10-19-2012, 06:42 PM #1New Member
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First cycle - final prep stats and pics
sup guys, just got on to this forum, been a member at another forum, lets not name names here but it seemed like there was a lot of product pushing.....anyone posts a cycle
and the pct
would always consist of their sponsor products...for EVERY DAY THING. it had their sponsors involved..not saying the products dont work, i havent tried but just felt like I was being pushed into buying something so Im forum hopping to get more info...
Stats - 22 years old ( been training for 4.5 years )
170 lbs 10% (although Im told I look heavier, you can judge from picture )
pr lifts
bench - 315
squats - 425 before injury
dl - 475 / 485 (hitched back)
This will be my FIRST cycle of any sort, havent touched anything other than your basic supps..
12 week test e cycle
test e - 12 weeks 500 mg ( Monday morning and Thursday night) No kicker just wanna see how things react !
- 12.5mg EOD. will bump to 25 EOD if I start to notice gyno
(thought about keeping letro on hand but I came to the conclusion I probably wouldnt need it for a mild cycle like this )
PCT -weeks 14- 17 ( this is the thing with prodcut pushing....) I personaly wanna run something like this
DAA 3 grams a day
a natty test bosster cause I got one for free, have it lying around..
(maybe aromasin again here ? )
I was told to do :
clomid 25/25/25/25
post cycle/unleashed
Forma stanzol ( an ai product of some sort)
was also told to run HCgenerate on cycle ?
Questions : Would I need HCG
or even HCgenerate for this cycle ?
-- is PCT # 1 sufficient, thoughts on continuing aromasin throughout PCT ( for PCT #1 )
-- is PCT #2 more effective in restoring everything ?
-- would you add anything, to this or any suggestions..
Apreech !
here are some pictures -
- - h t t p ://sphotos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphoto...40036116_n.jpg (halfwway though cut) (few months old)
h t t p ://sphotos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphoto...33925238_n.jpg (few months old)
h t t p ://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=15z2yhx&s=6 ( more recent but still a bit old lol, mirin delts brah )
Cant find any RECENT pics on comp, theyre all on phone but ive cut bf down drastically which explains the low weight -.-, PLUS knee injury had me lose some srs mass from legs but I do believe im ready for AAS, lets not start a youre too young for this. thanks for your input bros.
10-19-2012, 09:03 PM #2Banned
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A few things going on here, but if i were you, i would forgo the laundry list of supps.
Basically this boils down to a standard beginners cycle with standard pct protocols. Dial in your diet and youre gtg.
wk 1-12 500mg test e 2/wk @ 250mg
wk 1-12 aromisin 12.5mg eod
wk 3-14.5 hCG 250iu 2/wk
wk 15-19 pct
clomid 75/50/50/50
nolva 40/40/20/20
Hope you stick around Joe. Hate to see have to hop around any further. This is the spot you'll find home if you give it a chance.
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