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  1. #1
    paul606 is offline Junior Member
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    Injured 10 weeks into first test cycle :(

    Hey all,

    My cycle was as followed:

    Week 1 to 10 - Test E @ 250mg twice weekly
    Week 10 to 12 - Test P @ 150mg EOD
    Week 1 to 12 - Liquidex @ 0.25mg every 2nd day
    Week 1 to 12 - HCG @ 250iu twice weekly
    Week 12 to 16 - PCT Clomid @ 100/50/50/50 and Tamox @ 40/20/20/20

    I have just finished my 10 weeks of Test E and done my first Test P pin and I have injured my shoulder and won't be able to lift for 4-6 weeks

    What the hell do I do? Obviously lifting heavy along with good diet is key to keep as much of my gains as possible throughout PCT, but no lifting, does this mean hell for me?

    Should I stop pinning immediately and start PCT in 2 weeks? I'm really lost

  2. #2
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    That sucks.

    Wait two wks, like you said, and begin PCT. Ive never experienced this but since you cannot lift, you may lose your gains.

  3. #3
    paul606 is offline Junior Member
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    Mickey would you encourage cardio? Or would that have a catabolic effect with the low natural test levels?

    Still eat big? I'm really lost in terms of what I need to do

    In my mind I'm thinking the whole cycle is going to have been a waste

  4. #4
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by paul606
    Hey all,

    My cycle was as followed:

    Week 1 to 10 - Test E @ 250mg twice weekly
    Week 10 to 12 - Test P @ 150mg EOD
    Week 1 to 12 - Liquidex @ 0.25mg every 2nd day
    Week 1 to 12 - HCG @ 250iu twice weekly
    Week 12 to 16 - PCT Clomid @ 100/50/50/50 and Tamox @ 40/20/20/20

    I have just finished my 10 weeks of Test E and done my first Test P pin and I have injured my shoulder and won't be able to lift for 4-6 weeks

    What the hell do I do? Obviously lifting heavy along with good diet is key to keep as much of my gains as possible throughout PCT, but no lifting, does this mean hell for me?

    Should I stop pinning immediately and start PCT in 2 weeks? I'm really lost
    Use that time off to blow up those wheels!!!!!!!

  5. #5
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Im no diet guru but imho, if you are not active and eat big, you'll gain unwanted fat. And if you are unable to exercise, you will loose your gains because of a lack of stimulation/tearing of mucsle tissue to promote growth and new tissue. And the only way to support that tissue is to stimulate it and eat.

    Doing cardio will help reduce unwanted fat, but you will have to redo your TDEE now that you're inactive, to reflect your new caloric intake.

    This is how i see it, but maybe others will chime in with other opinions.

  6. #6
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Use that time off to blow up those wheels!!!!!!!
    That's a great idea as well. You could still do leg presses, leg curls, leg extensions, and light squats with a dumbbell in one hand.

  7. #7
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox

    That's a great idea as well. You could still do leg presses, leg curls, leg extensions, and light squats with a dumbbell in one hand.
    Yes sir. The legs never get enough attention!

  8. #8
    >Good Luck<'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox

    That's a great idea as well. You could still do leg presses, leg curls, leg extensions, and light squats with a dumbbell in one hand.
    Beat the hell out of your calves too!

  9. #9
    paul606 is offline Junior Member
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    Well guys, my plans were to start cutting after PCT because I'm at about 20% bf at the moment. What do you guys suggest I do now and after PCT when I can most likely lift again?

  10. #10
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by paul606
    Well guys, my plans were to start cutting after PCT because I'm at about 20% bf at the moment. What do you guys suggest I do now and after PCT when I can most likely lift again?
    Was the shoulder injury related or unrelated to training? Get doc's clearance before you resume upper body.

    In the meantime......burn those legs....and when I say legs, I mean calves too! They are part of your legs!!!!! Lol

  11. #11
    paul606 is offline Junior Member
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    It happened whilst I was training on the incline bench. Went to the docs today and he is leaning towards ligament damage, getting an x-ray and ultrasound done tomorrow.

    My legs are by far the best part of my body, being that I used to be a competitive cyclist.

    This has absolutely shattered my motivation. I'm thinking about just going cold turkey from the gym until I'm 100% recovered and still eating clean but without being too anal about macros etc. Keep it simple @ 3 meals a day aswell.

    How does this sound?

  12. #12
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by paul606
    It happened whilst I was training on the incline bench. Went to the docs today and he is leaning towards ligament damage, getting an x-ray and ultrasound done tomorrow.

    My legs are by far the best part of my body, being that I used to be a competitive cyclist.

    This has absolutely shattered my motivation. I'm thinking about just going cold turkey from the gym until I'm 100% recovered and still eating clean but without being too anal about macros etc. Keep it simple @ 3 meals a day aswell.

    How does this sound?
    Ugh....I was hoping you would say it was unrelated! Lol. Sorry to hear. Many guys when using gear, make the mistake of lifting too much too soon. Without 2-3 years of steady lifting in the gym, anabolics make them feel stronger and they lift much more then their tendons and ligaments can actually handle because tendons and ligaments don't grow as quickly as muscle fibers do. This leads to a lot of strain and tearing that can side line a guy for awhile. Hopefully you were training much longer and it was just an unfortunate accident. Even when you've been lifting for a while, gear can cause you to see beyond your real abilities. I learned that lesson this year in June. I was usually lifting 900+ on standing calf raises, but one night I jumped on without a proper warm up, started at 600, and "snap".....tore my gastrocnemius. 6 weeks to recover (faster than expected, but I was miserable the whole time).

    I know it's frustrating. I wouldn't back of per se. Keep up the nutrition and the training. You won't be able to hit your upper body much but you should keep pushing those legs. Most cyclists have great muscle tone in their legs. Use this time to beef up those wheels and add thickness.

    Honestly, for me, there is NO cold turkey. This is a full on decision. If an injury keeps me from training one area of my body, I'll push the others as long as I can until I heal and I'm back in action. If you cut calories, you will lose any gains you've made and that's not a smart idea at all. Be sensible. Keep your head in the game.

    Hope you're better soon!

  13. #13
    paul606 is offline Junior Member
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    Even though it was training related it wasn't due to lifting too much.

    What if I were to keep calories high but not lift? Would I still be able to keep gains? I mean at the moment I can't even move my left arm without pain, I wouldn't be able to do weighted squats or lunges etc anyway

  14. #14
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by paul606
    Even though it was training related it wasn't due to lifting too much.

    What if I were to keep calories high but not lift? Would I still be able to keep gains? I mean at the moment I can't even move my left arm without pain, I wouldn't be able to do weighted squats or lunges etc anyway
    You may want to reduce the calories slightly (I haven't seen your total nutrition plan) but nothing below your TDEE. As for training, you may still be able to do:
    - seated leg extensions
    - incline leg press
    - seated calf raises
    - incline calf raises
    - bosu lunges
    - hamstring curls
    - single leg squats
    - Swiss ball split squats
    - abs
    - wrist curls

    Lots to do that won't involve your shoulder!

  15. #15
    paul606 is offline Junior Member
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    I could hit legs once, maybe twice a week?

  16. #16
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by paul606
    I could hit legs once, maybe twice a week?

  17. #17
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    6 weeks best of luck honestly. I wish I was that lucky. 8 months later I had surgery to fix mine and that was 6 months ago. I'm about 60% back now.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts
    6 weeks best of luck honestly. I wish I was that lucky. 8 months later I had surgery to fix mine and that was 6 months ago. I'm about 60% back now.
    My Ortho was shocked.....but I was pinning everything I could get my hands on to heal fast. It was a grade 2 tear. Should have taken longer especially because I almost had a compartment syndrome!!!

  19. #19
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    OK got you. I think if I had the TB-500 and some HGH from the get go my time would have been cut in 1/2

  20. #20
    ANIMAL's Avatar
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    Let's just say for arguments sake your injury heals in 4 weeks, what if you were to extend your cycle another 4 weeks, making it a 16 week cycle as opposed to the 12. This way when you're able to come off you will be healed to hit the gym to keep your gains.

    Just playing devils advocate looking for other ideas. Injuries are the worst especially going into PCT.

  21. #21
    Perseverance1 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by ANIMAL View Post
    Let's just say for arguments sake your injury heals in 4 weeks, what if you were to extend your cycle another 4 weeks, making it a 16 week cycle as opposed to the 12. This way when you're able to come off you will be healed to hit the gym to keep your gains.

    Just playing devils advocate looking for other ideas. Injuries are the worst especially going into PCT.
    I hurt my shoulder on cycle, and though I don't think it's as bad as yours (I hope) I plan on staying on cycle and hopefully being able to lift again in a couple weeks.

    In the meantime I'm gonna be hitting my wheels HARD!

    Do not lose hope, do not lose focus. Stay the course!

  22. #22
    paul606 is offline Junior Member
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    Guys my shoulder has actually healing really well! I would say I'm at about 80%! I can hit back, bi's, tri's etc with no pain what so ever. I only get pain when I do compound pushing movement like bench or military.

    It's been 10 days since my last Test E injection and 7 days since my last Test Prop. I still have test in my system, should I continue to finish off my 2 weeks of Prop and then hit PCT, or just start PCT in 4 days?


  23. #23
    paul606 is offline Junior Member
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    bump please

  24. #24
    paul606 is offline Junior Member
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    bump again please

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