my thinking as many veterans. I've heard posters saying you should be able to bench at least 300 pounds before you do a cycle. Some guys can train their whole lives and never bench 300 pounds simply because their chest is a genetic weak-point and their bodies aren't built to bench that kind of weight. Does that mean they won't benefit from a cycle? Perhaps they could care less if they ever lift 300 pounds. It all depnds on the person's goals, their expectations and their genetics. Setting arbitrary restrictions like 15% BF or no cycle for you is generally done by people who have been taking steroids for years and already have great physiques. They don't realize that only a small percentage of sterlids users want to look like Arnold any professional BB.

    So, no you don't have to have a perfect body to take steroids IMO. And I don't care if you have 15% or 18% BF. But I do think it's important for a person to have spent a couple years in the gym, learning to lift and eat properly simply because taking AAS without this experience isn't worth the sides. Perfection is subjective and not everyone seeks it. But many of us seek better physiques and we turn to steroids for help getting there.
    I couldn't agree with u more, thank u!!! Just wanted you to expand a little more on what u were trying to say. I can't stand when people post stats and automatically get flamed and deemed "unsuitable" for AAS. Every situation, every person is unique. There is a responsible and irresponsible way to use AAS, no matter how lean a person may be. Nobody's starting BF% should be an indication to a bunch of complete strangers of whether or not they are "ready" for AAS. There's plenty of people who have waited until they get to that pre-determined BF % and still completely **** up a cycle, and themselves, cuz they are idiots...not cuz they may carry a little extra fat. The more prepared you are to execute the cycle all the way through, including into POST PCT, the better the results will be for sure.

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