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  1. #1
    cgozz's Avatar
    cgozz is offline Associate Member
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    My first two pins were in my quads not to bad Decided to do shoulders, not to much pip but following day I experienced some redness on my delt. Was not warm a little sore. It has slowly gone away. I have a good female friend who is a nurse but she works in pediatrics. Showed her she said looks like mild allergic reaction. She does not have much experience with test injections. Any opinions. Feel fine and redness is gone.

  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Whats the question? If it's gone it's fine. It's normal, you just stuck a needle into virgin skin.
    How fast do you inject? MOST people inject to quick. They are blasting liquid into the muscle causing a bruise or charlie horse. That is the reason for most PIP. Inject SLOW. I take about 1 min per cc.

  3. #3
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    If you didn't have an alergic reaction to the same gear injected in your quads why would you become alergic when it gets injected in your delts....duh

    Most likely you were a bit more shaky because injecting delts is more of a one hand operation. Plus if you have never done them before. It sounds like you have simply caused some trauma and irratation. You wwill be fine since as you said it has slowely gone away!

  4. #4
    cgozz's Avatar
    cgozz is offline Associate Member
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    Going a little faster than 1 min. Will go slower. I was around 30 sec.

  5. #5
    cgozz's Avatar
    cgozz is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for all the input. I def agree.

  6. #6
    cgozz's Avatar
    cgozz is offline Associate Member
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    I weighed myself early this morning, I am up to 224.4lbs from 211 in just twelve days. I am eating for bulk and I eat clean. I am a PT director at a gym. A client made a comment that I have got bigger. Beside the numbers on the scale I don't feel 224. I can see I have added weight are these gains pretty normal or are they coming to fast. My body fat is about the same maybe a little change but not much.
    Running Test-E 250mg E3.5D and 30mg DBOL ED and 12.5mg Aromasin (liquid stane) EOD,HCG 250iu 2oweek.

  7. #7
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Keep in mind alot of the gain will be the Dbol and you will not neceesarily keep them all.

  8. #8
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is online now AR-Hall of Famer
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    13 lbs in 12 days? Must be the dbol .

  9. #9
    cgozz's Avatar
    cgozz is offline Associate Member
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    I am aware I will not keep them all. I was shocked at the weight gain. I do appreciate all comments.
    I had a real good foundation before I started on my cycle. I go hard in the gym at all times. Even before my cycle. Once again I thank you for all advice, criticism and any comments.

  10. #10
    testluva's Avatar
    testluva is offline Associate Member
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    Virgin quads. Hold your needle steady and don't jerk it in and out causing tears from the needle. Inject slow and use a heat pad to circulate the muscle. Do not use Ice with oils.

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