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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Eastern Seaboard

    Below Delt Injection Site (near elbow)--Reddish-Brown Bruise--help... is this normal?

    I injected an oil-based A.A.S. Testoviron Depot with a 1 inch needle in my right deltoid. I injected less than 1/2 a 1 mL probably about 100 mgs of Testoviron Depot. There was no I properly aspirated.

    Now I have a reddish brown (almost purple) bruise below that injection site just above my elbow at the bottom part of the right tricep.

    This spot suddenly appeared the same night I injected.

    I've heard of injection site bruises where a person hits or nicks a vein.

    But doesn't that only apply to a bruise at the injection site???

    Again, my bruise is below the injection site, just above the elbow at the bottom part of the tricep...and I had injected in the deltoid.

    There's no pain. It only feels sore to the touch.

    Any constructive advice would be much appreciated, my friends in iron.

  2. #2
    t-dogg's Avatar
    t-dogg is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    May 2010
    You could of missed the muscle and its running down your arm.

  3. #3
    christian123's Avatar
    christian123 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    You probably had that bruise and did not see it before, especially where ur talking about, ithappens to be as well after some insane chest or triceps workouts.
    U wont die

  4. #4
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg
    You could of missed the muscle and its running down your arm.
    This. Also happens to me when I inject too much in my felt and it runs down and pools in my tricep.

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