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  1. #1
    smeeto's Avatar
    smeeto is offline Junior Member
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    questions about test e and cutting

    Hey, posting this on behalf of a friend who ordered his gear with me and will be starting a cycle soon. All the PCT stuff and AI is already taken care of (Arimidex for AI and nolvadex / Clomid for PCT, getting bloodwork done every 2 weeks and all that good stuff)
    his stats are:
    24 years
    185 pounds
    13% bf
    So he is getting some Test E and a small amount of Turinabol (20 pills included as a free sample from supplier) and also has some good quality clen on hand. The original plan was to run a 12 week standard bulk cycle, but he's been thinking of doing a cut cycle instead to get down that last few bf%. His main question is, with everything that he has at his disposal (Test E, the small amount of Turinabol and Clen) is that enough/ the proper compounds for an effective cutting cycle, or should he just bulk with it instead? Training/cardio would be HIIT cardio 3 days a week, lifting 4, carb cycling of one day at zero carbs, then two days at 60g a day, then one refeed day at 200g, rinse and repeat for however long needed.
    The amount of test he will run will be 500/week injected twice a week, and if clen is good to go in the cycle he would include it by pyramiding up then down from 20-120 on two week on and two week off cycles.

  2. #2
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    First and foremost bulking and cutting is 100% diet dependent. It has nadda to do with what and how much gear you run!

    2nd...I know what I would do IF i were him!

    A) scrap the Tbol cause you don't have enough to bother with. Keep it for another day!

    B) Use this Test E (only) cycle tyo bulk up with some big aas lean gains

    C) Use that Clen later to cut after PCT

    This will allow great gains and then cutting back down before summer season!!!!!!

  3. #3
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
    --->>405<<--- is offline Elite-AR-Hall of Famer
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    lunk im assuming u have access to the internet at work?

  4. #4
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    I think he sleeps with it

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Just use Test E to bulk. Long ester like E will hold more water than shorter ester. If you want to cut I'd recommend a shorter ester like Test Prop and a "dry" oral like winny.

  6. #6
    smeeto's Avatar
    smeeto is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks Lunk, ill pass that on to him. As a followup question, how much bf would you expect to put on during the cycle? He's not going for a crazy bulk or anything, probably about 500Kcal over what he's at now (3100 maintenance), altered of course if he feels like it needs to be upped or (i doubt it) decreased. Going for as lean of a bulk as possible, trying to get an idea on the end results. Diet will be clean of course, mostly lean meats and dairy for protien/fat and sweet potatoes, rice and beans for carbs, no junk.

  7. #7
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    technology at my fingertips 24/7 and trensomnia = site addiction lol

  8. #8
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    All of that is going to be determined by his diet and cardio. 500 over is the best way to assure very little fat gained. Reality is that it is impossible to bulk with 0 fat gained but if done right he should be able to keep it to 1% a nice solid or so. Then later with clen , calorie defeciant diet and cardio he should be able to easily strip 2 or 3% leaving him with a nice, solid, lean gain

    By the way...have him join...his diet is going to be soooo fkn important to get max gains with min. fat gained! That 405 guy up above will make a monster out of him.

  9. #9
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I would stick with doing a bulk. If he cuts he wont be gaining muscle per say just saving it while at a calorie deficit.

  10. #10
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    I would stick with doing a bulk. If he cuts he wont be gaining muscle per say just saving it while at a calorie deficit.
    Recomp is possible if you know what your doing! One can gain muscle while losing's just not as easy or productive!

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