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  1. #1
    ali_baba is offline Junior Member
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    Why do I see no Masteron??

    Why is Masteron not a staple in almost all cycles. It seems like the ultimate ancillary drug. It is prescribed for breast cancer, so this makes it a decent anti-estrogen. It helps keep fat down. Wikipedia says it is also prescribed for high cholesterol (idk about the validity of this), and you can administer high doses safely, even in a clinical setting. Is it not used more often just because it is relatively expensive??
    Last edited by ali_baba; 09-26-2012 at 10:15 AM.

  2. #2
    Atomini's Avatar
    Atomini is offline Banned
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    Likely due to its expense, yes. I actually ran it on its own once (just for simple retention of muscle mass while cutting for something like 4-6 weeks if I can remember correctly. I thought it was a pretty good compound.

    The problem is that its not TOTALLY necessary to include it in cycles. A lot of people fear the androgenic issues of it triggering MPB (if the person is prone genetically), as that could be one of the reasons. Its expense is probably the main reason as you mentioned. I'd also like to note that although it is an aromatase inhibitor, it is not a very strong one. And if one were to run lets say 300-400mg/week of Masteron with high doses of Test and/or an aromatizable steroid like dbol or something, it just won't be strong enough to reduce enough blood plasma levels of aromatase to combat estrogenic side effects. Many people have still reported getting gyno while using Masteron with their cycles. Granted, heavier doses of the aromatizable steroids must be necessary for that. In such a case, one should much rather spend the money on a real primary AI such as Aromasin or Arimidex instead, in order to have peace of mind that estrogen is really under control.

    In conclusion, I would personally include it in far more cycles if it was cheaper on the market. But its just not necessary in most cases considering the cost. I'd rather run Testosterone at TRT doses to minimize/eliminate estrogen and just simply run a higher dose of an anabolic with it that doesn't aromatize (Trenbolone , Nandrolone , Winstrol , etc.). Essentially, most would say that Masteron really only holds its place as a staple compound for those who are competing, especially when used in a pre-contest stack.

  3. #3
    ali_baba is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for that answer Atomini, that was pretty thorough. If only everyone posted like that haha

  4. #4
    Atomini's Avatar
    Atomini is offline Banned
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    No problem. I also want to add that IF and only IF you can get to a low enough bodyfat %, Masteron can really bring out muscle definition and 'hardness' (I hate using that term because it really means nothing) even more. Essentially, for the competitive bodybuilder, Masteron really only provides an enhanced aesthetic capability. Some say it assists in burning fat due to its androgenic capability, some say that it gives that extra aggression and drive in the gym for the same reason. But both of those can be achieved at far greater degrees with something like Trenbolone or Anavar . Masteron is good for 3 things:

    1. As a decent aromatase inhibitor, given moderate doses of aromatizable AAS in the same stack
    2. Binding to SHBG in order to allow other AAS in the same stack to be more 'free' to do their job in binding to receptors in muscle cells (this is actually a VERY good role for Masteron as a supportive compound, but there are plenty of other AAS that do the same thing)
    3. Aesthetic enhancing effect for those who are hitting very low bodyfat %. It brings out more vascularity, more definition, and a better '3D' look to the muscles. This is really of very little value for the average AAS user in the gym and only really benefits those who are competing.

  5. #5
    t-dogg's Avatar
    t-dogg is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Im still debating if i want to run mast in my next cycle. Not sure if its worth it though.

  6. #6
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    I'm not sure how effective Masteron is in males for reducing estrogen anyway. Yes, its a medication that ws given to female breats cancer patients, but time and time again we have seen thats AI's and SERMs respond differently in males than females and again age impats this affect.

  7. #7
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    I'm not sure how effective Masteron is in males for reducing estrogen anyway. Yes, its a medication that ws given to female breats cancer patients, but time and time again we have seen thats AI's and SERMs respond differently in males than females and again age impats this affect.
    I like Mast as a finishing compound and it does facilitate other compounds working more efficiantly but it is not a strong enough AI that I would use it for that reason alone and I would still use an AI even with Mast in my cycle!

  8. #8
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    I'm not sure how effective Masteron is in males for reducing estrogen anyway. Yes, its a medication that ws given to female breats cancer patients, but time and time again we have seen thats AI's and SERMs respond differently in males than females and again age impats this affect.
    i agree. i've use mast before and still need to use an ai on cycle to keep my estro in the normal range. Confirmed by blood work
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  9. #9
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    ^^^Same with me. Not to mention masteron adds very little lbm. To me it's mainly an aesthetic steroid , even though it's one of my favorite compounds.

    Not sure exactly what you mean by it lowering cholesterol but it can definitely lower HDL especially when run with other androgens which is definitely something we don't want. If it can lower LDL I'd be interested to see that info......

  10. #10
    austinite's Avatar
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    Agree. I would not count on Mast to do an AI's job. Pretty low BF% is needed for mast to shine.

  11. #11
    ali_baba is offline Junior Member
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    Excerpt from wikipedia " Its main medical uses include lowering cholesterol levels and as an antineoplastic agent in the treatment of some cancers." I dont know where they get the cholesterol thing from but it would be awesome if masteron could lower cholesterol

  12. #12
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    I've never run mast by itself so I can't comment it lowering LDL but I do know that it definitely lowers my HDL more so than when I run the same compounds without it.

    I don't see how it could have any type of positive effect on lipid profile at all.......maybe swifto can chime in with a few dozen studies on it lol

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