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  1. #1
    fabgio is offline New Member
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    antidepressants and steroids

    I am 40 years old and have been on zoloft for 20 years...I want to take steroids for self esteem not for bodybuilding. From what i have read , oral steroids are hard on the liver and would not mix well with zoloft. I am new to this and would like any advise or guidance so i can do this safely...stopping my zoloft is not an option. Some people say its perfectly safe , some say no...I dont want to get really ripped , i just want to have some muscle tone ...I am told T4 is ok but i am unsure....thnx....

  2. #2
    diabolicsoul is offline Associate Member
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    Do you have any weight lifting experience?

  3. #3
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
    Bigshotvictoria is offline Senior Member
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    I'm sorry to say it, but this sounds like a very bad idea. You say you want to take steroids for self esteem reasons only, this to me sounds like self-medicating. Being on steroids does make most people feel fantastic, myself included. But that's stops when you come off. I myself have hit incredible lows while my body resets after a cycle, even with a bang on PCT. If you're an avid bodybuilder with a solid base and experience, steroids might be for you. If you're considering steroids because you think they'll help you be happy, they are most certainly not.

    SSRI's are fantastic drugs when you find one that helps, but all they do is help manage the symptoms of depression. If your not already doing it, you should get into therapy. Meds help reduce the signs and symptoms, therapy teaches you the tools to overcome.

  4. #4
    wesh's Avatar
    wesh is offline Junior Member
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    Ive been on anti anxiety meds for 12 yrs. ive taken steroids a few times. 3 yrs ago i was on test for a yr straight. They make me feel great and never effected me when i stopped. Im on a cycle right now. I think it depends totally on the person.

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by fabgio View Post
    I am 40 years old and have been on zoloft for 20 years...I want to take steroids for self esteem not for bodybuilding. From what i have read , oral steroids are hard on the liver and would not mix well with zoloft. I am new to this and would like any advise or guidance so i can do this safely...stopping my zoloft is not an option. Some people say its perfectly safe , some say no...I dont want to get really ripped , i just want to have some muscle tone ...I am told T4 is ok but i am unsure....thnx....
    If your sole intention for taking steroids is for self esteem issues then I would say its a big no..............

  6. #6
    fabgio is offline New Member
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    Im sorry , let me correct myself. What i mean is i have no intention of abusing steroids or becoming a bodybuilder. I just want to build some muscle. I am small and have no muscle tone , especially on my back and shoulders . I have started gowing to the gym but would like to see quicker results...My body needs antidepressants because of a chemical imbalance so i cannot stop taking them...My friends say dont worry about mixing but i just wanna be safe ... thnx for ur reply and hope u can give me some advise...

  7. #7
    diabolicsoul is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fabgio View Post
    Im sorry , let me correct myself. What i mean is i have no intention of abusing steroids or becoming a bodybuilder. I just want to build some muscle. I am small and have no muscle tone , especially on my back and shoulders . I have started gowing to the gym but would like to see quicker results...My body needs antidepressants because of a chemical imbalance so i cannot stop taking them...My friends say dont worry about mixing but i just wanna be safe ... thnx for ur reply and hope u can give me some advise...
    Read the stickies that are posted around here, you will learn a lot from them.

    As for your goals? You do not want to be using AAS. Give it a little time, it's a marathon, not a sprint. Why take a risk with all of the potential side effects, when all you have to do is eat food and go to the gym.

    It sounds like you are relatively new to the gym. You will grow fairly quickly if your diet and training is spot on.

  8. #8
    fabgio is offline New Member
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    I started going to the gym then stopped for a couple of months and now i want to continue going again.

  9. #9
    human project's Avatar
    human project is offline Knowledgeable Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigshotvictoria
    I'm sorry to say it, but this sounds like a very bad idea. You say you want to take steroids for self esteem reasons only, this to me sounds like self-medicating. Being on steroids does make most people feel fantastic, myself included. But that's stops when you come off. I myself have hit incredible lows while my body resets after a cycle, even with a bang on PCT. If you're an avid bodybuilder with a solid base and experience, steroids might be for you. If you're considering steroids because you think they'll help you be happy, they are most certainly not.

    SSRI's are fantastic drugs when you find one that helps, but all they do is help manage the symptoms of depression. If your not already doing it, you should get into therapy. Meds help reduce the signs and symptoms, therapy teaches you the tools to overcome.

    He's right bro.... If your having pathological issues now they will only get drastically worse with steroid use . Certain drugs can really turn mild depression into extreme depression. Every time I come off steroids I go into such a deep depression. I wish I could find a way to help this.

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