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  1. #1
    thedoors55 is offline New Member
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    Test e @500mg/week 10weeks

    Hey Im new on this forum even tho I've been reading alot before registrating myself here!

    So Im not gonna bug any1 with my diet and training but Im 6"1 202lbs. I saw a lot of before/after pics on here, I dont wanna look like a douch but most of then (user) werent even near their genetics limits... which I found it odd to start AAS..

    Anyway, Im currently competing in powerlifting, aiming for the 198lbs junior deadlift world record (280kg) and I know test e have a long ester and need about 3months to clear from blood, I could probably match this weight natty but Im looking further powerlifting because it's pretty hard on joints.

    Injections sunday morning and wednesday afternoon

    Week 1: 250mg x2 test e
    Week 2: 250mg x2 test e
    Week 3: 250mg x2 test e
    Week 4: 250mg x2 test e
    Week 5: 250mg x2 test e
    WeeK 6: 250mg x2 test e
    Week 7: 250mg x2 test e
    Week 8: 250mg x2 test e
    Week 9: 250mg x2 test e
    Week 10:250mg x2 test e

    Starting 2weeks after last pin

    Clomid: 75/50/50/50
    Nolva: 40/20/20/20

    I'll try to upload some before/after pics
    Advices and/or tips are welcome!

    *If you want more info about training/diet/stats feel free to ask

  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Your 21 i think you should spend the next few years researching and dialing in your diet before considering the use of aas for many reasons.
    Quote Originally Posted by thedoors55 View Post
    Hey Im new on this forum even tho I've been reading alot before registrating myself here!

    So Im not gonna bug any1 with my diet and training but Im 6"1 202lbs. I saw a lot of before/after pics on here, I dont wanna look like a douch but most of then (user) werent even near their genetics limits... which I found it odd to start AAS..

    Anyway, Im currently competing in powerlifting, aiming for the 198lbs junior deadlift world record (280kg) and I know test e have a long ester and need about 3months to clear from blood, I could probably match this weight natty but Im looking further powerlifting because it's pretty hard on joints.

    Injections sunday morning and wednesday afternoon

    Week 1: 250mg x2 test e
    Week 2: 250mg x2 test e
    Week 3: 250mg x2 test e
    Week 4: 250mg x2 test e
    Week 5: 250mg x2 test e
    WeeK 6: 250mg x2 test e
    Week 7: 250mg x2 test e
    Week 8: 250mg x2 test e
    Week 9: 250mg x2 test e
    Week 10:250mg x2 test e

    Starting 2weeks after last pin

    Clomid: 75/50/50/50
    Nolva: 40/20/20/20

    I'll try to upload some before/after pics
    Advices and/or tips are welcome!

    *If you want more info about training/diet/stats feel free to ask

  3. #3
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    is it true? 21yrs old?

    while you take some time to consider whether to cross over to the dark side, read up on hcg . maybe read up on AI too.

  4. #4
    thedoors55 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by asiandude View Post
    is it true? 21yrs old?

    while you take some time to consider whether to cross over to the dark side, read up on hcg. maybe read up on AI too.
    I alrdy read about hcg and Im not particulary towards injecting in my PCT.. And for AI, I didnt put it into PCT since Im not sure I want to take .25mg ED of aromasin even tho it help with bloating and gyno

  5. #5
    btern's Avatar
    btern is offline Associate Member
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    why pump test into your body when your 21 ? your body is producing plenty at this age, take advantage of it !! get your diet dialled in your rest and training you will see good gains from whats been stated alone.

  6. #6
    AD's Avatar
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    hcg for on-cycle support.

    but take your time to consider. dont make a hasty decision and regret for the rest of your life. if you can win the comp natty, why take the risk?

  7. #7
    diabolicsoul is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by thedoors55 View Post
    I alrdy read about hcg and Im not particulary towards injecting in my PCT.. And for AI, I didnt put it into PCT since Im not sure I want to take .25mg ED of aromasin even tho it help with bloating and gyno
    Adex = .25mg.
    Aromasin = 12.5 mg.

    And listen to the advice you've been given.

  8. #8
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Agree with above on the age factor. When is your competition?

  9. #9
    thedoors55 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    Agree with above on the age factor. When is your competition?
    Quote Originally Posted by asiandude View Post
    hcg for on-cycle support.

    but take your time to consider. dont make a hasty decision and regret for the rest of your life. if you can win the comp natty, why take the risk?
    Because Im not doing it for the comp, Im looking to start bodybuilding!

    And april 2013

  10. #10
    toppinm's Avatar
    toppinm is offline Junior Member
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    I don't see the point on constantly lecturing on age when people have already made up their minds on wether or not to cycle. As long as your a consenting adult. Your cycle looks fine.

  11. #11
    btern's Avatar
    btern is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by thedoors55 View Post
    Because Im not doing it for the comp, Im looking to start bodybuilding!

    And april 2013
    your looking at starting to bodybuild? you mean your new to it?? even more reason not to cycle yet. you need some experience under your belt at least a couple of solid years of hard training and dieting to build a base to start off....... you dont just jump straight into it. thats just asking for a seriouse injury not to mention messing up your hpta for the rest of your life

  12. #12
    btern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by toppinm View Post
    I don't see the point on constantly lecturing on age when people have already made up their minds on wether or not to cycle. As long as your a consenting adult. Your cycle looks fine.
    where is the lecturing mate? in this forum we just give people our best "advice" and "knowledge" just because your not hearing what you want to hear dosnt mean its a lecture

  13. #13
    thedoors55 is offline New Member
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    Sorry, I wasnt clear on that point. I already know how to pose, how to train and how to eat. I would never start a cycle without a solid diet and training. I didnt post my diet, but all my food is dialled, and same for training, anyway I switch my routine each 2months, except for some basic compounds excercices such as squat, dead and limit-bench. When I was talking about starting bodybuilding, I was reffering to shows, my bad for the misunderstanding here.

  14. #14
    toppinm's Avatar
    toppinm is offline Junior Member
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    I don't disagree that age is relevant, I just think it would be more productive to mention it once and then give advice on the cycle if the person still wants to move forward.

  15. #15
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Quote Originally Posted by thedoors55 View Post
    Hey Im new on this forum even tho I've been reading alot before registrating myself here!

    So Im not gonna bug any1 with my diet and training but Im 6"1 202lbs. I saw a lot of before/after pics on here, I dont wanna look like a douch but most of then (user) werent even near their genetics limits... which I found it odd to start AAS.. And how do you know that you have reached YOUR genetic limit?

    Anyway, Im currently competing in powerlifting, aiming for the 198lbs junior deadlift world record (280kg) and I know test e have a long ester and need about 3months to clear from blood, I could probably match this weight natty but Im looking further powerlifting because it's pretty hard on joints.

    Injections sunday morning and wednesday afternoon

    Week 1: 250mg x2 test e
    Week 2: 250mg x2 test e
    Week 3: 250mg x2 test e
    Week 4: 250mg x2 test e
    Week 5: 250mg x2 test e
    WeeK 6: 250mg x2 test e
    Week 7: 250mg x2 test e
    Week 8: 250mg x2 test e
    Week 9: 250mg x2 test e
    Week 10:250mg x2 test e

    Starting 2weeks after last pin

    Clomid: 75/50/50/50
    Nolva: 40/20/20/20

    I'll try to upload some before/after pics
    Advices and/or tips are welcome!

    *If you want more info about training/diet/stats feel free to ask
    Yeah, let's see the diet and training if you don't mind...


  16. #16
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by toppinm View Post
    I don't disagree that age is relevant, I just think it would be more productive to mention it once and then give advice on the cycle if the person still wants to move forward.
    You obviously haven't spent enough time on this site to see how effective it is when two or three people (or more) actually agree that the age is too young, and then support it with links and data. I have witnessed Marcus, Lunk, and myself, do this many times collectively. Sometime the OP needs a bit of a nudge to fully understand what the health risks are and the potential future damage that may because by his uneducated decision.

    So, i disagree with your statement, but i understand your point.

  17. #17
    OdinsOtherSon's Avatar
    OdinsOtherSon is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Food for thought...check out the end result of another member your age who ran AAS

    It sounds as if he's recovering in this thread, but he didn't. He's on life long HRT now.
    Last edited by OdinsOtherSon; 11-20-2012 at 08:48 PM. Reason: Added info

  18. #18
    thedoors55 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Yeah, let's see the diet and training if you don't mind...


    Meal 1: 60-80g oats, 1scoop whey with 1/2scoop raspberry/blueberry, 6 eggs white and 2 full eggs, with multivit and fish oil

    Meal 2: 2cups greek yogourt with 2tbs of almond butter and 1/2scoop of raspberry/blueberry

    Meal 3: 6-8oz chicken/fish/pork with 1/2 brown rice and 1/2-1scoop of green veggies, multivits and fish oil

    Meal 4: Protein shake with skim milk 15almonds, apple

    Post training meal: 6-8oz lean meat complex carbs (70-90g)

    Meal 5: 6-8oz chicken/fish/pork and 1 scoop of green veggies, fish oil

    Bedtime meal: Cottage cheese with almond butter

    carbs: 200g
    fat: 100.5g
    protein: 275g

    Carbs are not that high since Im currently trying to stay near the 200-205lbs with 8% bf because when I will drop for powerlifting comp, I dont want to loose too much strenght.

    Training atm:

    Chest/Triceps: Incline DB press 4sets 8-12 till failure
    Incline DB flies 4sets 8-12 ...
    DB bench press 4sets 6-8..
    Modified push up 3sets until failure

    Superset:Skullcrushers 10-12
    Close grip BP 8-10 3sets

    Rope pushdown 4sets 10-12 till failure
    Overhead DB triceps extension 4sets 8-10 final drop set

    Back/Biceps: Deadlift 5sets 5, set 4 is max weight for 1 rep
    Wide-grip pullups 4sets 10
    Bent T-Bar row 4sets 8-10
    One arm DB row 4sets 8-10, final drop set
    Straight-arm pulldown 3sets 10-15

    EZ-bar DB curls 2strict sets 10-12/2 cheat sets 4-6
    Superset:Incline DB curls 8-10
    Hammer curls 4sets 8-10

    Quads/Ham: Squat or Front squat 4sets 14-16 10-12 6-8 4-6
    Leg press 4sets 8-10
    Superset: Leg extensions
    Romanian squat (with weight)4sets 10-12

    Straight-legged deadlift 3sets 8-12
    Standing leg curls 3sets 8-12
    Seated leg curls 4sets 10-12

    Shoulders/Traps/(Calves): DB shoulder press 4sets 8-10, final drop
    Side lateral raise 4sets 10-12
    Reverse pec deck 3sets 10-14

    Superset: Front raise
    Upright BB row 3sets 8-10

    BB shrug 4sets 6-10 till failure

    Training,s going to change in 2-3days going to go heavy on squat, 2x a week

  19. #19
    btern's Avatar
    btern is offline Associate Member
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    your not eating no where near enough mate,hit the nutrition section
    Quote Originally Posted by thedoors55 View Post

    Meal 1: 60-80g oats, 1scoop whey with 1/2scoop raspberry/blueberry, 6 eggs white and 2 full eggs, with multivit and fish oil

    Meal 2: 2cups greek yogourt with 2tbs of almond butter and 1/2scoop of raspberry/blueberry

    Meal 3: 6-8oz chicken/fish/pork with 1/2 brown rice and 1/2-1scoop of green veggies, multivits and fish oil

    Meal 4: Protein shake with skim milk 15almonds, apple

    Post training meal: 6-8oz lean meat complex carbs (70-90g)

    Meal 5: 6-8oz chicken/fish/pork and 1 scoop of green veggies, fish oil

    Bedtime meal: Cottage cheese with almond butter

    carbs: 200g
    fat: 100.5g
    protein: 275g

    Carbs are not that high since Im currently trying to stay near the 200-205lbs with 8% bf because when I will drop for powerlifting comp, I dont want to loose too much strenght.

    Training atm:

    Chest/Triceps: Incline DB press 4sets 8-12 till failure
    Incline DB flies 4sets 8-12 ...
    DB bench press 4sets 6-8..
    Modified push up 3sets until failure

    Superset:Skullcrushers 10-12
    Close grip BP 8-10 3sets

    Rope pushdown 4sets 10-12 till failure
    Overhead DB triceps extension 4sets 8-10 final drop set

    Back/Biceps: Deadlift 5sets 5, set 4 is max weight for 1 rep
    Wide-grip pullups 4sets 10
    Bent T-Bar row 4sets 8-10
    One arm DB row 4sets 8-10, final drop set
    Straight-arm pulldown 3sets 10-15

    EZ-bar DB curls 2strict sets 10-12/2 cheat sets 4-6
    Superset:Incline DB curls 8-10
    Hammer curls 4sets 8-10

    Quads/Ham: Squat or Front squat 4sets 14-16 10-12 6-8 4-6
    Leg press 4sets 8-10
    Superset: Leg extensions
    Romanian squat (with weight)4sets 10-12

    Straight-legged deadlift 3sets 8-12
    Standing leg curls 3sets 8-12
    Seated leg curls 4sets 10-12

    Shoulders/Traps/(Calves): DB shoulder press 4sets 8-10, final drop
    Side lateral raise 4sets 10-12
    Reverse pec deck 3sets 10-14

    Superset: Front raise
    Upright BB row 3sets 8-10

    BB shrug 4sets 6-10 till failure

    Training,s going to change in 2-3days going to go heavy on squat, 2x a week

  20. #20
    thedoors55 is offline New Member
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    I just saw that.. I would never run tren on first cycle. and more basically, I would never try 3compounds on first cycle, this is a no no.

  21. #21
    thedoors55 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by btern View Post
    your not eating no where near enough mate,hit the nutrition section
    This is not a bulking diet, calorie intake would be fix to meet my new requirements

  22. #22
    zeeibi is offline Junior Member
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