I've been dealing with puffy nipples and bloating for about 5-6 months now and I'm starting to not be able to deal with it. I'm still not sure if the bloating is GI related or water retention. I've seen a GI doctor for 5 months and have had every single test they could think of done, they all came back negative and can't figure out why I'm bloating. My puffy nipples at the moment are far more concerning though, but the two together is just killing me.

I stacked a couple of natty test boosters (DAA, Animal Test, Test Freak) back in April/May and when I stopped them my nipples became puffy. What do I do? I've tried a couple of things (nolva, aromasin , letro, bromo) but all of them for a really short time because it seems that anything I put into my body just makes me more bloated. I have had some bloodwork done that I'm going to post below:

6/5/2012 Blood Work:
total T: 485ng/dL (range 241-827ng/dL)
FSH: 2.8 mIU/mL (undefined range)
LH: 2.0mIU/mL (undefined range)

6/27/2012 Blood Work:
Prolactin 10.8 ng/mL (range:3.5-19.4 ng/mL)
estradiol 17pg/ml (range: 10-40 pg/ml)
Progesterone 0.3 ng/ml (undefined range)

11/6/2012 Blood Work:
Prolactin 14.0 ng/mL (range: 3.7 - 17.9 ng/ml)

11/8/2012 Blood Work:
Total T: 1230 ng/dl (range: 240-950 ng/dl)
Free T: 47 ng/dl (range: 9.0 - 30.0 ng/dL)

Can anyone figure out either of my two problems from this blood work? The only thing that looks really concerning at the moment to me is my prolactin, which is still in range. I asked my doctor if a prolactin level of 14 ng/mL could make my nipples look puffy and he said no, it shouldn't. So with all this blood work done, I'm still unable to figure out what I should be doing or taking to combat this/these problems. My body fat % is below 10 so I don't have any reason to believe that I just have chest fat. However, if my estradiol levels were high at one point (I obviously never caught them at a high point with blood work) could it cause excess fat storage around the nipples in a calorie surplus? What do I do, what do I take? Thanks in advance.