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Thread: Advices

  1. #1
    misterwazza is offline New Member
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    Hey guys, I'd like to ask a question but it is for a friend. He's currently 18 years old and he's training hard / non-stop for 3 years. He has gone from 130 to 184 lbs (currently). He has a good diet, training 5-6 times a week and reaaallyy strong (225 lbs on bench). He made all of that without supplements except pre-workouts, some creatine (like 2-3 months under 3 years) and a couple of protein shakes. Now, he wants to go for his first cycle on Test combined with Dbol . (test for 3 months and dbol for the first 1month and a half).

    Would you guys recommend him something els than this for his first cycle? Personaly I think it's probably too strong for his first cycle / age but as you guys probably saw, I don't know much about steroids but I'm just looking to make him change his mind.

    I know that you'll say he's too young and that he should simply focus on a proper diet and training... I told him all of that but he's determinated in starting a cycle so what would you guys suggest him to take?

    P.S : Sorry for my english, I'm from quebec
    Last edited by misterwazza; 10-31-2012 at 10:24 PM.

  2. #2
    Doont-Hunter is offline Banned
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    So basically by friend, you oviously mean you. Why wouldn't he just sign up here himself, research himself and ask questions himself? Anyway, you are too young.

  3. #3
    red_hulk's Avatar
    red_hulk is offline Member
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    The reason "he" grew like 50 pounds is because he went from being 15 to 18. Still has a lot of growing to do and any goal could be reached naturally with the right sleep, diet, and routine. It's just harder work. Not to mention you only listed age and weight no other stats, I would say not ready for a cycle.

    Besides the fact that a stacked cycle is a terrible idea for a first cycle because you don't know how your body will react. Just wait at least another 3-4 years man, you're still growing and developing believe it or not.

  4. #4
    hugovsilva's Avatar
    hugovsilva is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by red_hulk View Post
    The reason "he" grew like 50 pounds is because he went from being 15 to 18. Still has a lot of growing to do and any goal could be reached naturally with the right sleep, diet, and routine. It's just harder work. Not to mention you only listed age and weight no other stats, I would say not ready for a cycle.

    Besides the fact that a stacked cycle is a terrible idea for a first cycle because you don't know how your body will react. Just wait at least another 3-4 years man, you're still growing and developing believe it or not.
    Agreed. If he wants a boost, start with supps (protein, creatine and so on) and take advantage of the natural anabolic state your body is on when you are 18. IMO its a waste to start cycling that early. Save it for when your hormones have stabilized.

  5. #5
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    I would have him read the young and steroids thread.He should do this before he makes a decision to cycle.

  6. #6
    misterwazza is offline New Member
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    No, I'm not talking about me in this thread...I wouldn't mind to simply ask a question and saying the truth about myself...I'm 18 too but I'm 140 lbs and faaarrr from the idea to start a cycle...And yes he obviously gained 50 pounds because he naturaly grew up (in terms of ages) but this guy is MASSIVE, even for an adult...I know he's too young and I know all of things you guys posted but HE DOES NOT CARE. He simply wants to get on steroids , that's all. I tried to change his mind, but he's really going to jump on test/dbol and I'm simply asking to experienced users what could he take to get results instead of that ''mix'' that maybe be wayy too dammageable for his first cycle.

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