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Thread: oral help

  1. #1
    hyphy_beast's Avatar
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    oral help

    I'm placing my order tonight when the black Friday sale starts, and it's down to a choice between two orals...

    1) tbol 50mg/ml 30 ml

    2)TNE Smash (75mg test non esther, 25mg adrol, 25mg dbol )

    So I know with the tbol the gains will be slow and steady and more dry, but the strength and size won't be nearly as much. Yet I know the smash will be more bloat, but so much fun!

    My goals are to bulk, but I didn't want to inflate and deflate post cycle. Think I could keep gains from the smash? Or are the tbol gains gonna be way more quality and keepable?

  2. #2
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    Option 2 isn't an oral.

    All muscle gains whether it is from anavar or trenbolone are kept the same.

  3. #3
    bigsiv's Avatar
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    Sorry thought I had a text off my GF saying ORAL HELP!!! Lol

  4. #4
    hyphy_beast's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder
    Option 2 isn't an oral.

    All muscle gains whether it is from anavar or trenbolone are kept the same.
    neither tren or anavar were in my choices...

    Oh shit, the smash is an injectable nvm. Don't I feel stupid now

    Last edited by hyphy_beast; 11-22-2012 at 05:14 PM.

  5. #5
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    All muscle gains whether it is from dianabol , tbol, anadrol or testosterone are kept the same.

    It applies to any and all AAS.

  6. #6
    hyphy_beast's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder
    All muscle gains whether it is from dianabol , tbol, anadrol or testosterone are kept the same.

    It applies to any and all AAS.
    Ok I understand. But a larger percentage of mass gain is gonna be water with some compounds like dbol or adrol than tbol or var right?

  7. #7
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder View Post
    All muscle gains whether it is from dianabol , tbol, anadrol or testosterone are kept the same.

    It applies to any and all AAS.
    Your such an argumentative SOB lol. You know that he is refering to all the water weight and bloat caused by Dbol that many mistake for muscle and strength gains!

  8. #8
    hyphy_beast's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1

    Your such an argumentative SOB lol. You know that he is refering to all the water weight and bloat caused by Dbol that many mistake for muscle and strength gains!
    Haha ya what he said, thanks Lunk

  9. #9
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by hyphy_beast View Post
    Or are the tbol gains gonna be way more quality and keepable?
    That's why I said muscle gain, I was referring to the tbol that he was talking about and honestly, I don't know what he knows. Which is why I clarify that it doesn't matter what compound gains the muscle. If you bloat on dianabol , use more AI.. Dianabol is one of the best orals, this is based on MUSCLE GAINS.

    You are going to inflate and deflate post cycle no matter what, this is from the glucogen stores in your muscles. If you don't want a lot of water retention, use an AI.

  10. #10
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    We both know that it is impossible to keep the 20 pounds of (weight) put on by Dbol during a cycle and that way too many ppl have the misconception that this same 20lbs is ALL muscle gained, then are dissapointed when the go of and lose MOST of it. I'm not sure any amount of AI I have run .5adex ED has prevented the water retention by Dbol. Not for me anyhow, nor do I care to run the AI that high and def. not any higher.

    It's important to have perspective and understanding when using these substances so that you dont have unrealistic expectations!

  11. #11
    hyphy_beast's Avatar
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    Ya I get it. I plan in running adex .25mg eod and will increase if needed. Just thought the muscle compared to bloat would be more with tbol than dbol or adrol.

  12. #12
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    Tbol and anadrol don't aromatase so you won't get bloat from them.

    Dianabol and anadrol will produce the most muscle of the orals. IMO!

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder View Post
    Tbol and anadrol don't aromatase so you won't get bloat from them.

    Dianabol and anadrol will produce the most muscle of the orals. IMO!
    Swap ya my dbol for some Halo then

  14. #14
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    You think Halo is better for muscle growth? At what dose and how long did you run it?

  15. #15
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    Halo does not cause muscle growth. It affects your cns to make you stronger.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder View Post
    You think Halo is better for muscle growth? At what dose and how long did you run it?
    Have not YET but intend on it soon. Probably 40mg ED!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588;6270***
    Halo does not cause muscle growth. It affects your cns to make you stronger.
    Makes you stronger = muscle growth...NO????

  18. #18
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    Central nervous system. That's why so many powerlifters love the stuff. No need to worry about gaining weight and moving out of weight class. Its a strength compound, not size.

  19. #19
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    So riddle me this batman...if i bench 315 at one point but then start to gain strength and start repping 405 (and of course eating to support the growth) will I not gain size? Halo is derived from test and believed to be 19X as androgenic . If I gain strenght and lift heavier weight doesnt it stand to reason I will grow? Isn't that the premise of all AAS?

  20. #20
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    Strength comes from muscles yes. BUT if your CNS is emitting a "weak signal" then your muscles won't respond as strongly. Throw an androgenic compound like Halo(that stimulates CNS) then that signaling will get amplified and the "strength response" from the muscles will be stronger. Make sense?

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder View Post

    Strength comes from muscles yes. BUT if your CNS is emitting a "weak signal" then your muscles won't respond as strongly. Throw an androgenic compound like Halo(that stimulates CNS) then that signaling will get amplified and the "strength response" from the muscles will be stronger. Make sense?
    It does a degree. At the same time if that signal gets amplified and causes a greater "strength response" allowing me to move more weight will that not by the very nature of weight lifting cause muscle growth?

  22. #22
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    Now you are confusing me by making me think of what you are thinking..

    Yes, that response will stimulate growth, BUT halotestin isn't that strong of an anabolic . It stimulates the androgen receptors in the CNS but that won't cause your biceps to grow. You need the ARs in your muscle tissue to be activated, not your CNS.

    Androgenic is kinda of a weird term as it refers to where certain AAS activate ARs more or less. A compound can be very androgenic but doesn't produce a strong anabolic response. Such as DHT, halo or cheque drops . Something can be very anabolic, producing strong muscular growth stimuli by activating ARs in the muscle tissue and non-AR mediated effects(<- mechanism of action are largely unknown).

  23. #23
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder View Post
    Now you are confusing me by making me think of what you are thinking..

    Yes, that response will stimulate growth, BUT halotestin isn't that strong of an anabolic . It stimulates the androgen receptors in the CNS but that won't cause your biceps to grow. You need the ARs in your muscle tissue to be activated, not your CNS.

    Androgenic is kinda of a weird term as it refers to where certain AAS activate ARs more or less. A compound can be very androgenic but doesn't produce a strong anabolic response. Such as DHT, halo or cheque drops. Something can be very anabolic, producing strong muscular growth stimuli by activating ARs in the muscle tissue and non-AR mediated effects(<- mechanism of action are largely unknown).
    Fair enough...but then because of it's ability to stimulate the CNS causing stronger "muscle reponse" wouldnt that make it a great AAS to run along with other compounds that DO activate AR's well? Kind of an all out attack

    As far as confusing you Sworder...that's my Jedi mind trick. Soon I will have you rolling around and barking like a dog lol

  24. #24
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    I haven't ran halo before, don't think it is in my near-future plans. It would possibly exacerbate my delightful personality

  25. #25
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder View Post

    I haven't ran halo before, don't think it is in my near-future plans. It would possibly exacerbate my delightful personality
    I find you charming I honestly learn something each time we are in a thread together. Sometimes I learn more about AAS, sometimes I learn more about you...other time I learn to go to another thread lol

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