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Thread: First cycle

  1. #1
    riotz0r is offline Associate Member
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    First cycle

    Let me get my stats out of the way: I'm 28, 6'0 and 192lbs with 8.5% body fat. I've been lifting for around 5 years and I'm looking to do my first cycle. I have done a ton of research, mostly on this site and with a buddy from the gym who has cycled regularly for 4 or 5 years.

    This is the cycle I think I want to do that him and I came up with

    1-4 weeks - 30mg Dbol ED(3 separate dosages of 10mg timed throughout the day)
    1-12 weeks - Test Cypionate 500 every week(2 shots of 250 probably on Monday and Thursday)
    1-12 weeks - GP Exemestane (Aromasin )12.5mg ED

    PCT - I am going to start this 14 days after my last injection

    I plan on running PCT for 4 weeks
    Nolvadex 20mg ed for 4 weeks
    Clomid - 50mg ed for the first 2 weeks and then 25 ed for the last 2 weeks.

    Just hoping to get some opinions on this from the people on these forums who obviously know way more then I do since I am a newbie. Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by riotz0r View Post
    Let me get my stats out of the way: I'm 28, 6'0 and 192lbs with 8.5% body fat. I've been lifting for around 5 years and I'm looking to do my first cycle. I have done a ton of research, mostly on this site and with a buddy from the gym who has cycled regularly for 4 or 5 years.

    This is the cycle I think I want to do that him and I came up with

    1-4 weeks - 30mg Dbol ED(3 separate dosages of 10mg timed throughout the day)
    1-12 weeks - Test Cypionate 500 every week(2 shots of 250 probably on Monday and Thursday)
    1-12 weeks - GP Exemestane (Aromasin )12.5mg ED

    PCT - I am going to start this 14 days after my last injection

    I plan on running PCT for 4 weeks
    Nolvadex 20mg ed for 4 weeks 40/20/20/20
    Clomid - 50mg ed for the first 2 weeks and then 25 ed for the last 2 weeks.

    Just hoping to get some opinions on this from the people on these forums who obviously know way more then I do since I am a newbie. Thanks in advance
    Looks great! Added the bold to front load the Nolva. Great stats!!!

  3. #3
    riotz0r is offline Associate Member
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    Ok, will do. Thanks for the input

  4. #4
    Phased is offline Banned
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    At 192lbs I would use 40mg of dbol , minimum.
    Everything else looks good

  5. #5
    riotz0r is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah... My buddy and I talked about doing 40 or 50 but we decided to do 30 for my first cycle to see how my body reacts to the dbol ... You think bumping it up to 40 would make that big of a difference?

  6. #6
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by riotz0r View Post
    Yeah... My buddy and I talked about doing 40 or 50 but we decided to do 30 for my first cycle to see how my body reacts to the dbol... You think bumping it up to 40 would make that big of a difference?
    I agree with Phased and I actually like 50 myself but Dbol can have some affects on different ppl...perhaps start a week at 30 then bump if all is going well

  7. #7
    gymfu's Avatar
    gymfu is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I always recommend a full panel of blood work before first cycle.

    I would drop the d-bol. Really no need for it. Your first cycle of 500mg of test is going to blow you away. People like the orals because they kick in quick. But they come with a price tag, liver stress. Most likely you won't pay any long term consequences for it. But your liver enzymes will will freak out while on the dbol and you just don't get anything long term out of the dbol IMO. Like I said for your first cycle the test by itself will blow you away.

    I like the doses of your AI and test.

    I would look into second generation SERM's for your PCT and maybe add hcg .

    You have a diet planned out for this?

  8. #8
    riotz0r is offline Associate Member
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    Thats a good idea Lunk... I'll start it at 30 and see how it goes, if the bloating isn't to bad and I feel good I'll bump it to 40. I think the reason I am a little hesitant towards dbol is because my buddy has had some bad sides from it, but he was running around 50. Another reason I was staying low on the dbol is because I am on high blood pressure medication already. I have high blood pressure and have gone to a few different doctors over the past year and none of them can figure out why I have high blood pressure. I'm in good shape and my diet is very clean yet off my medication my blood pressure runs around 180/110 or so, on it its around 125/90. So I plan on taking my blood pressure almost every day while cycling to make sure it doesn't get out of control....

    gymfu-I am a certified nutritionist so the diet part is easy for me

  9. #9
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    Agree with Lunk on the nolvadex , and gymfu on the d-bol.... do you really need it on a first go round? You'll decide. The blood work is a really really good idea..

  10. #10
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by riotz0r View Post
    Thats a good idea Lunk... I'll start it at 30 and see how it goes, if the bloating isn't to bad and I feel good I'll bump it to 40. I think the reason I am a little hesitant towards dbol is because my buddy has had some bad sides from it, but he was running around 50. Another reason I was staying low on the dbol is because I am on high blood pressure medication already. I have high blood pressure and have gone to a few different doctors over the past year and none of them can figure out why I have high blood pressure. I'm in good shape and my diet is very clean yet off my medication my blood pressure runs around 180/110 or so, on it its around 125/90. So I plan on taking my blood pressure almost every day while cycling to make sure it doesn't get out of control....

    gymfu-I am a certified nutritionist so the diet part is easy for me
    Those guys know the LEAST about nutrition LOL, j/k

    You do realize that AAS will increase your BP further right??

    I had no prob at 50 mg but some complaind of bad pumps that stop them from higher doses or even using dbol at all.

  11. #11
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Test only first cycle had to say it know you will add dbol Test only

  12. #12
    riotz0r is offline Associate Member
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    lol well I personal train and write diets for some of my clients as a part time job. So whether I actually know anything is up in the air but I get paid for it and thats the important thing

    Yes I know AAS will increase it further thats why I am going to take my blood pressure ED or EOD to make sure it doesn't get out of control. I understand that everyone reacts differently to every AAS so the only way I will know is to try and see what works for me. My buddy got gyno symptoms really quick from Dbol and he bloated up a lot but he said the pumps were amazing, he said he never wanted to leave the gym. I think I will try 30 for the first 2 weeks and if my blood pressure stays low and I dont feel any sides go to 40 for the next 2 weeks... How does that sound?

  13. #13
    riotz0r is offline Associate Member
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    Ok.... So no Dbol on the first cycle? All the research I have done I haven't heard of this yet but if multiple people are saying it I guess I'll listen lol

  14. #14
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by riotz0r View Post
    lol well I personal train and write diets for some of my clients as a part time job. So whether I actually know anything is up in the air but I get paid for it and thats the important thing

    Yes I know AAS will increase it further thats why I am going to take my blood pressure ED or EOD to make sure it doesn't get out of control. I understand that everyone reacts differently to every AAS so the only way I will know is to try and see what works for me. My buddy got gyno symptoms really quick from Dbol and he bloated up a lot but he said the pumps were amazing, he said he never wanted to leave the gym. I think I will try 30 for the first 2 weeks and if my blood pressure stays low and I dont feel any sides go to 40 for the next 2 weeks... How does that sound?
    Make sure you keep close eye on that BP and it should be good. Nice thing is the short half life of dbol . It's gone quick if there are issues...just stop. Keep us posted. You can post pics and your cycle log in the members cyle section if you like.

  15. #15
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by riotz0r View Post
    Ok.... So no Dbol on the first cycle? All the research I have done I haven't heard of this yet but if multiple people are saying it I guess I'll listen lol
    This is indeed the best rule of thumb to follow since it allows you to determine the cause of the sides you might experience. Tuff to do on multiple compounds. Most ppl refuse to listen when told to drop the dbol so I for one pretty much stopped suggesting it lol.

    Besides...gains from dbol don't last at all so it is really kind of a waste and risk with no real reward

  16. #16
    gymfu's Avatar
    gymfu is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Glad to see you drop the dbol . With you having high blood pressure you REALLY needed to drop the dbol, and very closely monitor your bp.

    Get bloodwork!

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