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  1. #1
    nicholaskane is offline New Member
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    First cycle much appreciated

    Hi all, new member about to do first cycle.
    I've spent the last few months doing a ton of research, speaking to users etc ..have a masters in physio and honers in physiology - please don't flame me I'm just asking for some honest advice from users.

    I'm 29 and have been training for about 12 years. 180cms, 82kgs/182lbs. Not sure on BF but it's lowish I'm reasonably lean.

    I want to go on the conservative side of the scale and I am also paranoid about hair loss and sides generally. So, I have chosen my dosages/AAS etc to reflect this. I have no interest in getting huge - 5kgs/10-12lbs LBM would be plenty. I eat and train well. Part of this is out of curiosity and interest in AAS. I can honestly say it will be my only cycle (really!). That said I want to try keep as much of my gains as possible. I'm tossing up b/w test only or test with EQ. I considered EQ with anavar for the last 4-6 weeks but the price I can get anavar for is outrageous.

    Here are my two options;

    OPTION 1.
    - 500mg/wk EQ, 12 weeks (potentially to 600 mid cycle)
    - 300mg/wk test E, 12 weeks (potentially to 400 mid cycle) - note: ideally finish with test prop (due to half life).

    - PCT; starting 15 days after last shot (nova 40/40/20/20, clomid 100/100/50/50).

    - HCG - any help here would be appreciated. I was thinking ~300iu EOD during the cycle.
    - Finasteride 0.5-1mg ED
    - Arimidex (on stand by just in case)

    OPTION 2.
    - Test E 400mg 12wks
    - PCT; starting 15 days after last shot (nova 40/40/20/20, clomid 100/100/50/50).

    - HCG - any help here would be appreciated. I was thinking ~300iu EOD during the cycle.
    - Finasteride 0.5-1mg ED
    - Arimidex (on stand by just in case)

    1. Ive never used before, do I keep it ultra simple and just use test? I know it's a lowish dose but as I see it, it's already probably 4x my natural level and I'm not after massive gains. Any strong reasons to go the test with EQ route?

    2. Can anyone see anything drastically wrong with these cycles or anything else I've mentioned. I'm really open and appreciative of your guys input.

    3. Does my PCT plan seem ok?


  2. #2
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    There isn't much of a point to only do one cycle. If this truly is your plan I would advise you to train naturally and get to where you want to be. Cycling is something that needs to be consistently done to maintain and further your gains. Most cases when people do one cycle they lose all their gains and the only thing they accomplished is disturbing their HPTA.

  3. #3
    nicholaskane is offline New Member
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    Thanks sworder I can definitely understand that. I guess a big part of this for me is curiosity. I've always wanted to see what AAS's can actually achieve. I chose EQ because I've read and been told (although this could be completely false) that the gains are somewhat maintainable. If there's actually a difference in this area between these two cycles - I'd have no idea! If I did lose all the gains - I honestly wouldn't be that concerned. I once competed as a pro surfer so extra weight is not super handy! And I'm a competitive boxer now so staying in a weight class is also handy! That said, a few extra kgs of quality muscle would be nice

  4. #4
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    EQ personally I feel is one of the weakest steroids anabolically. It can come handy if you have a squeaky door though!

    The notion that muscle is more maintainable with certain steroids is false. Muscle built is muscle built. I don't believe there is a code in the DNA which says what AAS were used in dimer of the AR ligand to form muscle tissue. There may be other factors such as water retention which make it seem like you are losing a lot of muscle with certain steroids.

    If you are curious, yeah sure go for it. I believe you are doing more harm than good. It's your body.

    Option 2 seems better 400mg Test E and possibly stopping the Test E at week 10 and switching to test prop for week 11 and 12 so you can start PCT after 2-3 days after last test p shot. HCG 250IU twice a week should be sufficient. Looks like you have done your homework, PCT looks good!

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Very well stated sworder! IF you do it, option 2 how explained above or for the 12 wks without switching to prop. I don't suggest keeping adex on standby. Your E will rise so you will need to keep it in check. How much you require is individualistic. Read this:

    Possibly start at .25 EOD or even every 3rd day (app 60hr half-life) may work for you. You can always titrate up if needed. I didn't see it mentioned but split your T dosage in half and go every 3.5 days for more stable levels.

    Most important and few do this. Get complete BW prior to your cycle so you have good baselines for comparison purposes later.

    Good luck and welcome to the forum. Great place to learn!

  6. #6
    stpete is offline Banned
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    I agree. Option 2 is your best bet. I'd up the test to 500mgs though. And yes, you could throw the prop in, but i would recommend just keeping it the way it is. HCG 250iu's twice a week. And PCT is fine. Personally, i'd go w/100/50/25/25 on the clomid.

    Good Luck

  7. #7
    nicholaskane is offline New Member
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    Great, thanks mate! Yep, I'd have to completely agree with your second sentence.

  8. #8
    nicholaskane is offline New Member
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    Thanks guys. One other thing.. If switching to test prop at week 11 and 12, should the dosage increase a little?

  9. #9
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    Week 11: 50mg Test Prop EOD
    Week 12: 100mg Test Prop EOD

  10. #10
    TOkidd is offline Productive Member
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    I don't think steroids have to be used repeatedly to be worth a try. If the poster keeps up his diet and training post-cycle, he can expect to keep at least 10 pounds of lean muscle from the experience. That's all he wants anyways.

    That said, for a first cycle I think your second option is best. You could go as high as 250mg twice weekly of test e. I personally wouldn't switch over to test prop at the end. Keep it simple and stick with the single ester.

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