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  1. #1
    Trying-Hard is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2012

    Please tell me HCG burns like a b*tch!!

    Ever since day 1 of taking HCG , I noticed there is a burning sensation upon injecting it sub-q. It wasn't all that bad when I was only taking 250 IUs, but now that I am taking 1000 IUs since my cycle is coming to an end, I have to endure that much more of that burning sensation. My question is...

    Does this burning sensation come about from "dirty" HCG? You know, kind of like when you get severe PIP from test injections due to the lack of quality of it.

    Or is this a normal characteristic of HCG??

    What has your expereince been like with HCG regarding the feeling upon injecting?


  2. #2
    NorthwestShane is offline New Member
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    OK, so I'm a newbie to the world of hcg , and havent started my cycle yet, but I thought it was supposed to be injected intramuscularly, not subcutaneously???

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    HCG can be take both IM or subQ. SubQ's most popular since the uptake into the body's more gradual. Why are you taking 1000iu? Too much HCG is anabolic . The whole reason we take HCG is to get your system to produce Test not suppress it. 250iu twice a week is good enough. As for the burning? It's not normal.

  4. #4
    Trying-Hard is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    HCG can be take both IM or subQ. SubQ's most popular since the uptake into the body's more gradual. Why are you taking 1000iu? Too much HCG is anabolic. The whole reason we take HCG is to get your system to produce Test not suppress it. 250iu twice a week is good enough. As for the burning? It's not normal.
    I have spoken to Swifto about about HCG dosage so that is all taken care of. He was the one that recommended 1000IUs for the last 4 shots before PCT.

    Anyway, you are saying the burning is not normal...interesting. I have another batch of HCG different from the manufacture I am using now. I will reconstitute it and see if I get the same feeling.

  5. #5
    AdrenalineJunkie's Avatar
    AdrenalineJunkie is offline Associate Member
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    What are using with it? BAC water or saline? Also, where are you injecting and what size pin...they all can make a difference.

    And swifto is a smart guy, id trust his info but 1000 sounds like way too much to me too. If you read atominis tren thread he talks about the negatives of too much hcg .

  6. #6
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Its commonwhen for some experienced aas users to ramp up the hcg 2-4 weeks before pct. Especially when running a 19 nor or both of them

  7. #7
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    My last batch of HCG burned the first time I injected it, but I mixed it at a higher concentration, I thought that was the problem but the next couple times it has been perfectly fine, not sure why it burned at first, maybe it didn't mix well for you? I'm sure there are ways to fix it or prevent it from being a problem.

  8. #8
    Trying-Hard is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdrenalineJunkie View Post
    What are using with it? BAC water or saline? Also, where are you injecting and what size pin...they all can make a difference.

    And swifto is a smart guy, id trust his info but 1000 sounds like way too much to me too. If you read atominis tren thread he talks about the negatives of too much hcg.
    I am using BAC water. I have a 5000IU vial that I reconstituted with 1cc of bac water. So doing the math, .2cc = 1000 IUs

    I am injecting in stomach, 1" to the side of the bellybutton, and I am using Insulin pins from ar-r : 1cc 29G X 0.5".

    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    Its commonwhen for some experienced aas users to ramp up the hcg 2-4 weeks before pct. Especially when running a 19 nor or both of them
    This is my first cycle, test only @ 500/wk, and this was Swifto's recommendation for me.

    Quote Originally Posted by SEOINAGE View Post
    My last batch of HCG burned the first time I injected it, but I mixed it at a higher concentration, I thought that was the problem but the next couple times it has been perfectly fine, not sure why it burned at first, maybe it didn't mix well for you? I'm sure there are ways to fix it or prevent it from being a problem.
    When I reconstituted, i simply just shake around the little vial as that is all I can do, really. But it looks to be 100% dissolved.

  9. #9
    Trying-Hard is offline Associate Member
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    Now I am a little worried about this burning sensation, but when I google "HCG burns when injected" I see a lot of others saying the same thing on various forums! Hmmm.....

  10. #10
    AdrenalineJunkie's Avatar
    AdrenalineJunkie is offline Associate Member
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    I have always found subq injections to burn there for some reason. I moved farther right (maybe like 3" or so from the belly button) and found it to be not so bad. You might just be dumping on nerves and need to find a better layer...

  11. #11
    Trying-Hard is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdrenalineJunkie View Post
    I have always found subq injections to burn there for some reason. I moved farther right (maybe like 3" or so from the belly button) and found it to be not so bad. You might just be dumping on nerves and need to find a better layer...
    Interesting. Thanks for the tip, I will definitely try it. I just wanted to make sure the burning I am getting is not due to bad HCG or something.

  12. #12
    AdrenalineJunkie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trying-Hard

    Interesting. Thanks for the tip, I will definitely try it. I just wanted to make sure the burning I am getting is not due to bad HCG or something.
    Well, if you trust your source I'd say unlikely. It's probably a simple case of where you pin. I've struggled with subq abdominal inj plenty. Even with the same batch ill find some burn and some do not, so it's clearly my pinning and not the stuff. I find some areas of my stomach have some wacky nerves that when I plunge that liquid and it hits them they feel like fire. Just gotta find the right spot for you man.

  13. #13
    Trying-Hard is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdrenalineJunkie View Post
    Well, if you trust your source I'd say unlikely. It's probably a simple case of where you pin. I've struggled with subq abdominal inj plenty. Even with the same batch ill find some burn and some do not, so it's clearly my pinning and not the stuff. I find some areas of my stomach have some wacky nerves that when I plunge that liquid and it hits them they feel like fire. Just gotta find the right spot for you man.
    I certainly trust my source, but who knows if I trust the source he is getting it from, lol.

    Anyway, thanks for the tip man. Next time (I ony have 3 HCG shots left before I start PCT) I will try 3" to the side of bellybutton and see if that helps. If it doesn't, I will reconstitute a different batch from a different manufacturer to see if there is any difference.

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