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  1. #1
    Squats33's Avatar
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    AAS and Cancer, will they help?

    Will AAS help an individual with cancer? Any input is greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    snowman's Avatar
    snowman is offline Senior Member
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    No, it wont help anyone with cancer... most likely will make it worst ( depending on the cancer IF not all)

  3. #3
    bigsiv's Avatar
    bigsiv is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by snowman
    No, it wont help anyone with cancer... most likely will make it worst ( depending on the cancer IF not all)
    That's a bold statement care to elaborate?

  4. #4
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    yes it will help but this depends on the cancer, you and the foods you consume.

  5. #5
    bigsiv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54
    yes it will help but this depends on the cancer, you and the foods you consume.
    ??????? How come ?????

  6. #6
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    because steroids increase oxygen to cells..also produces more hemoglobin... even aids patients that are dying live longer when given a steroid like anavar . This is stuff the scientific evidence shows and the media or certain corporations would rather you not know about.

  7. #7
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54
    yes it will help but this depends on the cancer, you and the foods you consume.
    Based on what evidence??????

  8. #8
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    A cell can die in many ways - through infection, poisoning, overheating or lack of oxygen.

    Steroids will bring more oxygen into a cell. So out of the four ways a cell will die...steroids can at least eliminate one out of the four.

  9. #9
    snowman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigsiv View Post
    That's a bold statement care to elaborate?
    Here, this is just a small part of an article... Plus, so that everyone knows, my wife is fighting cancer, and she used to take steroids ( until she found out ) she was open with her doctor(S) about her use, and the first thing they told her was to stop taking gear, because she was feeding the cancer with the steroids....
    Also some steroids cause liver cancer, and some, will help that colon cancer grow
    anyways, here is part of an article....

    Why steroids are so powerful and so dangerous if abused

    Steroids are natural substances with many different effects in the human body, which begin over several days. The primary use of steroids in health care is to reduce inflammation and other disease symptoms. Steroid inhalers have an important role in reducing deaths from asthma, local steroid injections are useful in treating painful joints and ligaments. Steroid creams are used extensively to treat eczema and other inflammatory skin conditions. Steroids make the whole immune system less active, which can be very useful in illnesses where there is an immune component - a huge number. Steroids are the ultimate anti-inflammatory drugs.

    However steroid use in medicine is limited by very serious side effects in the body as a whole. That is why steroids tend to be used sparingly in local preparations such as sprays and creams, which ensure maximum steroid dose where it is needed, and minimum levels in the blood stream.

    Steroid use in medicine and health care

    Steroid skin creams for example cause thinning and weakness of the skin, while steroids also cause calcium to leak out of bones so that they weaken and fracture spontaneously. Steroids also make people feel very hungry and cause blood sugar to rise. People on steroids can gain weight and often develop a typical "moon face" as well as getting diabetes.

    Another serious steroid problem is that we all need aggressive immune systems to fight infections and cancers, but steroids knock that out. People on high doses of steroids for medical reasons can die from chest infections and cancers of many kinds. We see these patterns in those who receive organ transplants, who need often need huge doses of steroids to stop the body from destroying the donated tissue. Cancers often develop, which shows us how important our white cells are in keeping us cancer-free, and how often all of us develop cancer in our daily lives. Most of us may have two or three tiny cancers inside us at any time. Taking high dose steroids makes it more likely one of these will develop rapidly.

    People on high dose steroids are immune-deficient in every way so that many organisms that rarely cause problems can overgrow, totally upsetting the normal balance of mircobes in the body. An example is candida yeast which can grow rapidly in the mouth causing painful thrush.

    Effects of steroids on brain and cancer

    Steroids also affect the brain, and high doses can make people feel happy, euphoric, hyped-up, with disturbance of sleep and even serious psychiatric illness such as mania, very aggressive behavior and psychosis (delusions, pananoia, loss of touch with reality). If steroid users are also taking other drugs which affect mood or brain function, these side-effects can be far more common.

    Steroids are really useful in the care of those with advanced cancer when short life expectancy from their condition means physicians are far more relaxed about long term side-effects.

    Brain tumours often respond dramatically to steroids. The reason is that the brain is contained in a bony box inside the skull and pressure can build up inside the head, resulting in headaches, sickness, drowsiness and other problems. Brain scans often show that a tunour the size of a wallnut can be surrounded by a big immune reaction, with brain swelling and inflammation. Steroids reduce the additional swelling, often reversing symptoms and buying time - maybe a few weeks. The underlying cancer continues to grow and if the person finally begins to deteriorate death often follows rapidly as the steroid dose is reduced.

    So steroids are really powerful, with wide ranges of actions, producing dramatic effects ranging from pain relief to mood elevation, and if it were not for the very serious side effects they would be used even more often.

    The body becomes dependent on steroids and when used in health care, most physicians reduce dosage gradually, even though they may start in an acute illness with a very high dose.....

  10. #10
    bigsiv's Avatar
    bigsiv is offline Productive Member
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    Not a bad article snowman I would like to see a more specific outlook I.e which steroids cause what.
    Sorry to hear about your wife bro hope everything is well Peace

  11. #11
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    This article is looking at many different types of steroids not just AAS. That said the self prescribed use of AAS to treat cancer would be a very poor choice as many cancers growth will be greatly accelerated by the use of exogenous AAS.

    I will limit my response to this comment since I am not a doctor or medical student I do not want to speculate where a life is involved. Perhaps some of the more knowlegable members will expand on it.

    PS Best wishes, FFM

  12. #12
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    There is a lot of incorrect information here. I will certainly elaborate more later, but for now, I can attest to the following:

    1. I've been in cancer research now for 11 years. No research to date has shown any significant benefit from steroids . I also own a company involved in cancer R&D and the majority of compounds are directed at shunting pathways that steroids would often operate through (i.e. turning on apoptosis pathways or turning off proliferation pathways).
    2. Anabolic steroids are often immunosuppressive. This condition worsens response to therapy. It does not improve progression free survival (PFS).
    3. Some of the steroid benefits referred to in this thread are NOT the same steroids used in the BB community.

  13. #13
    snowman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    There is a lot of incorrect information here. I will certainly elaborate more later, but for now, I can attest to the following:

    1. I've been in cancer research now for 11 years. No research to date has shown any significant benefit from steroids . I also own a company involved in cancer R&D and the majority of compounds are directed at shunting pathways that steroids would often operate through (i.e. turning on apoptosis pathways or turning off proliferation pathways).
    2. Anabolic steroids are often immunosuppressive. This condition worsens response to therapy. It does not improve progression free survival (PFS).
    3. Some of the steroid benefits referred to in this thread are NOT the same steroids used in the BB community.
    So, you agree with my first statement , Right?
    I am, assuming that the steroids he is talking about, are the ones used by BB community, since this is a BB/steroid forum...there is other steroids for people that have cancer, but has nothing to do with the ones bb take... an example of one of those is dexamethasone.....
    Last edited by snowman; 11-01-2012 at 04:14 PM.

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