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  1. #1
    Chelsea Grin is offline Junior Member
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    Exclamation Much Needed Advice and Help!

    Hey guys I'm new here and to the steroid scene and I need all the advice I can get. I'm 20 years old going on 21 and I have been training for about 4 years now. I'm 5'10 155-160 and was looking to pack on about 7-12 lbs of lean muscle mass. If I incorporate more calories into my diet maybe I can add, hopefully, a few more lbs than that.

    I was thinking about stacking Var and Creatine, specifically Kre Alkalyn. I'm well aware of the fact that Var is more of a cutting steroid, however a good amount of my friends have taken it and made some good lean gains, not to mention strength. I also figured I would go with Anavar as it is a mild steroid and one of the safer ones as this would be my first time. Moreover, I thought to stack it with Creatine and not Test since I'm still fairly young I feel, and don't know for sure how that might affect me later on, if at all.

    Basically what I'm here for is to ask you guys who have experience and more knowledge to steer me in the right direction. Sometimes you can do tons of research, but hearing out someone whose used the steroid is more beneficial. With that said, do you guys feel this is a good stack? or should I run it with Test 250? More importantly, do you think I'm just too young still to be doing my first cycle ? Believe it or not at my age just about all of my close friends have been through a cycle or two (we're from Jersey hahah) and they've cycled steroids like D-Bol and so on, but for the most part just Deca and Test 500. I've never noticed any significant side effects in them, but as for the long term that is still an unknown. Just as well my uncle did his first cycle at around 22 and today he is in his 40's and absolutely fine. I've held out on steroids for the past year or so, and I've made great gains naturally but I can't lie just going to the gym with one of my friends or talking to them about it sucks as they just tell me how much better off I'd be doing a cycle. However, that's irrelevant, I want to make an educated and informed decision so that's why I came here. Please give me the best advice as possible and help me out here. I'd really appreciate it. Thanks

  2. #2
    bigZthedestroyer's Avatar
    bigZthedestroyer is offline Anabolic Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Hey man you are to young! Your endocrine system is still maturing. Cycling before its fully matured can result in a lifetime of your body not making any testosterone at all. That means no sex drive, depression, pinning for the rtest of your life just to feel normal and lots of other things..There are plenty of members here who have experienced this. Im sure you will here from them.

    Heres a good read for you

  3. #3
    bigZthedestroyer's Avatar
    bigZthedestroyer is offline Anabolic Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    The best advice would be to learn to eat(visit the nutrition section), learn to train(form, rest time for recovery), and educate yourself on AAS. Generally the HPTA is done developing around the age of 25. If you dial in your training and diet over the next 5 years, you'll see some awesome results. I'm still natural and have seen amazing gains since I started paying attention to how important my diet was. If you take the time to do all of this, your gains will be better in the end!

  4. #4
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Var will still effect your htpa similiar to test. So yes there can be long term effects
    You should increase your calories if your looking to add weight on cycle or not.
    I do get it. From jersey also. I started at 22 with steroids . I was on hormone replacement in my late 20's and i know alot of guys in the same boat
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  5. #5
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chelsea Grin View Post
    Hey guys I'm new here and to the steroid scene and I need all the advice I can get. I'm 20 years old going on 21 and I have been training for about 4 years now. I'm 5'10 155-160 and was looking to pack on about 7-12 lbs of lean muscle mass. If I incorporate more calories into my diet maybe I can add, hopefully, a few more lbs than that. imho, this is the most important portion of this post.

    I was thinking about stacking Var and Creatine, specifically Kre Alkalyn. I'm well aware of the fact that Var is more of a cutting steroid, however a good amount of my friends have taken it and made some good lean gains, not to mention strength. I also figured I would go with Anavar as it is a mild steroid and one of the safer ones as this would be my first time. Moreover, I thought to stack it with Creatine and not Test since I'm still fairly young I feel, and don't know for sure how that might affect me later on, if at all. and this is a well considered caution. i would seriously rethink using aas at your age. youre already producing incredibly high amounts of testosterone. why shut yourself down for a little more? risk vs reward just doesn't seem worth it imho.

    Basically what I'm here for is to ask you guys who have experience and more knowledge to steer me in the right direction. Sometimes you can do tons of research, but hearing out someone whose used the steroid is more beneficial. With that said, do you guys feel this is a good stack? or should I run it with Test 250? More importantly, do you think I'm just too young still to be doing my first cycle ? Believe it or not at my age just about all of my close friends have been through a cycle or two (we're from Jersey hahah) and they've cycled steroids like D-Bol and so on, but for the most part just Deca and Test 500. I've never noticed any significant side effects in them, but as for the long term that is still an unknown. Just as well my uncle did his first cycle at around 22 and today he is in his 40's and absolutely fine. I've held out on steroids for the past year or so, and I've made great gains naturally but I can't lie just going to the gym with one of my friends or talking to them about it sucks as they just tell me how much better off I'd be doing a cycle. However, that's irrelevant, I want to make an educated and informed decision so that's why I came here. Please give me the best advice as possible and help me out here. I'd really appreciate it. Thanks
    check out this important thread by may five some idea as to what to expect later on down the road..

  6. #6
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    i just realized this is a re-post. Austinite covered this already, quit nicely actually.

  7. #7
    Chelsea Grin is offline Junior Member
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    Yeah sorry about that I just joined so I reposted this thread, because I figured I would get more feedback in the question and answer forum. Either way I appreciate the input, I will most likely hold out on steroids until 23-probably 24 which is a bit of a downer but from a long term perspective I would be better off. On a side note though is that a good stack or should the creatine be replaced with test? just curious.

  8. #8
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chelsea Grin View Post
    Yeah sorry about that I just joined so I reposted this thread, because I figured I would get more feedback in the question and answer forum. Either way I appreciate the input, I will most likely hold out on steroids until 23-probably 24 which is a bit of a downer but from a long term perspective I would be better off. On a side note though is that a good stack or should the creatine be replaced with test? just curious.
    Good call. Because you're smart enough to understand the risks, your future cycles will be successful.

  9. #9
    mojo999 is offline Associate Member
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    On the road again...
    Slowing down is a much better idea, being so young. AAS must be treated with much respect, dont rush into it. Someone here so correctly said "its a marathon not a 100 meter dash"

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