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  1. #1
    Doppy is offline Junior Member
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    Different injection sites different results

    So as some of you may of read I'm fixing to start my first legit cycle. A buddy at the gym this morning was telling me with test e if I inject in the areas I'm wanting the most results in those areas will benefit most???? I.E. want a bigger chest inject in chest? Sorry for the novice question but I want to know all the facts I can after all knowledge is power right?

  2. #2
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    This is a complete myth. Spot injections is BS! The oil is absorbed through the muscle and into the bloodstream, that process is the same no matter which muscle you inject into.

    My advice is not to listen to that guy about anything from this point on as his lack of knowledge is evident!

  3. #3
    ShortStack 1984 is offline New Member
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    Ya bro I rotate shoulders, glutes and gains are everywhere....not saying I don't have an issue getting my jeans up over my ass but I think that would happen no matter where I inject.

  4. #4
    HitIt's Avatar
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    broscience...although some may claim suspension affects the site it's injected in..

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I wouldnt take any notice of your gym buddies if I was you,

    Ir doesnt work like that, rotate your injection sites

  6. #6
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doppy
    So as some of you may of read I'm fixing to start my first legit cycle. A buddy at the gym this morning was telling me with test e if I inject in the areas I'm wanting the most results in those areas will benefit most???? I.E. want a bigger chest inject in chest? Sorry for the novice question but I want to know all the facts I can after all knowledge is power right?
    While there may be some local swelling due to irritation from the injection and oil based compound, spot injections do not lead to larger localized areas. Your buddy isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. Ask him the following....if most guys are injecting in their glutes as a primary injection site, how come their assess aren't as big as a truck!?! Likewise, gear is commonly injected in the delts, quads, etc. how come growth in these areas isn't larger than the rest?

    For a simpler example....most flu shots are given IM in the delt. Does that therefore mean if a flu shot administered in the right delt, only the right side of the body will be protected from the flu??? It's the same principal brother.

  7. #7
    Doppy is offline Junior Member
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    And now you see why I asked before going on one opinion ...... Thanks a ton guys I'm sure I'll have more questions along the way!

  8. #8
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doppy View Post
    And now you see why I asked before going on one opinion ...... Thanks a ton guys I'm sure I'll have more questions along the way!
    Stop back any time, we are here 24/7

  9. #9
    Far from massive's Avatar
    Far from massive is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Just goes to show, that knowlege is power and the only stupid question, is the one not asked.

  10. #10
    Doppy is offline Junior Member
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    I live in a fairly small town and the best I can tell that guy is the only one that has ever used gear but I'm pretty sure all his is Mexican black market. So as you said I'm sure he dosnt know I will be leaning on you guys a bunch for questions

  11. #11
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Thats why we are here.

  12. #12
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Just goes to show, that knowlege is power and the only stupid question, is the one not asked.
    I think the penis thread from yesterday would contradict your statement FFM lol

  13. #13
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Hey Doppy...before you get started perhaps you should give your diet a once over in the nutrition section.

    Everyone syas theirs is good but since diet is 80% of the success in AAS use, it's nice to have it critiqued before getting started. Best way to assure the best results IMO!

  14. #14
    Doppy is offline Junior Member
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    I will do

  15. #15
    Doppy is offline Junior Member
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    This is probabaly another one you vets will role your eyes at but pre- workouts continue taking them on the cycle or leave them alone?

  16. #16
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    TBO..most if not all are garbage in reality. Lots of sugar and caffiene mainly. That being said I still use them on occasion if for nothing more that the placebo effect.

    Wont hurt if you choose to but it isn't going to be of any greater benifit either!

  17. #17
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    TBO..most if not all are garbage in reality. Lots of sugar and caffiene mainly. That being said I still use them on occasion if for nothing more that the placebo effect.

    Wont hurt if you choose to but it isn't going to be of any greater benifit either!
    You just get stuck with an unknown amount of the stuff that can actually help, the "proprietary blend". I make iced green tea (no sugar) and mix in L-arginine/AKG, glutamine and BCAA's 1/2 hour before my workout. It's a hell of a lot cheaper, no garbage, and you actually know you're gettin the right stuff at the right dose. I might get knocked for this, but I find it works well for me. Just some food for thought.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigshotvictoria View Post
    You just get stuck with an unknown amount of the stuff that can actually help, the "proprietary blend". I make iced green tea (no sugar) and mix in L-arginine/AKG, glutamine and BCAA's 1/2 hour before my workout. It's a hell of a lot cheaper, no garbage, and you actually know you're gettin the right stuff at the right dose. I might get knocked for this, but I find it works well for me. Just some food for thought.
    Yes BSV...mixing your own Pre W/O is a great idea. Getting the stuff you need and not all the crap you dont. Plus you control the quantity.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Yes BSV...mixing your own Pre W/O is a great idea. Getting the stuff you need and not all the crap you dont. Plus you control the quantity.
    Other than protein, bcaa, glutamine, creatine, and arginine/AKG, I think most supps are a huge scam. The only one I ever really liked was Plasmajet, and I haven't found an all day pump supp since that even compares. Trying Nitrix now, that's $60 of chicken breast I'm not eating. That's one of the reason I love this forum. Everybody preaches proper diet, training, and if the situation warrants it responsible AAS usage. And of course good old fashion hard work. I think that's why so many newbs get upset with the advise they're given. Finding out supps and AAS aren't magic is, well, like finding out there is no Santa.

    Sorry for the rant OP, having a new member who is open and willing to learn is a breath of fresh air for the old farts (Lunk) on this website. Believe me, they'll bend over backwards to get you where you want to be.

  20. #20
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doppy View Post
    So as some of you may of read I'm fixing to start my first legit cycle. A buddy at the gym this morning was telling me with test e if I inject in the areas I'm wanting the most results in those areas will benefit most???? I.E. want a bigger chest inject in chest? Sorry for the novice question but I want to know all the facts I can after all knowledge is power right?
    not this is a stupid idea.
    other then swollen muscle or extra pressure in muscle/streaching from irratation/oil.......i say dont follow this advice.

    i rec delts or glutes.

    or i would have huge delts and skinny legs, but thats not the case....

  21. #21
    Doppy is offline Junior Member
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    I do and am willing to put in all the work and diet I've been in the gym since I was 6 literally ( wrestler through college) even dabbled with d Bol in college had no idea what I was doing. But I think father time is creeping up on me as I'm 34 now and putting in seems like twice the work at the gym to BARELY keep what I have developed. I am 6'2 215 and hover between 10 and 11 percent through you guys I've decided on a test e cycle 350 pw 11 weeks with the proper pct ?

  22. #22
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doppy View Post
    I do and am willing to put in all the work and diet I've been in the gym since I was 6 literally ( wrestler through college) even dabbled with d Bol in college had no idea what I was doing. But I think father time is creeping up on me as I'm 34 now and putting in seems like twice the work at the gym to BARELY keep what I have developed. I am 6'2 215 and hover between 10 and 11 percent through you guys I've decided on a test e cycle 350 pw 11 weeks with the proper pct ?
    Let's fix this for as well...
    500 mg EW (divided by 2 pins every 3.5 days) 12 weeks!

    AI: Arimedex .25mg EOD

    What is your proper PCT and can you get HCG ???

  23. #23
    Doppy is offline Junior Member
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    Nolva 50/50/20/20
    Clomid 100/50/50/50 and to be honest I don't know if I have access to any of that's the last thing I have to do is order I found a source that I'm still reaserching and all seems legit so far I'm just checking and double checking before I go wiring money

  24. #24
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Nolva 40/20/20/20 will be fine. You can get your AI through the banner sponser above if ya like. Liquidex works well.

  25. #25
    Doppy is offline Junior Member
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    But not the hcg there right?

  26. #26
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doppy;623***5
    But not the hcg there right? my man. It's pretty available!

  27. #27
    Buster Brown's Avatar
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    You will have to do some "homework" to get the Hcg . It is well worth the expense and will improve you recovery during Pct.

  28. #28
    Doppy is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the info!!!! Last question for now I know this is pretty rough on the liver I am a recovering heroin addict been clean for 10 yrs but am sure it took a toll on my liver any suggestions on if there is anything to make it easier on my liver

  29. #29
    Doppy is offline Junior Member
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    I know about cod liver oil already

  30. #30
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doppy View Post
    Thanks for the info!!!! Last question for now I know this is pretty rough on the liver I am a recovering heroin addict been clean for 10 yrs but am sure it took a toll on my liver any suggestions on if there is anything to make it easier on my liver
    As long as your not doing any orals your liver will be fine. The liver repairs itself very weel if given time off from abuse.

    Congrats on sobriety from the "H" no easy task at all...much props.

    Are you sure your ok with needle use again??? No relapse issues???

  31. #31
    Doppy is offline Junior Member
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    Think I'll be good as long as I stay in my glutes and no register of blood ... Thanks for the kudos

  32. #32
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doppy View Post
    Think I'll be good as long as I stay in my glutes and no register of blood ... Thanks for the kudos
    Your really going to want 4 and preferably 6 inject sites to alternate avoid scar tissue build up!

  33. #33
    Doppy is offline Junior Member
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    As long as its into muscle and I'm not taping into a vien I'll be good

  34. #34
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    I like quads, delts and glutes (alot dont like quads but they are my fav)

  35. #35
    Doppy is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks do much for all your info lunk I guess I'm going to take that leap of faith right now and get it ordered!!!!!

  36. #36
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doppy View Post
    Thanks do much for all your info lunk I guess I'm going to take that leap of faith right now and get it ordered!!!!!
    Well please have the diet tip top before you start...otherwise you will fail your cycle

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