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  1. #1
    eutanasio33 is offline New Member
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    Dec 2012

    Post Cycling durateston (br sustanon)

    Hello guys, i'm brazilian and i'll aprecciate if u can help me. Sorry for my poor english, if u have any doubts, i'm here.

    So, first things first. I'm 18 years old, and have never done anabolic steroids yet. i know u guys think its too soon for start a first cycle, but i've planning this cycle since i was 16. Actually, after read a post on this forum about youth and steroids i was reaaaaally scared. But after a week thinking, i realize i'm not a stupid kid who want some fast muscles. I've done some exams already, and i'll not grow up anymore. My peak of growth was something between 2 and 3 years ago. A doctor friend of mine said that can be for a lot of reasons, and hard work at the gym release more testosterone and gh than normal, so.. my height would be 5'9'' anyway

    I'm a fighter, and because of that my weight is 150 lbs (my fighting category) and my height is 5'9''. now i'm 18 years old i wanna rise for something around 180-220 lbs to fight on this categgory.

    so, here's my cycle structure:

    1-6 or 1-8 durateston* 250 mg/week (i'll pay attention at the side effects and the gains, then i'll decide if i should extend the cycle for 2 weeks more)
    *durateston is like sustanon , but made for a brazilian company.

    1-2 tamoxifen 40 mg
    2-3 tamoxifen 20 mg
    3-4 tamoxifen 10 mg [i'm doing this 'cause another doctor told me about the rebound effect (i'm not quite sure how u call that). When u stop suddenly with a estrogen suppresor, the estrogen increases fast and more than should be, resulting on hard side effects.]

    now, my questions:

    1) 250 mg/week is enough ? or should i increase the dosage ?
    2) i want add on AI on my cycle - arimidex i think its a good choise - but i'm not sure about the dosage and time of use.
    3) there's something i can do to boost my testo after the cycle ?
    4) should i add a new anabolic steroid ? metandrostenolone maybe ?

    thanks a lot guys, i really appreciate your time.

  2. #2
    eutanasio33 is offline New Member
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    Dec 2012
    ah, guys..i think u used to call nolvadex instead tamoxifen .
    that's all.

  3. #3
    ecruz's Avatar
    ecruz is offline Member
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    Nov 2011
    your too young!! look up HTPA and all the negative affects you will do to your body, sorry bud

  4. #4
    eutanasio33 is offline New Member
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    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by ecruz View Post
    your too young!! look up HTPA and all the negative affects you will do to your body, sorry bud
    on the theory, i agree with u mate. But there's so much guys who have done cycles (some of them without protection and like animals - like we say in my country) and four or six months later this same dudes have they HTPA normal. why in my case should be diferent ? actually, why it's easier "fix" a 25 year old man's HPTA then a 18 years old ? when i think the reasons why young guys dont should have a cycle it's everything the same thing: young guys are rash. And i'm not even a little rash, i'm waiting for a loong time ago.

  5. #5
    eutanasio33 is offline New Member
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    look, i dont want nobody telling me: "ok, do it if u think it's right."

    i wanna know what u guys have to tell, i'm listening. my real doubt here is why a 25 years old guy can do a cycle and a 18 years old can't ): and i'll do what u guys tell me to do, for real. but i just want understand first.

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