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  1. #1
    boxingfan30 is offline Member
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    Why do you use steroids?

    I thought I would start a thread about why each person uses them. It seems like with many of the pro/fake wrestlers that have died or have had major heart issues. Arnold has had heart issues, of course recently Michael Clarke Duncan died due to heart issues. It makes me wonder... can you have a life of using them and expect to live a long healthy life?

    I do understand the many benefits that test has proven to give. However, it is known to cause heart problems (from what i've read anyway) over time.

    Of course the benefits are much more so in older people.

    Anyway, why do you use it?

  2. #2
    Tron3219's Avatar
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    Ta get big duh :P jk to break past genetic potential, hate being stagnant

  3. #3
    boxingfan30 is offline Member
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    I can understand that... so for you, do the benefits you see outweigh the risks? Or do you feel that you are cautious enough with how much you use that you won't have the above issues?

  4. #4
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    None of these deaths or issues has been directly accredited to steroid use . This topic is done about once evry other function at the top right corner.

  5. #5
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxingfan30 View Post
    I can understand that... so for you, do the benefits you see outweigh the risks? Or do you feel that you are cautious enough with how much you use that you won't have the above issues?
    In my opinion there is a HUGE difference between steroid use and steroid ABUSE !!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. #6
    Tron3219's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1

    In my opinion there is a HUGE difference between steroid use and steroid ABUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Agreed, moderation is the key. The fellas u mentioned have done KILOS of juice lol

  7. #7
    Chx beach 79's Avatar
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    Do you drink or drive a car? Then you are in way more danger then the AAS will cause if not abused.. It's about being stronger in life... There is a difference between use and abuse... And most deaths you here of are myths... Watch the truth about steroids on YouTube where a major tv network did a in depth study about steroids... More people die eating cheeseburgers and drinking soda then people who add compounds and workout a lot...

  8. #8
    Tron3219's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chx beach 79
    Do you drink or drive a car? Then you are in way more danger then the AAS will cause if not abused.. It's about being stronger in life... There is a difference between use and abuse... And most deaths you here of are myths... Watch the truth about steroids on YouTube where a major tv network did a in depth study about steroids... More people die eating cheeseburgers and drinking soda then people who add compounds and workout a lot...
    Die of obesity related issues or die cuz of sexy related issues...I chose sexy! Lol

  9. #9
    Chx beach 79's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219

    Die of obesity related issues or die cuz of sexy related issues...I chose sexy! Lol
    Really! Lol, I can't believe the crap people hear. Experience is the only educator sometimes!

  10. #10
    boxingfan30 is offline Member
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    I'm not against the use of it obviously. I'm 34 and will have to likely have to use something in the near future. So far my test is ok and in the normal range (633 total) free% and so forth is also fine.

    So it is not true that it causes issues with the ventricle or whatever it supposedly is that is a problem?

  11. #11
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Steroids CAN cause a plethora of health related issues. High cholesterol, enlarged prostate, high BP, damge to the HPTA and so on. There is a risk involved in every drug you can take. Read the warning label on asperine. I just had this same argument 2 days ago with a Doc who was blaming a stroke on HRT due to high cholesterol. He said it says right in the warning. I said every prescription drug I can think of seems to end with could cause death at the end of the warning list!

    It's about responsible use and taking all the available precautions to lessen the risks, such as using an AI, getting blood work done, PCT, adequit time off and so on.

  12. #12
    gymfu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    In my opinion there is a HUGE difference between steroid use and steroid ABUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!
    This is the key. Keep doses reasonable, cycle use, and keep an eye on your health, bp, blood work and the risk are minimal.

  13. #13
    boxingfan30 is offline Member
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    oh I definitely agree. I have to take several meds and there's warnings on all of them. I just thought it would be interesting to get each persons reason as to why they use it.

    For instance... in sports I believe it's a complete and total cheat... no if's and's or buts about it.

    However, while illegal, I feel that people such as cops or military should be able to use it if they need more power. You don't know what you might run into in either profession.

  14. #14
    Mixer808 is offline New Member
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    My body is naturally skinny. In a nutshell I actually needed a boost to get over the early plateau I hit when I started lifting.

  15. #15
    boxingfan30 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mixer808 View Post
    My body is naturally skinny. In a nutshell I actually needed a boost to get over the early plateau I hit when I started lifting.
    so you have been satisfied with the results?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxingfan30 View Post
    oh I definitely agree. I have to take several meds and there's warnings on all of them. I just thought it would be interesting to get each persons reason as to why they use it.

    For instance... in sports I believe it's a complete and total cheat... no if's and's or buts about it.

    However, while illegal, I feel that people such as cops or military should be able to use it if they need more power. You don't know what you might run into in either profession.
    I don't care who's using them. I'm convinced most athletes use them. We only hear about the ones that get caught.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mixer808 View Post
    My body is naturally skinny. In a nutshell I actually needed a boost to get over the early plateau I hit when I started lifting.
    Nobody NEEDS them when they start out. Good diet and training will put size on anybody new, the body will always adapt to some degree.

  18. #18
    Doont-Hunter is offline Banned
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    Well my first reasons to start going to the gym were to feel noticed by people. It probably sounds ****ing gay to you guys, but its true. Then when you start getting the attention from attractive girls, I started thinking yeah the gym is definitely to get with girls. Then as time progresses I realize I'm doing it to push myself, prove to myself and the doubters than I can do it, and to live a much healthier and fruitful lifestyle. The reason for my using AAS is to push myself harder than I have ever before and to see what new limits I can achieve. Nothing better than proving to yourself you can do better, and proving the doubters wrong.

  19. #19
    boxingfan30 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gymfu View Post
    I don't care who's using them. I'm convinced most athletes use them. We only hear about the ones that get caught.
    obviously... most or all football players use them, which is pretty easy to see.

    However as a boxingfan (hence the name lol) I am TOTALLY against it in ANY combat sport. It's dangerous enough without using. Let your talent speak for itself.

  20. #20
    boxingfan30 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doont-Hunter View Post
    Well my first reasons to start going to the gym were to feel noticed by people. It probably sounds ****ing gay to you guys, but its true. Then when you start getting the attention from attractive girls, I started thinking yeah the gym is definitely to get with girls. Then as time progresses I realize I'm doing it to push myself, prove to myself and the doubters than I can do it, and to live a much healthier and fruitful lifestyle. The reason for my using AAS is to push myself harder than I have ever before and to see what new limits I can achieve. Nothing better than proving to yourself you can do better, and proving the doubters wrong.
    Right, but don't you think that proving anyone wrong by having to use something isn't the best way vs. having the right diet and exercise plan and doing it naturally?

  21. #21
    Doont-Hunter is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxingfan30 View Post
    Right, but don't you think that proving anyone wrong by having to use something isn't the best way vs. having the right diet and exercise plan and doing it naturally?
    I more meant proving people wrong by just being in the gym and ifting. I have my reasons for using AAS such as pushing myself further than before, reaching new heights, experiencing something different I guess. People said I'd never be big, people said I'd never go to university and study law etc. Even family members have said these things to me. Feels good being able to say I've done more with my life in twenty years than what they have their whole lives.

  22. #22
    Metalject's Avatar
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    Steroid use vs. Steroid Abuse , it's a weird argument in a lot of the ways and I mean that on both sides of the fence. Think about it, to the general public any use is abuse. To many doctors, even TRT is borderline abuse. Then there are the steroid users, the message board guys, and there's always a line on each board that defines use and least in a general sense.

    My opinion is probably a little more liberal than opinion is that any use is fine so as long as you're not causing damage to yourself. I don't care what the doses are or what the combination of steroids may be, if you're not hurting yourself this isn't abuse. That said, I'm also a believer in that people should pretty much be allowed to do whatever they want. If someone wants to take the risk they should be free to do so. If you're legally allowed to stuff your face with lard 24hrs a day you should be legally allowed to use all the steroids you want. In my opinion, so as long as your actions do not harm anyone else then there really shouldn't be an issue. If your actions are harming others, you bet, this would be an issue of concern. In my opinion, this is all that matters.

  23. #23
    boxingfan30 is offline Member
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    so, at what point does everyone feel abuse is actually abuse? It might be hard to convince someone they are abusing them.

  24. #24
    diabolicsoul is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxingfan30 View Post
    so, at what point does everyone feel abuse is actually abuse? It might be hard to convince someone they are abusing them.
    When you are ignoring health problems.

    IMO: To get from Point A to Point B faster.

    And as long as you are doing everything correctly and not arbitrary. Do your research!!

  25. #25
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    If they're hurting themselves but in the end it's there choice just as it's someones choice to smoke five packs of cigarettes a day, eat burger king around the clock or spend their entire pay check on scratch off tickets. All stupid behavior but that's each person's choice.

  26. #26
    boxingfan30 is offline Member
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    This is one of the problems I have seen. Just as a for instance... if you ask about a cycle of something, you will get 10 different answers. It doesn't seem like there is a hard and fast rule.

    When I was interested in Var, I had asked about 20 mg a day. Most told me that wasn't enough... while our site sponsors main site says otherwise. I was told by many however that 20 mg's would do nothing for me at all, and that 60 or more mg's is what I would need. I'm not a big guy (maybe 160 lbs shredded or less) so I may not need as much as the 200 lb 6'2 guy correct? Ultimately I didn't want the possibility of liver issues, so I decided against Var.

  27. #27
    Doont-Hunter is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxingfan30 View Post
    This is one of the problems I have seen. Just as a for instance... if you ask about a cycle of something, you will get 10 different answers. It doesn't seem like there is a hard and fast rule.

    When I was interested in Var, I had asked about 20 mg a day. Most told me that wasn't enough... while our site sponsors main site says otherwise. I was told by many however that 20 mg's would do nothing for me at all, and that 60 or more mg's is what I would need. I'm not a big guy (maybe 160 lbs shredded or less) so I may not need as much as the 200 lb 6'2 guy correct? Ultimately I didn't want the possibility of liver issues, so I decided against Var.
    Anavar is pretty mild on the liver mate. I'm using it now. The bigger problem than the liver is the suppression of your natural testosterone .

  28. #28
    boxingfan30 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doont-Hunter View Post
    Anavar is pretty mild on the liver mate. I'm using it now. The bigger problem than the liver is the suppression of your natural testosterone.
    well yeah, that was the other part... makes the price go up quite a bit and makes me need more than I want to take. What the hell out there doesn't suppress test? Besides test that is lol.

  29. #29
    Doont-Hunter is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxingfan30 View Post
    well yeah, that was the other part... makes the price go up quite a bit and makes me need more than I want to take. What the hell out there doesn't suppress test? Besides test that is lol.
    There's nothing that doesn't in terms of AAS. There will always be side effects to AAS use.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxingfan30 View Post
    well yeah, that was the other part... makes the price go up quite a bit and makes me need more than I want to take. What the hell out there doesn't suppress test? Besides test that is lol.
    All steroid suppress natural production, even testosterone . However, all steroids do not suppress at the same rate. Some are far more suppressive than others. Some can promote total suppression while others milder reductions and everything in-between.

  31. #31
    diabolicsoul is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxingfan30 View Post
    This is one of the problems I have seen. Just as a for instance... if you ask about a cycle of something, you will get 10 different answers. It doesn't seem like there is a hard and fast rule.

    When I was interested in Var, I had asked about 20 mg a day. Most told me that wasn't enough... while our site sponsors main site says otherwise. I was told by many however that 20 mg's would do nothing for me at all, and that 60 or more mg's is what I would need. I'm not a big guy (maybe 160 lbs shredded or less) so I may not need as much as the 200 lb 6'2 guy correct? Ultimately I didn't want the possibility of liver issues, so I decided against Var.
    Do more research and figure out the general consensus. 20mg a day is a little more than what a female would be taking. Yes, 60mg would be more suited towards you. Var and your liver aren't that bad.

  32. #32
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    This should be moved to the lounge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  33. #33
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    Because in my line of work, i need them lol.

  34. #34
    Tasmaniac is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    Because in my line of work, i need them lol.
    Same here. I'm in security and although I did years of martial arts, I was still way too skinny

  35. #35
    Tasmaniac is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chx beach 79 View Post
    Do you drink or drive a car? Then you are in way more danger then the AAS will cause if not abused.. It's about being stronger in life... There is a difference between use and abuse... And most deaths you here of are myths... Watch the truth about steroids on YouTube where a major tv network did a in depth study about steroids... More people die eating cheeseburgers and drinking soda then people who add compounds and workout a lot...
    What I am wondering is if someone who is a mesomorph would be more likely to develop problems from AAS. Their heart would be more likely to enlarge after use simply because their body is able to grow naturally a lot easier. As opposed to an ectomorph like me who has had to do everything exactly right to be able to put any weight on...

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tasmaniac View Post
    What I am wondering is if someone who is a mesomorph would be more likely to develop problems from AAS. Their heart would be more likely to enlarge after use simply because their body is able to grow naturally a lot easier. As opposed to an ectomorph like me who has had to do everything exactly right to be able to put any weight on...
    sounds like me, i find it easy to gain weight, but hard to loose it which kinda sucks coz im trying to cut

    and for the original question, i dont use AAS, yet.... but when i do it will be to look big and pretty lol.

  37. #37
    Tasmaniac is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post
    sounds like me, i find it easy to gain weight, but hard to loose it which kinda sucks coz im trying to cut

    and for the original question, i dont use AAS, yet.... but when i do it will be to look big and pretty lol.
    In my mind, you'd have to be more likely to end up with an enlarged heart which would possibly cause death later on. In my case, I'm nearly 30 kg above my natural weight and still skinny lol I'd just be happy with your genetic superiority and just go for GHRP-2 or HGH. It's much safer

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tasmaniac View Post
    In my mind, you'd have to be more likely to end up with an enlarged heart which would possibly cause death later on. In my case, I'm nearly 30 kg above my natural weight and still skinny lol I'd just be happy with your genetic superiority and just go for GHRP-2 or HGH. It's much safer
    HGH is too expensive.. plus you dont really cycle that.. its more of a for life type of thing..

  39. #39
    Tasmaniac is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post
    HGH is too expensive.. plus you dont really cycle that.. its more of a for life type of thing..
    GHRP-2 and IGF-1 then?
    Not only does it work well, it's legal

  40. #40
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    too hard to get in oz...

    if ordered from ar-r , will most likely get seized by customs...

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