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  1. #1
    NewMuscle83's Avatar
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    How long do you run mast e?

    I only have experience with mast prop. I wanted to try mast e at 400mg/week for 16 weeks my next cycle, mainly to account for "kick in" time. I want e so I can reduce injection frequency. Anyone run into problems running it that long, like over-drying joints, etc.?

  2. #2
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Sorry never it that long. But seems totally reasonable cause it will take longer to kick in.
    With lots of water I only had trouble with winn. And that was at the start middle end. Haha

  3. #3
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewMuscle83 View Post
    I only have experience with mast prop. I wanted to try mast e at 400mg/week for 16 weeks my next cycle, mainly to account for "kick in" time. I want e so I can reduce injection frequency. Anyone run into problems running it that long, like over-drying joints, etc.?
    Honestly with mast I think that it's most effective dosage is between 500-700mg per week and there is nothing wrong with running it for 12 weeks.

    As I am sure your aware it is just important that your BF% be relatively low to actaully see a marked imrovement from Mast.

    I am assuming you will run hi with Test as well? It doesnt specify in your thread and you can never assume in here.

  4. #4
    NewMuscle83's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1

    Honestly with mast I think that it's most effective dosage is between 500-700mg per week and there is nothing wrong with running it for 12 weeks.

    As I am sure your aware it is just important that your BF% be relatively low to actaully see a marked imrovement from Mast.

    I am assuming you will run hi with Test as well? It doesnt specify in your thread and you can never assume in here.
    Test and dbol . Then I'll take out dbol, lower test, and add tren . Running mast the whole time.

  5. #5
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewMuscle83 View Post
    Test and dbol. Then I'll take out dbol, lower test, and add tren. Running mast the whole time.
    Would you mind laying out your cycle including esters

  6. #6
    austinite's Avatar
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    @ 10% BF... you will love mast I'd personally run a higher dose for 12 weeks instead. You're about to marbleize yourself

  7. #7
    NewMuscle83's Avatar
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    I hate prop, and I want to reduce overall injection amount/frequency, so this is what I'm thinking.

    Week 1-8 sust 500mg/wk
    Week 1-8 dbol 40mg/ed
    Week 5-8 tren ace 350mg/wk
    Week 9-16 sust 350mg/wk
    Week 9-16 tren ace 560mg/wk

    Want to add mast e to it. Thinking 400mg/wk the whole 16 weeks, or even bump it to 600 for the last 4.

    Note, I have used all of these compounds at at least these doses before, except for mast, it was mast p.

  8. #8
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewMuscle83 View Post
    I hate prop, and I want to reduce overall injection amount/frequency, so this is what I'm thinking.

    Week 1-8 sust 500mg/wk
    Week 1-8 dbol 40mg/ed
    Week 5-8 tren ace 350mg/wk
    Week 9-16 sust 350mg/wk
    Week 9-16 tren ace 560mg/wk

    Want to add mast e to it. Thinking 400mg/wk the whole 16 weeks, or even bump it to 600 for the last 4.

    Note, I have used all of these compounds at at least these doses before, except for mast, it was mast p.
    Here is my opiniin, take it for what it's worth or at least what it cost you lol

    Dbol no longer than 5 weeks...sides can really exagerate after that and the time on orals I prefer short

    1-5 Dbol 40mg ed
    1-16 Sus 350mg ew
    6-14or15 Tren A 500-600 ew
    4-16 Mast E 500-600mg ew
    Last edited by Lunk1; 09-26-2012 at 11:50 PM.

  9. #9
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewMuscle83 View Post
    I hate prop, and I want to reduce overall injection amount/frequency, so this is what I'm thinking.

    Week 1-8 sust 500mg/wk
    Week 1-8 dbol 40mg/ed
    Week 5-8 tren ace 350mg/wk
    Week 9-16 sust 350mg/wk
    Week 9-16 tren ace 560mg/wk

    Want to add mast e to it. Thinking 400mg/wk the whole 16 weeks, or even bump it to 600 for the last 4.

    Note, I have used all of these compounds at at least these doses before, except for mast, it was mast p.
    Interesting. Why are you ramping your gear? Seems pretty old school.

  10. #10
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Here is my opiniin, take it for what it's worth or at least what it cost you lol

    Dbol no longer than 5 weeks...sides can really exagerate after that and the time on orals I prefer short

    Run your tren right from the get go 1-12 500-500mg
    Mast .............................1-12 500-600mg
    Sus................................1-16 350mg

    No reeason to ramp up later. This or you could run them all after 4 weeks on dbol so.
    1-4dbol 40mg
    4-16 mast 500mg
    4-16 test 350mg
    4-16 tren 500-600mg
    With this protocol I would run the test from day 1 for all 16 weeks.

  11. #11
    NewMuscle83's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite

    Interesting. Why are you ramping your gear? Seems pretty old school.
    Not really. All I'm ramping up is tren and that's because I'm running dbol , mast, and sust at the same time. Once dbol is dropped tren is run a little higher. I like test lower than tren that's why I reduce it.

  12. #12
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    With this protocol I would run the test from day 1 for all 16 weeks.
    Just pointing out Austin that his tren is A so your talking 12 weeks. Perhaps you already knew that.

  13. #13
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewMuscle83 View Post
    Not really. All I'm ramping up is tren and that's because I'm running dbol, mast, and sust at the same time. Once dbol is dropped tren is run a little higher. I like test lower than tren that's why I reduce it.
    I don't like ramping and I really don't like reducing although I am also of the tren high test low school.

    I am kinda partial to my cycle advis in #8

  14. #14
    austinite's Avatar
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    Hmmm. Maybe I'm confused. You're starting test @ 500 for 8 weeks (if the idea here is front-loading, it's not being done properly), then Test drops to 350 (so that you can run at lower dose than tren ), Tren, the short ester, starts 3 weeks prior to dropping the long estered test. Which is opposite of your goal.

    Anyway, I like the effort in planning, but honestly I think your panels wont like you very much on this cycle. If the goal is to let the secondary compounds do the work, I'd suggest running a steady dose of test throughout this entire cycle.

    Either way, I hope you log this cycle because I'd follow it, very interested to see your results. Best of luck.

  15. #15
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Just pointing out Austin that his tren is A so your talking 12 weeks. Perhaps you already knew that.
    I know. But dbol for 4 weeks with no test is not my pick. that's what I was pointing out.

  16. #16
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    I know. But dbol for 4 weeks with no test is not my pick. that's what I was pointing out.
    He has test 1-8 500mg week

    dbol 1-8 40mg ed

    Did I miss something??

  17. #17
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    He has test 1-8 500mg week

    dbol 1-8 40mg ed

    Did I miss something??
    Yes, you missed the part where you edited your post. I was referring to your protocol. Not his. Look up and see where I quoted you.

    This is what you originally said...

    1-4dbol 40mg
    4-16 mast 500mg
    4-16 test 350mg
    4-16 tren 500-600mg

  18. #18
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    With this protocol I would run the test from day 1 for all 16 weeks.
    I ended up editing this protocal while you were typing fingers Mcgee

  19. #19
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Yes, you missed the part where you edited your post. I was referring to your protocol. Not his. Look up and see where I quoted you.

    This is what you originally said...

    1-4dbol 40mg
    4-16 mast 500mg
    4-16 test 350mg
    4-16 tren 500-600mg
    Well that's just plain dumb hahahah

  20. #20
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    ^ lol. On that note........... good night! See yall tomorrow.

    OP, log your cycle, bro. It will be good for you and members.

  21. #21
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    16 weeks is pretty long. If you abide by time on=time off I believe in the course of a year you will have better results with cycles that are 8-12weeks.

  22. #22
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    No time on off. I'm cruising at 200 right now. I think I will keep at 350 cause I haven't noticed a huge difference at 500. I don't want to jump to 700 yet either. I will log for you guys though. I will really focus on diet this time instead of letting the drugs do the work as i usually do.

    1-16 sust 350/wk
    1-8 dbol 40 ed
    5-16 tren 560/wk
    5-16 mast e 400/wk

    May cut the dbol short if I feel it's too much. I'm 210 at 10-12 right now. Goal is 220 at 6-8. I won't start till feb and depending on blood test results next week.

  23. #23
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    Even on TRT or self-prescribed TRT it is long. A lot of bodybuilders blast in 8 week increments, 8 weeks on 2 off. This to fight myostatin levels which usually peak @ the 8 week mark. Just something to think about. Good luck!

  24. #24
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewMuscle83 View Post
    No time on off. I'm cruising at 200 right now. I think I will keep at 350 cause I haven't noticed a huge difference at 500. I don't want to jump to 700 yet either. I will log for you guys though. I will really focus on diet this time instead of letting the drugs do the work as i usually do.

    1-16 sust 350/wk
    1-8 dbol 40 ed
    5-16 tren 560/wk
    5-16 mast e 400/wk

    May cut the dbol short if I feel it's too much. I'm 210 at 10-12 right now. Goal is 220 at 6-8. I won't start till feb and depending on blood test results next week.
    I do like this better than your first proposal but I still strongly encourage you do drop the dbol after week 5 at the most, and while it's not the worst think 11 weeks of tren A is rather long. My concerne is the gains will diminish starting around 8 weeks and the sides may become more pronounced. I would consider 8 for sure and NO longer than 10.

    As Austin would be nice if you would log and update this cycle in the member cycle section. Be interesting to follow. Good Luck!

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