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Thread: New year cycle

  1. #1
    gboardman1987 is offline New Member
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    New year cycle

    Hi all i have just finished my 2nd cycle and am running PCT now so thought id run my next cycle by you just to get your valued opinions i wont b startn this cycle till about feb/march.

    Week 1 - 18 750ml test e (1.5ml on monday and friday)
    Week 1 - 16 600ml deca (1.5ml on monday and friday)
    Week 1 - 6 60mg dianabol per day
    Week 20 - 26 PCT (2 weeks 40mg nolva, 2weeks 20mg nolva and 2 weeks 10mg nolva)

    Will be running arimadex at 1mg eod throughout cycle and up to PCT and cabergoline at 0.5mg every monday and friday throughout cycle up to PCT aswel.

    This will be my 3rd cycle. 1st was test e at 500mg a week for 10 weeks. 2nd was test e at 750mg a week for 17 weeks with deca at 600mg week 5 till 15.

    My stats:

    24 (will b 25 wen i start this cycle)
    weight 182lbs
    bodyfat 10%
    Training for 6 years.

    Quick question regarding PCT is it ok to use nolva thats what am using right now and everything seems to b ok.

    Thanks for any and all advice given

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    Welcome to the board mate, great to have you here...

    Whats your reasoning for running the cycle for 18 weeks??

    Will you be having bloods taken at any stage???

    Cycle looks good however i would add clomid to your pct.....

    We have a members cycle log forum here, it would be good to see you logging this new cycle once you start it next year, it helps other learn from your experiences...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  3. #3
    packerfan12 is offline New Member
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    The test dosages seem a bit high. What is your reasoning for 750mg? Just curious. But 60 mg of dbol daily is overkill IMO youre asking for extra bloat and water weight.

  4. #4
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    How tall are you? and your doses are way to high.

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    In my opinion the cycle is way to long, longer doesnt always mean bigger or better gains but usually more sides etc. Persoanlly I would cut the cycle down. You also have to consider the recovery factor running longer cycles you may recovered fine from your previous long cycle but with out doubt it will have a negative effect on you in the long run and will get harder and harder to recover from. Why do you feel the need to run such a long cycle. Have you tried running shorter cycles 12 weeks and under?

    You will also need more than nolva for recovery, get clomid and nolva. Also hcg during the cycle and an AI

  6. #6
    btern's Avatar
    btern is offline Associate Member
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    hi mate, welcome cycle looks okay but like mentioned above why 18 weeks i would go 14 to 16 at most!! chuck in some clomid to your pct, it is similar to nolva but does work in a different way. its beleived to bind to different receptors than nolva and beleived to bring hpta back to balance faster, so with this being said both of these used in conjunction with one another make a good pct.....

  7. #7
    gboardman1987 is offline New Member
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    thanks for the responses ppl wasnt sure if it was ok to run nolva and comid at same time so thanks a lot for that.

    now to answer a couple of questions:

    1. i am 5 foot 11 totaly forgot to include that woops.
    2. test dosage totals at 750mg a week purely because my first cycle was at 500mg a week nd my 2nd at 750mg and overall i felt a lot better on 750mg recovery much better aswel as strength and fullness. suppose those are obvious effects with a higher dose really. i am open to any suggestions on altering doses of course.
    3. duration of cycle was based on reading the profile for deca on here saying that 12 weeks is minimum run time with 16 weeks being preferrd. and then would need to run the test for an additional 2 weeks after finishing deca. also ran a 10 week of test e as my first nd neva felt it 'kick in' till bout week 8. suppose dbol kick start wud rememdy this.
    4. will be getting bloods checkd before startin cycle as well as during and after cycle and agen after pct.
    5. will drop dbol down to 40mg per day which seems bit more reasonable yes?

    couple of quick questions.

    1. is hcg needed during cycle or would using it as sort of a kick start to pct at end of cycle be enough. i know i need to do sum more reading on hcg as dnt kno a great deal about it. i am working on that rigth now
    2. have read in a few places that if running more than one compound like test and deca instead of jus a single one lke test alone u dnt need as high a dosage. is this why my dosages are a little to high?

    thanks agen ppl any nd all advice much appreciated
    Last edited by gboardman1987; 10-11-2012 at 06:53 AM.

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    At 182lbs at 5ft 11" and after 2 cycles I would say your diet is in need to serious redesigning, dont take this the wrong way but whats the point in cycling to never build and maintain any of the size. You should be a lot more heavier and I would seriusly look into diets before start this cycle and get some weight on your frame.

    HCG is used during the cycle to maintain testicular size and function which in turn will aid recovery
    Your doages are to high for a 3rd cycle I would advice 500mgs of test with 400mgs of deca but most of all sort your diet out!
    Yes drop your dbol down to 40mgs for the first 6 weeks
    There is no need to run such a long cycle run the cycle for 12 to 14 at the most and drop the deca 2 weeks before the test, so eaither drop the deca at wk 10 if your going with a 12 wk cycle or wk 12 if your going for a 14wk cycle....

  9. #9
    gboardman1987 is offline New Member
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    ok thanks for the advicee ppl i hav re thought the cycle to:

    Week 1 - 14 500mg test e (1ml on monday and friday)
    Week 1 - 12 400mg deca (1ml on monday and friday)
    Week 1 - 6 40mg dianabol per day
    Week 16 - 20 PCT (10 days of 150 clomid and 40 nolva. 10 days at 100 clomid and 20 nolva. 10 days at 50 clomid and 10 nolva)

    Will be running arimadex at 1mg eod throughout cycle and up to PCT and cabergoline at 0.5mg every monday and friday throughout cycle up to PCT aswel.

    If can get hold oh HCG will run it for 10 days before the start of clomid and nolva at 500IU per day.

    quick question wot r ppls opinion/thoughts on once per week injection of test e and deca vs splitting it like i am planning.

    thanks again

  10. #10
    btern's Avatar
    btern is offline Associate Member
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    splitting them will keep your levels more stable/peaked as compared to only once a week,which will cause unstable levels...... go for 2wice a week pins!!

  11. #11
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    I used to split the injections twice weekly because it is presumed that blood levels ect will be more stable but that got me thinking why don't endo's do this?? So i switched to once weekly and found no difference in bp and outcome...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  12. #12
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    I used to split the injections twice weekly because it is presumed that blood levels ect will be more stable but that got me thinking why don't endo's do this?? So i switched to once weekly and found no difference in bp and outcome...
    Yep. Sometimes longer, too.

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