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  1. #1
    cfff38 is offline New Member
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    Bulking and cutting in one cycle ????


    i was wondering if it makes any sense to bulk, then cut in the same cycle

    my cycle would look like this

    t400- 1ml twice a week wk 1-6
    dbol - 30mg ed wk 1-6
    eqtest 1ml twice a week wk 6-12
    winny 50mg ed wk 10-14 bridged to pct
    adex at .5mg eod adjusted as needed

    hcg wk 12-14 5000ui a week
    nolva wk 14-18 40/40/20/20

    This will be my second cycle. my first was a basic test e 500mg a week.

    any and all criticism are welcome

    Last edited by cfff38; 11-22-2012 at 05:00 PM.

  2. #2
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Looks disappointing. Bulk and cut are determined by diet. To many compounds, why not just another test only cycle?

  3. #3
    cfff38 is offline New Member
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    curiosity mostly, i would like to try a oral. test worked great for me, but my buddy thinks this would yield some great gains. I was confused as to why he suggested to switch the injectable midway thru cycle. i Kind of get the feeling he is out to lunch when it comes to putting something like this together thats why i wanted some input.

    my stats are
    15% bf

  4. #4
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    That cycle is a train wreck. You will not be happy with the results and more than likely you will feel like crap the last 4 weeks of the cycle.
    Quote Originally Posted by cfff38 View Post

    i was wondering if it makes any sense to bulk, then cut in the same cycle

    my cycle would look like this

    t400- 1ml twice a week wk 1-6
    dbol - 30mg ed wk 1-6
    eqtest 1ml twice a week wk 6-12
    winny 50mg ed wk 10-14 bridged to pct
    adex at .5mg eod adjusted as needed

    hcg wk 12-14 5000ui a week
    nolva wk 14-18 40/40/20/20

    This will be my second cycle. my first was a basic test e 500mg a week.

    any and all criticism are welcome


  5. #5
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Bulking and cutting in one cycle isn't ipossible but it is pretty damn difficult. It requires 2 seperate diets that need to be very strict and major discipline. You honestly can get much more success from doing one then the other.

    I agree the cycle needs repaired. Test and your dbol will be more than sufficient or test and your winny if you prefer to cut right now! Either way it is 100% diet based!

  6. #6
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
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    where are people getting this 'random cycle generator' from?

  7. #7
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by cfff38 View Post

    i was wondering if it makes any sense to bulk, then cut in the same cycle

    my cycle would look like this

    t400- 1ml twice a week wk 1-6
    dbol - 30mg ed wk 1-6
    eqtest 1ml twice a week wk 6-12
    winny 50mg ed wk 10-14 bridged to pct
    adex at .5mg eod adjusted as needed

    hcg wk 12-14 5000ui a week
    nolva wk 14-18 40/40/20/20

    This will be my second cycle. my first was a basic test e 500mg a week.

    any and all criticism are welcome

    You are a long way from using AAS safely and properly. You need to read a LOT more my friend.

    Start with understanding what, why, and how, to use AAS. Begin with the Ed forums and read all the stickies. Then progress through the site with solid quations based on YOUR research. Anything less is a recipe for disaster.

    Good luck.

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  8. #8
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    1st thing dont listen to your friend.He doesnt know anything.Pick one cut or bulk you cant do both.And this cycle is the pits you dont need that many compounds.Now if I was you I would get my diet inline.Then run Prop for 8 weeks you can throw in some Var if you wish.

  9. #9
    cfff38 is offline New Member
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    well im definietly glad i posted this thread! thanks for the comments guys, sounds like i wont be asking any more advice from buddy.

    i told him not to bother and for him just to get me some test e,dbol and winny

    does anyone have experience with runnning 2 orals in one cycle? if its a horrible idea ill just save one or the other for another time.

    test e 250mg/1ml- twice a week 1-12
    dbol 30mg ed wks 1-4 or 1-6?
    winny 50mg ed wks 8-12 or 10-14?

    i would still like to increase some lean mass but would like to lean up some like around 10% bf. i realize diet makes all the difference in a bulk or cutting cycle, but if i were to increase my calories to around 4500-5000 while i was on dbol. then maintain around 4000 for the rest of the cycle and finish it with winstrol would this make a difference or be a waste? my first cycle i didnt count calories i just ate everything i could. 6-7 meals a day no portion control i gained 25 lbs, of course not all muscle but it wasnt a gut either.
    my pct was nolva at 40/40/20/20 and i felt 100% again

    thanks again.

  10. #10
    kronik420's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cfff38 View Post
    well im definietly glad i posted this thread! thanks for the comments guys, sounds like i wont be asking any more advice from buddy.

    i told him not to bother and for him just to get me some test e,dbol and winny

    does anyone have experience with runnning 2 orals in one cycle? if its a horrible idea ill just save one or the other for another time.

    test e 250mg/1ml- twice a week 1-12
    dbol 30mg ed wks 1-4 or 1-6?
    winny 50mg ed wks 8-12 or 10-14?

    i would still like to increase some lean mass but would like to lean up some like around 10% bf. i realize diet makes all the difference in a bulk or cutting cycle, but if i were to increase my calories to around 4500-5000 while i was on dbol. then maintain around 4000 for the rest of the cycle and finish it with winstrol would this make a difference or be a waste? my first cycle i didnt count calories i just ate everything i could. 6-7 meals a day no portion control i gained 25 lbs, of course not all muscle but it wasnt a gut either.
    my pct was nolva at 40/40/20/20 and i felt 100% again

    thanks again.
    using 2 orals in the 1 cycle will be very taxing on your liver, i wouldn't recommend it. just pick 1

  11. #11
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    500mg test 1-10 weeks
    30mg dbol 1-4 weeks

    Eat clean the whole time with maybe 1 cheat meal a week. You'll transform your body like you never thought possible. Clomid/nolva pct. Don't over complicate things.

  12. #12
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    Though it is possible to both and cut in a cycle, it needs to be much more than 12 weeks and designed with such precision that only advanced users would be likely candidates. In your case, i do not think it is a good call. You need to keep your next few cycles simple and one-goal oriented (either bulk or cut). You need these simple cycles to slowly add new compounds and see what works for you and what doesn't. Thats how I found out dbol , deca and EQ didn't work for me as much as some others. Doing orgy cycles only leaves you guessing and confused.

  13. #13
    cfff38 is offline New Member
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    last cycle i found i was prone to gyno, nipples got a bit itchy, i was running 1mg of adex e3d because the pills couldnt be cut they just got recked when i tried. so i used 1mg eod it worked but i felt it made me tired and lowered my sex drive, would using adex at .5mg eod be enough to counter any extra estrogen from the dbol ?

  14. #14
    SportbikerKid is offline Banned
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    The thing is, even on gear, it will take a few months to get good cutting results and a few months to get good bulking results. If you're running a standard 3-month cycle (bulking for half/cutting for half) you're gonna get half-assed results in both the bulking and cutting departments. Do a full bulking cycle and bulk your little heart out for 3 months, PCT, then turn around and cut like a mofo on your next cycle. Don't do none of this halfway shit.

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