I just entered my 4th week of Test Cyp @ 500mg/week/2 shots. I'm 5'7" starting weight being 182.5lbs @ just under 15%bf. This morning since being back home for a week I was able to get on a scale again and found I'm up 4 lbs. It seems I'm holding little water weight so far thanks to the Aromasin I'm taking @ 12.5mg E1.5d.
My question is does weight gain happen linearly or does it increase exponentially as more test enters your system? My diet has been relatively clean, limiting sugar and salt intake and I'm consuming over my TDEE of 3200 calories a day although i do have a chocolate cookie or two when it passes in front of me. While I'm at it, how good is milk for you when trying to gain size? I read different things about this, but personally I've been drinking on average anywhere from 2.5L-4L or (0.6-1gal) a day (seems to be awfully refreshing these days).