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Thread: Deca

  1. #1
    miner1 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2012


    Going to use deca for the first time and was planing on injecting 250mg per week for 12 weeks (I know that might seem weak but thats all I could afford right now), should I inject it 2 times a week (mon and wed) or (mon and thursd) or only once a week? keep getting different opinions. I am stacking this with testosterone e. The deca is Nandrolone but not sur if it is NNP (Durabolin ) or ND (deca) the vial is only titled Decabol 300. This is the 3rd cycle I do but first using deca. 5' 11' 200lbs on a good day and plan to work out 6 times a week with tuesdays and sundays as rest days. Diet and pct are good to go just asking how many times a week I should inject.

  2. #2
    bigsiv's Avatar
    bigsiv is offline Productive Member
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    Twice a week 0.7 ml will give you 420 mg a week. You say that's all you can afford which sounds a bit worrying hope you have stacked up on the main bulker FOOD! ! !

  3. #3
    miner1 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Thanks! would you do mon and wed or tue and thurs? seeing how my off days are tues and sundays

  4. #4
    bigsiv's Avatar
    bigsiv is offline Productive Member
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    North east England
    Monday morning and Thursday night. Deca has quite a long ester so if you wanted you could do 1.4ml once a week but I prefer regular pining for stable blood levels ( IMO it helps with sides as well)

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