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  1. #1
    Dan55 is offline New Member
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    Did my injection not hit the muscle?

    Hello there.

    So today I experienced something unusual, atleast for me.

    I inject in my thigh. Today I forgot to withdraw before i injected to check for blood.

    I injected slowly and pulled the needle out afterwards just like normal.

    When I was done i put pressure on the site and it made this wierd noise.

    You know when you drink alot of water/liquid and bounce your belly you can hear the liquid ''bouncing'' inside your stomach.

    Thats the closest sound that I can come up with that explains the noise it makes.

    I can touch the injection site with little pressure and it makes this noice. Either its the liquid moving or its full of air bubbles inside there. I always have a little bit of air in the syringe to get every bit of the testosorone inside.

    Now what's this?

    I can kind of feel the liquid/air bubbles when i squeeze the injection site. Its been 3 hours since i injected and its still the same

    I am guessing it did not go into the muscle correctly?

    It was a 2ml/250mg testosorone cypionate if its any interest

  2. #2
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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    What site did you inject and what needle size did you use?

  3. #3
    Dan55 is offline New Member
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    Right thigh and 23g 1 needle.

    Been using these needles for every injection 30 times no problem other then today
    Last edited by Dan55; 10-15-2012 at 07:34 AM.

  4. #4
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    You body will absorb it if you put it in fat or muscle not a problem and some air bubbles wont kill you unless you put a whole bunch directly into a vein...Watch it for a few days but you should be just fine

  5. #5
    Dan55 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fit2bOld View Post
    You body will absorb it if you put it in fat or muscle not a problem and some air bubbles wont kill you unless you put a whole bunch directly into a vein...Watch it for a few days but you should be just fine
    Good to hear that I will be fine.

    Pretty sure i did not hit a vein. Felt like normal and normal amount of blood came out.

    I am not sure what I hit, needle was all the way in like always but from the sound of it it sounds like theres a small amount of either liquid or air lying under my skin. Did anything go to waiste?

  6. #6
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    If you injected 2ML into a a blood vessal you would know it. If you buried that 1" than you are in muscle. Don't sweat can take a while for the muscle to absorb the 2ML. If it's there in a cpl days or turns red and sore and gets warm to the touch then it may...I said MAY be time for more concern

  7. #7
    Dan55 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    If you injected 2ML into a a blood vessal you would know it. If you buried that 1" than you are in muscle. Don't sweat can take a while for the muscle to absorb the 2ML. If it's there in a cpl days or turns red and sore and gets warm to the touch then it may...I said MAY be time for more concern
    Allright thanks

  8. #8
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan55 View Post
    Hello there.

    So today I experienced something unusual, atleast for me.

    I inject in my thigh. Today I forgot to withdraw before i injected to check for blood.

    I injected slowly and pulled the needle out afterwards just like normal.

    When I was done i put pressure on the site and it made this wierd noise.

    You know when you drink alot of water/liquid and bounce your belly you can hear the liquid ''bouncing'' inside your stomach.

    Thats the closest sound that I can come up with that explains the noise it makes.

    I can touch the injection site with little pressure and it makes this noice. Either its the liquid moving or its full of air bubbles inside there. I always have a little bit of air in the syringe to get every bit of the testosorone inside.

    Now what's this?

    I can kind of feel the liquid/air bubbles when i squeeze the injection site. Its been 3 hours since i injected and its still the same
    jesus and your still pressing :-/ ... is this your first cycle?
    I am guessing it did not go into the muscle correctly?

    It was a 2ml/250mg testosorone cypionate if its any interest
    why on earth would you put pressure?!? just LEAVE IT!
    putting pressure is adding tissue damage. you are hurting yourself NOT making it go in. you cant PUSH the oil into muscle (try it with a steak and grape seed oil lol). it will have to sit and slowly absorb.
    once you inject LEAVE IT ALONE!! DONT massage and DONT put pressure.

    you prob caused damage or burst a nearby vein.
    Last edited by Juced_porkchop; 10-15-2012 at 09:28 AM.

  9. #9
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juced_porkchop View Post
    why on earth would you put pressure?!? just LEAVE IT!
    putting pressure is adding tissue damage. you are hurting yourself NOT making it go in. you cant PUSH the oil into muscle (try it with a steak and grape seed oil lol). it will have to sit and slowly absorb.
    once you inject LEAVE IT ALONE!! DONT massage and DONT put pressure.

    you prob caused damage or burst a nearby vein.
    Ya know JP, I have always wanted to say this to all the ppl that keep advising rub it after...bad idea but I have just left well enough alone. TY!

  10. #10
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1

    Ya know JP, I have always wanted to say this to all the ppl that keep advising rub it after...bad idea but I have just left well enough alone. TY!
    My first cycle i never massaged. Now; I always rub and massage. If i don't it will just pool in one place. Massaging helps move the oil a bit. Helps with pip as well.

  11. #11
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    If you put it in your body, it will be absorbed.

  12. #12
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    My first cycle i never massaged. Now; I always rub and massage. If i don't it will just pool in one place. Massaging helps move the oil a bit. Helps with pip as well.
    Maybe thats whats necessary for guys injectin 3ML of tren at a time lol!

  13. #13
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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  14. #14
    Dan55 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juced_porkchop View Post
    why on earth would you put pressure?!? just LEAVE IT!
    putting pressure is adding tissue damage. you are hurting yourself NOT making it go in. you cant PUSH the oil into muscle (try it with a steak and grape seed oil lol). it will have to sit and slowly absorb.
    once you inject LEAVE IT ALONE!! DONT massage and DONT put pressure.

    you prob caused damage or burst a nearby vein.
    I am sorry I think i expressed myself wrong let me try again.

    When I said squeezing it after I was done. I did not ment squeeze just gently touch the site, so gently you would pet a young kitten. Just to check what the noise was.

    When I said pressure I have been given advice becouse at first on my cycles i had troubles with pain after injecting but thats gone now. . By pressure I mean massaging it for 10 seconds so gently i can barely feel it like you would pet a small kitten. I can hardly believe this causes damage.

    I can understand you thought so when I said pressure you probably think I was putting alot of force on it.

    But now I learned something new, thank you
    Last edited by Dan55; 10-15-2012 at 12:56 PM.

  15. #15
    chi's Avatar
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    eventually the oil will dissipate and be absorbed. I never massage the inj site as that may aggravate the iinjection and does nothing especially if you inject prop and rub this just causes further discomfort. If you want to help with dissipation discomfort and then sleep on an electric blanket to provide heat to the area.

  16. #16
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan55

    I am sorry I think i expressed myself wrong let me try again.

    When I said squeezing it after I was done. I did not ment squeeze just gently touch the site, so gently you would pet a young kitten. Just to check what the noise was.

    When I said pressure I have been given advice becouse at first on my cycles i had troubles with pain after injecting but thats gone now. . By pressure I mean massaging it for 10 seconds so gently i can barely feel it like you would pet a small kitten. I can hardly believe this causes damage.

    I can understand you thought so when I said pressure you probably think I was putting alot of force on it.

    But now I learned something new, thank you
    No need to massage the area immediately after an injection mate. As others have said, you possibly increase the risk of trauma. If you are concerned about absorption or pooling, some recommend warming the gear using warm-hot water before drawing into the syringe. This may help reduce pooling in the muscle though I've never found a need to do it personally.

    The only time I'd recommend massaging the area is if a lump starts to form 48 hours (or more) after the injection. Heating the area with a heating pad or a warm soak in the tub followed by a massage of the area can be helpful in breaking down any swelling or lumps if they appear 48 hours after an injection. Any lumps or hardening of the area that persists longer than 5 days post injection my indicate a possible infection and would require a different treatment protocol is other symptoms of infection are present. I realize your question is not about infections, however, it's important to identify the difference between common PIP and a possible infection.

  17. #17
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    Disagree. I massage the shit out of injection spots everytime. Makes a difference for me. Put 2cc in your triceps and don't touch em. Guarantee it hurts like a bitch later

  18. #18
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    Disagree. I massage the shit out of injection spots everytime. Makes a difference for me. Put 2cc in your triceps and don't touch em. Guarantee it hurts like a bitch later
    Lots of ppl do things they shouldn't do and get away with it lol.

    The fact is that massaging after the injection CAN (not gauranteed will) cause further trauma.

    I have never had a shot at the hospital or doctors office or the (seemed like) 100's during my military service where anyone massaged it or suggested that I do so.

    Don't gey me wrong I have seen some nurses that I would let administer the shot and hope they would massage it

    Still don't think it;s the SAFEST practice...even if you have never had a negetive experience

  19. #19
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    I have a negative experience if I don't. Lol

  20. #20
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    I have a negative experience if I don't. Lol
    Fair enough P. feel free to rub one out

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