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  1. #41
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
    Bigshotvictoria is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Ah, I didn't read your previous posts much and just focused in on where you said that, according to your wife, it is bad practice to aspirate with certain meds.
    I guess I was annoyed that I read through that whole powerpoint to see a bunch of patient compliance and comfort issues that I could have guessed, with nothing to support your wife's point.

    Honestly, just pushing the meds slowly is more effective than aspirating, since aspirating is not always a sure thing (as they did mention in the powerpoint), and a little bit of oil won't hurt you (though 3ml pushed IV would suck).
    No hard feelings. I myself have seen so much bunk info given out that sometimes I see it when it's not there. I imagine you've seen much more bad info having been a member here much longer than me. It wasn't actually my wife that said it was bad practice, I just asked her why.

    I agree, although even the slightest risk of an embolism keeps me vigilant with proper landmarking and aspiration.

  2. #42
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I never quite understand why this is such an issue for people - aspirate /don't aspirate. I've read the arguments that health professionals don't aspirate when delivering IM meds, but honestly, so what? Many AAS users aren't medical professionals and many others have never self-injected anything. The whole "medical professionals don't" argument sounds too similar to the "my buddy said this" nonsense we see here on the board frequently. So what?

    I'm of the opinion, "better safe than sorry". It takes literally 1-2 seconds or less to aspirate. I'm sure most of the time you could inject without aspirating and have no issues, but again, we're not talking an extra 10 minutes, rather a mere few seconds.....and if someone is too lazy to aspirate, I question the commitment overall. I guess it comes down to a personal choice. I always aspirate. Just my preference. I'm aware many do not as well.

  3. #43
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
    Bigshotvictoria is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    I never quite understand why this is such an issue for people - aspirate /don't aspirate. I've read the arguments that health professionals don't aspirate when delivering IM meds, but honestly, so what? Many AAS users aren't medical professionals and many others have never self-injected anything. The whole "medical professionals don't" argument sounds too similar to the "my buddy said this" nonsense we see here on the board frequently. So what?

    I'm of the opinion, "better safe than sorry". It takes literally 1-2 seconds or less to aspirate. I'm sure most of the time you could inject without aspirating and have no issues, but again, we're not talking an extra 10 minutes, rather a mere few seconds.....and if someone is too lazy to aspirate, I question the commitment overall. I guess it comes down to a personal choice. I always aspirate. Just my preference. I'm aware many do not as well.
    Again, I'm not using the "medical professionals don't aspirate argument". The question "why don't they?" Was asked, I answered that specific question, as there was a perception that they were simply skipping a step, which as I have demonstrated isn't necessarily true. That's not to say that some of them aren't lazy...


    I just realized you may have been referring to the people actually asking the question, not to me answering. If that's the case I apologize. I must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.
    Last edited by Bigshotvictoria; 10-28-2012 at 02:05 PM.

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