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  1. #1
    diabolicsoul is offline Associate Member
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    Flying with needles in canada

    Going on a trip for a few weeks. Got supplies and needles on the way there.

    I will be flying between provinces and not internationally
    I'll need to bring some of my own needles and bac water from home. <---- These will not be in my carry on luggage, but will be in my other bag with all my clothes. <--- is it legal flying with needles without a script?

    I have been randomly picked to get my luggage searched, if that ever happens, what would happen if they found the needles?

  2. #2
    mootyroonks is offline New Member
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    They'd prob look at it and think, junkie, and then put it back lol. Make sure that if its randomly chosen, you tell them there are needles so they don't get mad at you. gear, id say keep it in a shaving kit to show its only personal use, I dont think theyd confiscate it. just my 0.2

  3. #3
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Why not FedEx/UPs your supplies to their destination? Since you would be shipping domestically there shouldn't be any issues with customs on your shipments and then you don't need to worry about traveling with the items.

    Don't ship supplies using federal mail.

  4. #4
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
    BuzzardMarinePumper is offline Knowledge Member on Prostate Cancer
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Why not FedEx/UPs your supplies to their destination? Since you would be shipping domestically there shouldn't be any issues with customs on your shipments and then you don't need to worry about traveling with the items.

    Don't ship supplies using federal mail.
    Yea what he said ! I had a good friend and he was a big time and I mean huge puzzle builder and he had his puzzeles shiped from all over the world always used Fed ex & UPS and there is an even smaller company that he used EMS I think ot was and he had a very secure place where he stored his puzzels until one day a "Friend" of his wanted to B a pal and shipped him a puzzle from Mexico throught the USPS and 3 days later he was nolnger able 2 build puzzlesor brearth fresh air ! He had been building puzzeles for 5 years and it could be a freak cosiendence dut I think it was USPS and the package from mexico ? 3 r 4 days from the time hipped for a no knock warrant at his door at 5:00 am om a Weds morn his life changed for the next 5 years amd it took 6 mths for the supply to meet demend in Morth Atl for puzzels ans the sort . So be careful how and who you ship with ! ! !

    I really hated to see this happen because he would only sell small amounts to adult and he was as close to legitimate as you could get . They took his house and car and he lost his wife , , , , , that was the only good thing thaat came from one D. A. Guy and this guy was above average stupid ! My friend was so ligit that he sold to law enforcement and they watched his back and he nevr sold to guy under 30. he had a college degree and it was in nitrition and what ever the study of the human body is short of a doctor and he was paying his way through Med school. Bad things do happen to good people and you would come to see him and he made hand shake eals with guys thay if the took what he gave them they had to reach goals to keep gettimg puzzles from him and most did very well and stayed with in range and the ones who pqid him ands kept on drinking and drug;in and ate like pigs gt one dover and that was it cut off !

    I still think it was the one USPS package because the cops were shockesd at what they found , He had a fat tank for BMI and it was a good amature deal better than most sources ! He had a bunch of cop buddies aand he got 5 yrs Federal and was let out in 4 + they brought him gear in ther ountry club . . . lol

  5. #5
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Needles are not illegal in the province of Ontario, (Bac Water require a script) and i would suspect that's Federal too. Double check the laws in the provinces you will be attending. If gtg, simply pack them in your checked luggage.

  6. #6
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by diabolicsoul View Post
    Going on a trip for a few weeks. Got supplies and needles on the way there.

    I will be flying between provinces and not internationally
    I'll need to bring some of my own needles and bac water from home. <---- These will not be in my carry on luggage, but will be in my other bag with all my clothes. <--- is it legal flying with needles without a script?

    I have been randomly picked to get my luggage searched, if that ever happens, what would happen if they found the needles?
    Truly hard to say. Why not inject the day you leave,,,and resume the day you return?

  7. #7
    diabolicsoul is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for input, much appreciated.

    ^^ I have some peptides that are waiting for me, and I have my own bac water at home with me, along with the needles. I figured I would try and save a few dollars and pack them in my luggage instead of sending them by mail.

    I decided it wasn't worth the risk and/if the hassle if they found it. So I just ordered some bac water and needles and put my vacation address for the shipping. No big deal + the cost of shipping is just a little more then sending it by mail.

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