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  1. #1
    lycanthrope is offline New Member
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    Test E cycle, thinking of running deca too

    ok thank you, also, i could get my hands on some liquid deca , and i think its nandro. I am 28, i have had reconstructed knee surgery, back in 2006, it got strong then its getting weak again, basically im thinking of doing a full test e cycle, but i was thinking of implementing a very minimal amount of deca in there with it, to help improve my joints and ligaments(properly training not overtraining my knee) if i took a 5 week cycle of deca and stretched it to ten weeks, along with the normal 10 week cycle of test e, would this be beneficial? Also should i use clomid coming down and what else should i use to do this all properly? I want minimal side effects i read about and would like to be ready to combat it if necessary. 28 m, years of proper training and dieting knowledge. 180 lbs 5 ft 11 Any help and knowledge would be great. I will post one other place thanks! All advice appreciated

  2. #2
    lycanthrope is offline New Member
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    note it was just an acl reconstruction

  3. #3
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    How many cycles have you ran before?

  4. #4
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    If this is your first, I would run Test only. I had to go ahead and get back, as I am about to turn it in for the night. If you are thinking Deca for the pain and joint relief, I would say go ahead, but not as a working anabolic for your cycle(high dose). Maybe just a 500/50 ratio of Test to Deca. That way you get the joint relief from Deca, but not using it as the primary anabolic. I would actually tell you to go 500mgs weekly on test and 50 mgs Deca once every 2 weeks. That is my suggestion.

  5. #5
    lycanthrope is offline New Member
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    1 a long time ago i think it was 6 weeks of cytahoh, when i was 20. And the deca you would recommend 50 every two weeks versus 25 every week alongside with the test?

  6. #6
    Far from massive's Avatar
    Far from massive is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    First of the steroid you are talking about is Nandrolone , the ester attached to it is usually Decanoate this is where it gets the knickname Deca from (though it also can be Phenyl Proprionate). If it is indeed Nandrolone Decanoate ( Deca ) then it take a very long time to build up in the body due to the decanoate ester. For this reason using it for 5 wks will be less than ideal, further complicating the usage of Deca is that due to the long time it takes to clear the body PCT is very difficult. For all of these reasons I would suggest you leave it out of your cycle for at least this go round.

  7. #7
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I would suggest the basic 10 week Tes only cycle @ 250 mgs twice a week. I think I would stay away from the Deca , it's not going to "fix" anything. You will get alot out of a Tes only cycle and the water weight that you do gain will make your joints feel better.

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