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  1. #1
    LilManX is offline New Member
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    Dec 2012

    My TRIPTORELIN log for PCT

    I'm posting these results because I there aren't very many accounts of triptorelin results as PCT. I was on cycle (Test E/EQ) 400mg/wk for 4 months and had bad testicular atrophy. Last year I blasted HCG for my PCT with good results but it took about 2 months for my levels to get back to normal and my boys to fully recover. I was looking for something a little faster this time and have heard the wonders of Trip. After waiting 2 weeks for all the gear to clear my body I took a subcutaneous injection of TRIPTORELIN at 100mcg. The first 2 days I had an upset stomach and diarrhea. Also there was minor acne on shoulders and back. However, I'm typing this 2 weeks later and have no acne and levels are already back to normal! Testicular size has gone back to normal and I don't have the symptoms of PCT (depression, low libido) everything is going great and I highly recommend using TRIP for your PCT. DO NOT DO NOT use trip more than 2 times a year though as this can lead to chemical castration. Using trip once a year is letting me recover faster in order to cycle again sooner. I am very pleased with the results.

  2. #2
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
    Bigshotvictoria is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by LilManX View Post
    I'm posting these results because I there aren't very many accounts of triptorelin results as PCT. I was on cycle (Test E/EQ) 400mg/wk for 4 months and had bad testicular atrophy. Last year I blasted HCG for my PCT with good results but it took about 2 months for my levels to get back to normal and my boys to fully recover. I was looking for something a little faster this time and have heard the wonders of Trip. After waiting 2 weeks for all the gear to clear my body I took a subcutaneous injection of TRIPTORELIN at 100mcg. The first 2 days I had an upset stomach and diarrhea. Also there was minor acne on shoulders and back. However, I'm typing this 2 weeks later and have no acne and levels are already back to normal! Testicular size has gone back to normal and I don't have the symptoms of PCT (depression, low libido) everything is going great and I highly recommend using TRIP for your PCT. DO NOT DO NOT use trip more than 2 times a year though as this can lead to chemical castration. Using trip once a year is letting me recover faster in order to cycle again sooner. I am very pleased with the results.
    Chemical castration!!! Why not stick to Clomid/Nolva? I'm a "stick to the devil you know" type guy I guess.

  3. #3
    bigpapabuff's Avatar
    bigpapabuff is offline Senior Member
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    Yeah that whole chemical castration stuff puts me off man!

  4. #4
    kmms's Avatar
    kmms is offline Productive Member
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    thread could be copied over into the peptides/gh sub-forum as well as the pct sub-forum.

    i can see why people want to try triptorelin and i can see why many others clearly don't. with some of the questions i read here regarding reconstitution and dosing amounts i think it's probably irresponsible to sell triptorelin to the general public. this one is probably better left to the medical experts rather than casual users.

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Glad it worked for you Lilman! Thanks for posting. Any blood work to back up how you feel?

    Welcome to the forum, btw.


  6. #6
    LilManX is offline New Member
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    Dec 2012
    unfortunately I didn't get any blood work done this cycle but I can definitely tell a difference in this PCT and all those I've used in the past. This one has been A LOT faster. I plan on getting bloodwork done on my next cycle though.

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