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  1. #1
    misterwazza is offline New Member
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    Need advices / opinions

    Hello everyone! My name is Louis and I'm 18. I'm currently 5'11 and about 140lbs. I started training 2 years ago but there was about 6 month of pause in all of that (I'm training really seriously for a year now). To make a short story, I got bulled a lot at school because I was so thin and weak...I started training at took around 20 lbs during those 2 years (8 lbs during the past 3 months). Now I do have some muscles and even if I'm not big, I'm not small neither and I'm pretty shredded but I'm still thinking about steroids ...I KNOW I'm so young and it's stupid to start using anabolics at my age but I saw so many people around me take steroids and gaining weight without having any side effects I'm like meeeh...Maybe for once in my life I could get bigger for real?? I need your help and your opinions please...I'm kinda lost.

    P.S Yes I'm following a proper Diet, I eat ALOT and training 5 days/week.

  2. #2
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Rather than cradle you, i would recommend you take a real hard look at these links and read them for your own benefit. 18 is very young to begin using steroids . The health complications could damage your developing endocrine system beyond repair. The risks are not worth the rewards at your age. And to top it all off, you have no muscle base to build upon. No offense, but that's the cold hard fact.

    I would continue to make gains while focusing on my diet and workout routine.

    Good luck.

    The Young and Steroids

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  3. #3
    realgear is offline Banned
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    Ill be 100% honest with you ok.. You want to get mass gains fix your diet dude do you think juice is the wonder drug ??? it helps with the right diet and workout plan so whats your diet look like honestly your probly consuming 1800 calories a day and your metabolism is burning that off like nothing and your wondering why your so small.

  4. #4
    ShredMN is offline Banned
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    What the others guys said. Post up your diet in the nutrition section and a lot of people will help you. At your age you can make a lot of gains with a solid diet and training regimen. Also don't look up to your peers who had to use steroids at your age to put on muscle. If you get big too quick, more than likely you're going to be getting more criticism for using gear. If you're not gaining mass quick enough for your taste (or not gaining mass at all) change your diet and training and I guarantee you will start seeing results that will put a smile on your face each week.

  5. #5
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
    Bigshotvictoria is offline Senior Member
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    These guys are bang on!! It sounds like you've already made some fantastic gains, imagine how much more you can do just by learning how to perfect your diet. The only thing I'd add to the already fantastic advise you've been given is to go into the training forum. By learning some new training methods you may find a couple new tricks that your body will really respond to.

  6. #6
    misterwazza is offline New Member
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    You're right guys, thanks a lot of your quick answers...I know pretty much all of what you told me but damn I'm tired to be not as big as others...I know that steroids wouldn't make me gain 15-20 lbs in a month like if it was magic...I know that mass has to come from somewhere and it starts mostly by a proper diet, but I thought that maybe steroids combined with proper diet/training could help me...but I'm so young for steroids that I'm pretty sure I'll stick to natural gains and a proper diet.

  7. #7
    TheCrouchMonster is offline New Member
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    if those people around you started smoking crack, would you consider that also? listen to what everyone on this message board will tell you- Don't do it. you are way too young. you will screw your natural hormones permanently. it's a real dumb idea. continue training, eat right, and about 10 or 12 years from now, if you're still dedicated to a bodybuilding lifestyle, consider steroid use . here's another tip that you'll probably never hear from 99 percent of the knuckle-heads floating around the gym at any given moment- lift weights EVERY OTHER DAY. work 1 body part at a time. Example- MON-LEGS, WED-CHEST, FRI-BACK, take the weekend off, MON-SHOULDERS, WED-ARMS, FRI-LEGS, continue the cycle. do this RELIGIOUSLY. in 6 months, you'll have made more gains than some dumbass working out everyday would in 3 years. and you won't need steroids . Muscles grow during breaks. read up on central nervous system fatigue. and throw away your supplements, they're the biggest scam since joe weider. educate yourself and good luck.

  8. #8
    ShredMN is offline Banned
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    Also, use the bullying to your advantage. Take that inner rage/disdain and throw it at the iron. I remember a little over a year ago when I first started training, my roommates were telling me it would be at least two years before I got to their size (I took that as a challenge). In about 10 months I passed up one of them, the other I don't think will for another year because he took the easy way out and used gear upon starting to train. I'm also much leaner than both of them by far, and I mean A LOT leaner than them. If you start doing a lot of reasearch and taking advice from members here, you will put on mass and you will be happy. You'll feel even better knowing that you're hard work paid off greatly. When you get your diet and training down and you've been doing it for years and you start to see yourself not making gains, consider gear. But until then, iron out your diet and training.

  9. #9
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by misterwazza View Post
    You're right guys, thanks a lot of your quick answers...I know pretty much all of what you told me but damn I'm tired to be not as big as others...I know that steroids wouldn't make me gain 15-20 lbs in a month like if it was magic...I know that mass has to come from somewhere and it starts mostly by a proper diet, but I thought that maybe steroids combined with proper diet/training could help me...but I'm so young for steroids that I'm pretty sure I'll stick to natural gains and a proper diet.
    Wise decision young man! There's always time down the road for AAS.

  10. #10
    ShredMN is offline Banned
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    TheCrouchMonster. I take what you said as offensive. Most of us here train everyday without skipping a day because it's what we live to do, and we make gains quick. We're not dumbasses, we just know how our bodies work. 72 hours between each muscle group and there is no reason to skip days.

  11. #11
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by misterwazza View Post
    You're right guys, thanks a lot of your quick answers...I know pretty much all of what you told me but damn I'm tired to be not as big as others...I know that steroids wouldn't make me gain 15-20 lbs in a month like if it was magic...I know that mass has to come from somewhere and it starts mostly by a proper diet, but I thought that maybe steroids combined with proper diet/training could help me...but I'm so young for steroids that I'm pretty sure I'll stick to natural gains and a proper diet.
    We rarely get guys your age genuinely looking for good advise around here. Stick around and you'll excell i promise.

  12. #12
    misterwazza is offline New Member
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    By the way I just have a quick question : Right now my program is based on 4 days : 1st day : arms 2nd day : pecs/back 3rd day : shoulders/forearms 4th day : legs. Is this a bad program in your opinion? :P And Of course I focus much more on bigger muscles such as back and legs

  13. #13
    ShredMN is offline Banned
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    I'd advise splitting chest and back into two seperate days.

  14. #14
    ShredMN is offline Banned
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    Also if you want to grow your calves faster (or at all) train them more than once a week. Your calves are similiar to your abs in that they can be trained more often than all other muscle groups.

  15. #15
    TheCrouchMonster is offline New Member
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    this kid is tryng to pack on size and strength. he can work out every day after he achieves his goal. what would you advise for him? and what I said is not offensive, it's pretty much accurate.

  16. #16
    misterwazza is offline New Member
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    Mmmm so my program would have 5 days instead of 4, and i'd have a day with only pecs? Is that what you are saying?

  17. #17
    ShredMN is offline Banned
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    You called people (me included) a dumbass for having a passion for what we do. I'd advise him to not take your advice and listen to others.

  18. #18
    ShredMN is offline Banned
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    Yeah. A sample workout for chest might include (sets and reps not included):
    Incline dumbell press
    Incline flies
    Flat flies
    Decline press (dumbells or barbell)

    Personally I don't ever use barbells for my chest days because I broke my collar bone when I was a kid, so using barbells makes my chest asymmetrical.
    But you'd be able to benefit more from using a barbell. Just make sure you have a spotter if you're doing weights you're unfamiliar with. With dumbells you can drop them to your side (gently if the dumbells aren't rubber coated, or the floor doesn't have a rubber covering) once you reach failure.

  19. #19
    TheCrouchMonster is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShredMN View Post
    You called people (me included) a dumbass for having a passion for what we do. I'd advise him to not take your advice and listen to others.
    why don't you stick to answering this kid's questions, and then go change your maxipad, okay.

  20. #20
    misterwazza is offline New Member
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    That looks pretty much like my program, but don't you think that a day ONLY for pecs a waste of time? It would take like 30-45 mins max doing 4-5 exercises

  21. #21
    ShredMN is offline Banned
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    Misterwazza, also familiarize yourself with muscle confusion. A lot of new people make the mistake of doing the same exercises over and over each week. Change it up each week to maximize growth.

  22. #22
    ShredMN is offline Banned
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    Definitely not, everyone else will tell you the same. Time spent training is never time wasted.

  23. #23
    misterwazza is offline New Member
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    Alright, thanks to everyone to help me out...I've read all of the posts and went immediately to eat a steak This community is really helpful and amazing!!

  24. #24
    ShredMN is offline Banned
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    Glad to help. The community here is really helpful, and I haven't ran into one person who has been directly hateful or rude yet (besides crouchmonster over here). Stick around and you'll learn a lot.

  25. #25
    ppwc1985's Avatar
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    I feel I need to put my 2cents in here, shredmn Idk where you getting that he is disrespecting you or anyone here. As a matter of fact he is saying ppl here know alot and he should listen. I think you reading wrong. 2 I think what he is saying about every other day working out for a natural bb that would be the way to go. Unfortunately new ppl to bb think doing 30 sets per bp everyday is the way to go cause they read mags and that's what they are saying not realizing that most the pros are on so much gear they can do this. A young guy needs to feel he didn't do enough when he leaves the gym. To many ppl overtrain which causes them to give up or burnout. Cycling your training is smart I agree, but when you take someone who is 21 and at the most been in the gym for 4 years and guys who are in their late 30,s and been lifting and around bb half their lives I would listen. The best way to learn is to listen to guys who have already been through alot of what you younger guys will eventually go through. Honestly most guys will fall out of the life before they are 25. IMO

  26. #26
    ShredMN is offline Banned
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    "here's another tip that you'll probably never hear from 99 percent of the knuckle-heads floating around the gym at any given moment- lift weights EVERY OTHER DAY."
    Here he's calling those who are more dedicated than him, "knuckle-heads."
    "do this RELIGIOUSLY. in 6 months, you'll have made more gains than some dumbass working out everyday would in 3 years"
    Here he's calling those who are more dedicated than him, "dumbass."

    Both deragory terms are not constructive to the topic, and should have been left out.

  27. #27
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    I think anyone with any real ex knows working out everyday is the wrong decision. It has nothing to do with dedication or laziness. If you workout everyday you just not ex enough. You grow when you resting. Working out is only 20% of bb. Eating and rest are most important. I think when he said these things he was not referring to ppl here. Cause we all here to learn, I think he was talking about the 21 year old who comes into the gym and works his biceps for 3 hrs with 30 sets. This is wrong. Don't think he was calling any of us dumbasses.

  28. #28
    ShredMN is offline Banned
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    Rest = 72 hours between muscle groups. It's not hard to understand. I'm not going to sit here and argue though.
    Whether or not it works for you doesn't mean it's not extremely effective for others. We're not all the same.

  29. #29
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    Yep ok with age comes experience that's all I'm going to say.

  30. #30
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShredMN View Post
    TheCrouchMonster. I take what you said as offensive. Most of us here train everyday without skipping a day because it's what we live to do, and we make gains quick. We're not dumbasses, we just know how our bodies work. 72 hours between each muscle group and there is no reason to skip days.
    I caught that too. I work out 4 days minimumand hit my full body every week. Example:
    Monday- Legs
    Tue- Back/Bicepts
    Wed- Shoulders
    Friday- just go. Abs, forarms, calves
    Weekend off

    At his schedule,there is some weeks you dont even work out a body part. Just saying. Rest isimportant, but so is training. Sorry OP for getting sidetracked.

  31. #31
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    Yes warmouth, I think some ppl think not training a bp us time off, even if you go in gym and work legs your upper body gets work to. You need full body rest in order to build muscle. I know sometimes you working hard and something in life gets in way, son you take off 4 days, when you get back
    In gym you bigger and stronger your like wow. Ex comes with age. I thought I knew everything at 21 was I ever wrong. I find myself tell younguns what my elders would tell me and I remember saying, what a dumbass. Now I say I wish I had listened lol.

  32. #32
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    I amjust saying that the training split recommended by crotchmuncher was not a great split for a beginner. I do think 3 days a week is fine, but 4 is better. And I firmly believe in training 2 muscle groupe that work together(like I listed) instead on 1 a day because at his schedule, some weeks he would miss a muscle group. This is why I like to rest arms by doing tris and bis 2 days apart. I take the weekends off, and I usually go 4 days aweek. I like to throw an extra day of surerficial muscle in, like calves, abs, forearms, cardio, but I do them on shoulder and leg day. I think it helps to keep me in a routine of going and not missing or getting lazy weeks at a time.

  33. #33
    ShredMN is offline Banned
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    Didn't understand half the things you tried to say in that paragraph, ppwc. But stop posting in this thread for the sake of the OP. If you're going to be productive, that's fine, but don't sit here saying all young people lack experience. There are a lot of IFBB amateurs and fitness models that are 18-20, but they must not know anything because of their age, yet somehow they made it as far as they did. Take Jeff Seid for example, granted he's done a few cycles, he still has an almost god-like physique, and he's only 18.
    Last edited by ShredMN; 10-29-2012 at 11:13 PM.

  34. #34
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    Ok last post here, I been around longer than you been alive, I have seen do many Jeff seins come and go. Only a handful stay around for 20 years and make it. So that says it all, ex matters. And even he has a vet guiding him. So good luck in your life young man. I'm 45 and I'm still learning not only in the gym but in life in general. This started cause you felt someone was calling you a knucklehead and IMO he wasn't he was talking about the knuckleheads in the gym. Your here trying to learn so you must not be one of them.

  35. #35
    ShredMN is offline Banned
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    No hard feelings, ppwc. I hope that's mutual Wasn't trying to argue with you either.

  36. #36
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShredMN View Post
    No hard feelings, ppwc. I hope that's mutual Wasn't trying to argue with you either.
    You are arguing. I'm not going to get into the details but i see it all. Furthermore, i would like to see your training regimen for every day workouts.

    Be cool guys.

  37. #37
    ShredMN is offline Banned
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    Monday- Back/abs
    Tuesday- Shoulders/calves
    Wednesday- Tris
    Thursday- Bis (Started seperating bis and tris a couple of weeks ago to see how it goes)
    Friday- Legs

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