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  1. #1
    flogan90 is offline New Member
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    conflicting information on the internet... expert help pleassee?

    hey guys im about to use for my second time, unfortunately despite my hours of research i get so much contrasting information on when to start what pct, what and how much to inject weekly as far as gear, and basically everything else. Im just gonna start from scratch on some of your experienced advice. Maybe yall could give me some pointers on how to set up my cycle, here is what i got:

    2 10 ml vials of test cypionate 300mg/ml
    2 10 ml vials of decca 300mg/ml

    1 5000 iu vial of hcg
    40 count 30mg toremifene citrate
    40 count 12.5 mg exemestane

  2. #2
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    I am just wondering if you are completely aware of the risks you are taking with your health by using steroids at 22??

  3. #3
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Can we get some stats like age, height, weight, training experience, cycle experience, bf%, diet?

    And you don't have enough to run a good cycle.

  4. #4
    AXx's Avatar
    AXx is offline AR's hose draggin' post whore~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Both the guys are right

    Not enough to run a complete cycle, also as Lunk said have you researched the risks at your age. What damage it might do to your endocrine system??

  5. #5
    greenwell001 is offline Member
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    Read grasshopper.......since you already have gear you will probably use it no matter your age, but weigh the pros and cons. Talk to some guys in the hrt section, you might have to get familiar with this if you juice before your natty hormones are mature. There are several sticky threads to give you some knowledge, but I doubt you will get any help on the open board because of your age.

  6. #6
    greenwell001 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Can we get some stats like age, height, weight, training experience, cycle experience, bf%, diet?

    And you don't have enough to run a good cycle.
    Actually you do have enough test to run a starter cycle, you need to check out pct protocols though. Ditch the Decca bro, either way it prob will not end good for you flogan, unless you read and aren't like every other 22 yo who thinks they know better than people who have tons of experience with gear and the endocrine system.

  7. #7
    flogan90 is offline New Member
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    stats: 22 years old, 5' 11" 195 lbs, been workin out for about 7 years, i believe im pretty knowledgeable on weight training, i did a cycle of test for about 6 weeks when i was like 19 and didnt even know wat pct was and didnt even do any because of that, body fat,,.. never done an official test but its very low, and as far as diet i eat as any bodyduilder does, im pretty good at sticking to the regimen. honestly guys i already bought the stuff and have no way to off it so its probably gonna happen but if you think it be better to just ditch the decca ill do that. but i dont understand how some of you say i dont have enough for a cycle while some suggest only doing test and no once again... contradiction. and if i am short,. is it on the pct, and if so is it the dosage or variety i was told i had more than enough. this is blowin my mind

  8. #8
    greenwell001 is offline Member
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    Stats don't look too bad. Let us see a pic if your for real. The stane is not for pct, the hcg is not for pct. Torem is excellent for pct but would be better if you threw in some tamox to start both systems back up. You need to understand how to get your system back up and running before you even think about shutting it down, this is key son.

  9. #9
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Seems you know wat the risks are.So you need to run test@500 mg a week for 10 to 12 weeks.Run a Ai@ .25 eod to start.HCG 250ius 2x a week. Clomid@ 100 50 50 50 Nova 50 50 25 25.Now if you dont have enough for your pct top right hand corner AR-R has everything you need.

  10. #10
    flogan90 is offline New Member
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    thanks for the advice guys, greenwell i understand the hcg will be taken during the cycle, the ai i was only gonna take during cycle if i began to develop gyno, my original question is when to start the hcg tore and exemestane, and how much and how often which has been at best answered by songdog, i just dont understatnd his time frames. also.. songdog i noticed you said nova, i assume that means novadex but i already replaced that with the tore which is the same only better from what ive researched so i dont understand why i would need that, if you could please explain further. maybe its just my rookie roid lingo, i kinda need it laid out for me with what i already have, honestly i just want you to look at what i got on my original post and write a cycle for me, thx guys, and once again i understand the risks.

  11. #11
    flogan90 is offline New Member
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    also guys if its not too much i would rather ppl only post based on personal experience not on thier research bcz ive done plenty of it im tired of controversy im getting nowhere

  12. #12
    greenwell001 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by flogan90 View Post
    also guys if its not too much i would rather ppl only post based on personal experience not on thier research bcz ive done plenty of it im tired of controversy im getting nowhere
    I don't mean to be a Dick, but if you had done your research you would know a little bit more about what your asking us to hand feed you. Start the stane ar 12.5mg eod starting with first pin, adjust accordingly. Pin 500mg of the cyp a week. 2x250 or since its dosed at 300 you could just make it easy and shoot 600 a wk. With cyp, which is pretty much the same as enan, you will start pct 14 days after last pin. Use your torem at 120/90/60/30, you should look into tamox as well. Atomini just did an outstanding thread on these two serms, find it.

  13. #13
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by greenwell001
    I don't mean to be a Dick, but if you had done your research you would know a little bit more about what your asking us to hand feed you. Start the stane ar 12.5mg eod starting with first pin, adjust accordingly. Pin 500mg of the cyp a week. 2x250 or since its dosed at 300 you could just make it easy and shoot 600 a wk. With cyp, which is pretty much the same as enan, you will start pct 14 days after last pin. Use your torem at 120/90/60/30, you should look into tamox as well. Atomini just did an outstanding thread on these two serms, find it.
    Good advice. I also agree on adding nolva to the pct
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  14. #14
    flogan90 is offline New Member
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    thanks greenwell, i dont take you for a dick but if you dont comprehend what im saying just think of any random question regarding steroid usage, google that shit and research for as long as you want i can personally guarentee you will get a jumblef^#$ of answers, its overwhelming, and honestly theres no source you can take as "the right answer" because they all claim to be written by competent personell. and once again dont know the roid lingo ... does 120/ 90/60/30 for torem mean mg and if so is each one weekly???

  15. #15
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by flogan90
    thanks greenwell, i dont take you for a dick but if you dont comprehend what im saying just think of any random question regarding steroid usage, google that shit and research for as long as you want i can personally guarentee you will get a jumblef^#$ of answers, its overwhelming, and honestly theres no source you can take as "the right answer" because they all claim to be written by competent personell. and once again dont know the roid lingo ... does 120/ 90/60/30 for torem mean mg and if so is each one weekly???
    120 a day for the first week. 90 a day for the second week and so on
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  16. #16
    greenwell001 is offline Member
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    Did you find the thread about tamox, torem and ralox that atomini posted. That is solid info.

  17. #17
    flogan90 is offline New Member
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    no i didnt what is the thread called and what subject is it under?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by flogan90 View Post
    unfortunately despite my hours of research
    This ain't studying for a pop quiz. Hours? Spend a few weeks or months reading and then you'll start to see patterns of information. Maybe even begin to recognize the names of experts in the field. Hours, huh. I spent hours researching a single compound I had absolutely no intention of using just to understand how it worked...many times. Study, study, study.

  19. #19
    flogan90 is offline New Member
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    Greenwell, once again thank you. Youve been very helpul. Just a few more questoinf for ya ... U think ill b good doing 90/60/30 on the tore i kinda shorted myself on them.also when should i pin my hcg , and how much should i shoot? And how much and when on the exeme... In your opinion

  20. #20
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Me of There View Post
    This ain't studying for a pop quiz. Hours? Spend a few weeks or months reading and then you'll start to see patterns of information. Maybe even begin to recognize the names of experts in the field. Hours, huh. I spent hours researching a single compound I had absolutely no intention of using just to understand how it worked...many times. Study, study, study.
    this ^^ and don't just settle for the answers, reaserch it yourself too so you'll have an even better understanding WHY.

    good luck.

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