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  1. #1
    HawaiiLifr's Avatar
    HawaiiLifr is offline Associate Member
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    AI , hcg dose for 250mg Test E cycle

    I want to start a 12 week cycle of 250mg Test E per week (125mg x2).

    Could you please advise about anastrozole and hcg dosages for that amount, and the times to take? Thanks.

  2. #2
    Gi812Many's Avatar
    Gi812Many is offline Member
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    Wish I could help you on the Armidex, only used Aromasin and Letro. As far as the HCG goes you regardless of the amount your taking (test) you should keep relatively the same as far as dosages. I know what works for me great and would work for you just fine is the following. Monday morning (250ius), Wed. evening (250ius) and then on Sat. morning (250ius). Keeps the body level, no spikes and no big drop offs. Want to try to mimic the normal function of the body as much as possible. As for the Arimdex somebody should chime in on that subject

  3. #3
    boxa06's Avatar
    boxa06 is offline Productive Member
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    Anastrazole is usually dosed at .25mg eod. What are your stats?

  4. #4
    HawaiiLifr's Avatar
    HawaiiLifr is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for that info. So Test E amounts don't affect the AI and hcg dosages. Thanks.

    boxa06 I'm 52 years old, in pretty good shape. 6'1 185 lbs. I don't know exact bf, but it's low%. I have a large frame and I need to put more weight i.e. muscle on. This is my first cycle

    Gi812Many thanks for your help. I've read that it's best to keep hcg at 500ius per week max to avoid side effects. I need to research that more. Thanks again

  5. #5
    AD's Avatar
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    hi Hawaii.
    if you're certain about doing a low dose of 250mg/wk, i personally feel that you probably can decrease the adex dose to 0.25mg 2x/wk as a starting dose. since you're pinning your test twice a wk, you can take the ai the next day after each pin.

    hcg dose can remain the same as standard protocol. 250iu 2x/wk. which days you pin this is not very crucial.

    btw, have you got any blood work done pre-cycle? might be good to check total test, cholesterol panel, and prostate specific antigen.

    never had issues with BP?

    good luck!

  6. #6
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    I agree with AsianDude guys our age need to watch for low T.I would bump that test up to 500mg a week beacuse 250 is really low.HCG @ 500 IUs a week like you read.And Adex@ .25 eod to start.Good luck Bro!

  7. #7
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    grillin chicken
    Songdog and AsianDude are spot on bump the test to 500mg you will be much happier with the result.

  8. #8
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Much more return on your investment with 250 mgs Tes twice a week.

  9. #9
    HawaiiLifr's Avatar
    HawaiiLifr is offline Associate Member
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    I appreciate that input guys.

  10. #10
    Wazz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    Much more return on your investment with 250 mgs Tes twice a week.

    Any reason you are going 250 split? 500 a week would be much more beneficial.

  11. #11
    Gi812Many's Avatar
    Gi812Many is offline Member
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    If you read Dr. Crislers approach he states its good to dose your HCG the day before injections following a 2 x 250iu a week protocol.

  12. #12
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gi812Many View Post
    If you read Dr. Crislers approach he states its good to dose your HCG the day before injections following a 2 x 250iu a week protocol.
    Actually, the newest and latest is two days. But i pin the day before and it appears to be working fine.

  13. #13
    HawaiiLifr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wazz View Post

    Any reason you are going 250 split? 500 a week would be much more beneficial.
    One of the old timers here stated if he had to do it again he'd start with 250mg a week (instead of 500) and grow into the higher doses. I can't find that post right now. He also said 250mg a week is about what a 20 year old would naturally have in Test and 20 year olds don't have problems growing, so it made sense to me

  14. #14
    HawaiiLifr's Avatar
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    That said I'm seriously considering going 500 now. This will probably be my only cycle and I want to make some gain that will last. I know that diet and work-out are key but if the 500 will give a better result then I will probably go for it

  15. #15
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiiLifr View Post
    That said I'm seriously considering going 500 now. This will probably be my only cycle and I want to make some gain that will last. I know that diet and work-out are key but if the 500 will give a better result then I will probably go for it
    Yeah right, thats what we all

    Get comfortable bro. Once you get that taste of "blood", you'll be at it forever.

  16. #16
    boxa06's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiiLifr View Post
    That said I'm seriously considering going 500 now. This will probably be my only cycle and I want to make some gain that will last. I know that diet and work-out are key but if the 500 will give a better result then I will probably go for it
    I started with 200mg/w, then 400mg/w and now 600/w. I have to say that if you're gonna put in all the time and effort to get PCT ready and HCG , 400/w is where I wished I started. I did see slight gains from 200/w but there is NO comparison to running 400/w. Even though it's only double, I was left with 5 times more lean body mass.

  17. #17
    HawaiiLifr's Avatar
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    Thanks for your help!
    Last edited by HawaiiLifr; 10-31-2012 at 09:54 PM.

  18. #18
    izzy84 is offline New Member
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    Last edited by izzy84; 11-01-2012 at 02:33 PM.

  19. #19
    kmms's Avatar
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    look man this won't be a popular opinion here but if you are only using 250 total test per week then i wouldn't even bother with an AI until you start to see estrogen related sides. at 250 per week you aren't going to suddenly end up with skyrocketing labs that require drastic action. if anything, test at 250 per week split into two shots should take quite some time to even send your E levels to the high end of the range unless you have E issues already.

    it's a good opportunity to gradually learn what E related sides are and give you a much better idea of how little arimidex is actually required to combat them. i say wait a couple of weeks into your cycle before taking arimidex or until you start getting E sides. if you're going to be taking what is essentially a high trt dose on its own to see how that works for you it only makes sense to learn what the side effects are at the same time imho. arimidex isn't an OTC drug for a reason, the shits powerful man.

  20. #20
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by izzy84 View Post
    Looking to start myself new to it wondering where's a legit place to order from. Any help will be appreciated
    izzy. I appreciate your passion. But you've had 2 posts so far, both are thread hijacks and this one here violates our rules. Please read the rules, this is not a source board. Thank you.

  21. #21
    izzy84 is offline New Member
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    Sorry I deleted it I didn't know thanks and sorry again

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