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  1. #1
    austin20 is offline New Member
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    First Cycle of Test E

    Ok so Im 22 years old, 6 foot, 190 pounds about 8 percent body fat. I have been lifting since middle school but have been seriously lifting for about the last 5 years. I am a hard gainer and I eat a a food to maintain my weight, I stick to a very strict diet. When Im gaining I can usually get to 210 with 12-14% body fat naturally. I think Im finally ready to take it to the next level and take test. My ideas for a cycle would be taking 10 weeks of Test E at 500mg. I have done a lot of research on my post cycle and know that I will need items like nolvadex , Hcg , clomid, letro, Aromasin ect. But I really don't know how much I should take or what part of my cycle I should take each with or if any are redundant and not necessary. I don't plan to do this until after new years so I will have plenty of time to learn as much I can. All suggestions are welcome.

    other questions
    -should I take Test E ED or EOD?
    -Should I take test by itself or should I run it with tren ?

  2. #2
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Have you found any info regarding possible permanent damage you might suffer if you cycle too early? Do you understand and accept those risks?

  3. #3
    paintball774 is offline Associate Member
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    i have this forum lit up with the test e cycle. a lot of what u need to know is already there. look at my former post.

  4. #4
    austin20 is offline New Member
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    Thanks a lot paintball774,
    And yes I have put a lot of time into researching the effects of steroids both positive and negative.

  5. #5
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by austin20
    Thanks a lot paintball774,
    And yes I have put a lot of time into researching the effects of steroids both positive and negative.
    Understand at 20 you could cause some permanent damage. Everyone is different but you could end up with depression, anxiety, erectile dysfunction (i. e. your dick won't work) or a loss of interest in sex (low libido). Immediate effects can include elevated heart rate, high blood pressure, bad cholesterol levels (meaning a build up of plaque clogging your arteries), bloating, acne, sore joints, injuries to tendons/ligaments, and more.

    We are just trying to make you aware of the tremendous risks of shutting your endocrine system down too soon when it hasn't fully developed and may not recover.

  6. #6
    austin20 is offline New Member
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    Damn ya that all sounds pretty serious. What would you say is the correct age for someone to start a cycle of test E? is there any other alternatives that you would recommend?

  7. #7
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Most feel that by 25 your endocrine system is fully developed. You have an immense amount of natty test at your age so there is no need to shut it down and replace it with steroids .

    The alternative at thispoint (most don't want to hear this) is proper diet and a good routine. Both can be found on this site. Use this to buid a good base and when you are at an age where steroids are less likely to cause the issues Ink mentioned above then you will get the biggest bang for your buck...until then tons of info can be found on this site

  8. #8
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1
    Most feel that by 25 your endocrine system is fully developed. You have an immense amount of natty test at your age so there is no need to shut it down and replace it with steroids .

    The alternative at thispoint (most don't want to hear this) is proper diet and a good routine. Both can be found on this site. Use this to buid a good base and when you are at an age where steroids are less likely to cause the issues Ink mentioned above then you will get the biggest bang for your buck...until then tons of info can be found on this site
    Lunk is correct. 25 is the guideline but that's not a guarantee your endocrine system will be fully mature at that point but for most people its a safe bet.

    Diet is perhaps the single most important variable for everyone - young or old - because it lays the foundation for success now and down the road. I prefer to call it nutrition because most people think of weight loss when they hear "diet". Your nutrition is essential because knowing HOW MUCH to eat and WHAT to eat will help you grow before and after any androgenics and between cycles (when you're ready) will ensure that gains are kept and not lost. Without proper nutrition and consumption, a lot of gains on cycles can (and likely will) be lost between cycles, which is why we emphasize it so much. We want to see you minimize the risks and maximize (and keep) the gains you achieve before, during, and after cycles!

  9. #9
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by rasc170 View Post
    STFU and just @ this 25+ bullshit.
    ^^^^^Hope you enjoyed your stay....stop posting all of my private videos by the way!

  10. #10
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rasc170
    STFU and just @ this 25+ bullshit.
    Good job. You just got yourself banned. 31 or 13 years old? You need to spend some time reading the forum rules and etiquette, BOY.

    Recess is over. Go back to class now and take your attitude with you.

  11. #11
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Wow, that blocking feature works great! Now I don't have to see any of the diarrhea flowing from his potty mouth!

  12. #12
    austin20 is offline New Member
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    You guys have definitely made me think. Im gonna wait a couple more years before I take this cycle. When it comes to supplements I take whey, creatine mono, casein and glutamine along with the occasional use of a pre work out, usually 1MR. other then keeping up with a good diet is there any thing else I can take supplement wise to increase gains?? Are natural pro hormones like Animal test helpful?
    Other supplements I have considered
    -Con cret
    -weight gainer
    -hydro whey
    -animal Pac (instead of the regular multivitamin that I take)

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