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  1. #1
    jallds14 is offline New Member
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    Oct 2012

    First Cycle for 22 year old??

    Hello all!

    I'm currently 22, I'll be 23 in February. I'm an ex baseball player. I'm 6'0-6'1 and I'm usually around 185-192lbs medium to large frame with broad shoulders with 9-12bf. My goals always been to always be more toned than to be a huge guy an have a 6 pack. I've always seemed to have a "2 pack" and I have the V cut lines at my waist line. I've worked out off and on over the years and anytime I would workout and run for baseball (I was a pitcher so we did long distance cardio ALOT) I could never achieve the goals I was looking for. I'm working to get my diet down. Boiled eggs with whole grain oatmeal for breakfast, turkey sandwich for lunch, fruit snacks or shakes, with chicken and rice dinner. I currently workout 3-5 days a week for usually a couple hours with light cardio and heavy lifting and abs in between days.

    One of my former teammates has been using anabolic supplements for several years and is a guy that's rather lean and very strong. He recommended I try Winny as a 6 week cycle. I just wondered some users have found with this product or if there is something better or stack with? Also what's a post cycle recommended for Winny?

    **big concern with anabolic supplements is acne. I have some acne relatively mild on back and face. Just wondered if this would worsen my breakouts or it just depends on the individual or is there was something to take with Winny to cut down on acne breakouts?**

    Any and all advice would be appreciated as this is my first time ever considering a cycle. I'm slightly nervous and excited for some results but whatever recommendations you guys have would greatly help me to answer my questions.

  2. #2
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    hi josh! welcome!

    before we go into the details of how to use roids, do you think you could post a few pics of yourself? maybe front double bi and back double bi, including legs. this will help us give you an estimate of your bf%.

    also, can you give us a complete listing of everything you eat in a typical day? including the time of each meal.

    its great that you're here to find out more before jumping in. just a word of caution regarding steroids : everything has its price...

  3. #3
    Brick's Avatar
    Brick is offline Member
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    Too young. Your teammate has probably ruined his HPTA.

    6 weeks of just winny? No test? Steroids , any steroid , shut down your testes and test production. Test is needed in any cycle for basic daily requirements.

    As for getting leaner, hit the diet section bro.

  4. #4
    Nakanoshima's Avatar
    Nakanoshima is offline Junior Member
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    You are going to be told to wait because of your age.

    In the meantime you need to sort that diet and your training out. These both need to be bang on, and the relevant sections in the forums here are the best place to start.

    All your questions can be answered by searching the forums, but here you go:

    First cycle should be test only. PCT doesn't really change for specific compounds. I would spend more time on here - there is so much knowledge.

  5. #5
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Bro at your age I would really say wait until you are 25.The reason behind this is beacuse your endo system is still developing.And shutting down your test flow could really mess you up.Like ED no libdo depression.But if you wish to continue that cycle your friend told you about SUCKS! Test is the base of all cycles.You just need to do some reading here before you start a cycle.Beacuse its a lot more than a shot in the ash.And just beacuse your friend feels ok now.Lets see him in a year or 2 beacuse thats when it will happen.

  6. #6
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    grillin chicken
    You will be amazed what you can do with proper nutrition.
    The guys in the diet forum are great and can help you get that 6 pack without drugs and the side effects like acne that go with it.

  7. #7
    jallds14 is offline New Member
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    Guys thank you!
    Im blown away by the response time and helpful tips you've shared. I've been told to wait too. That's why I wanted to get find one of these boards an talk to some guys that are more knowledgable about what they do. I've read an heard that your test flow in your body is also pretty high around my age up until your late 20's.

    For me though I've put in a lot of hard work and hours on both at the gym and in my diet. I can gain strength like crazy (last year in 2 months went from bench max of 185 to 255 ALL natural) but I get frustrated because I can never get that lean look. I can't get my abs to show and trim down. I just don't know what I'm doing wrong. I've even tried cardio cycle routines at the gym and programs like Insanity. Then I see these guys on test and its like within 6 months BAM! 6 pack, jacked, and just vascular as hell. I envy it.

    So some of you are saying try the diet forums on here? Also if anyone knows where a good workout routine is at I could find that would be killer! I'm just a guy thy goes in the gym and does the same routine, same exercises week after week. Good results but you plateau very quickly.

    Thank again guys! You are great I'm so glad I came see first!

  8. #8
    jallds14 is offline New Member
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    Haha sorry for the grammar on what I'm writing. I'm typing all of these from my iPhone so don't think I'm so idiot I have a college education I swear! Lol
    Thanks again

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