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  1. #1
    biggjd69's Avatar
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    Have low t due to apnea and bodyfat should i start with a pct

    I have low T due to apnea and bodyfat %(I have already had extensive blood work done). I was wondering if I should start a PCT or over the counter Test Booster to get my production back up while I work on the bodyfat %. My goal is to get down so I can start a cycle of Test Ethanate. Here are my current stats;

    20% bodyfat
    AGE 43

    Any thought's or advice on this would greatly be appreciated. Thanks
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Have low t due to apnea and bodyfat should i start with a pct-2010-11-02-20.41.57.jpg  

  2. #2
    SportbikerKid is offline Banned
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    If I was in your position, I would pursue a TRT script from a physician.

    You won't even notice a PCT or OTC test booster. When doing a TRT dose at 200mg/wk or less, bodyfat really won't be an issue.

  3. #3
    biggjd69's Avatar
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    SportbikerKid, what does a TRT dose consist of

  4. #4
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by biggjd69 View Post
    SportbikerKid, what does a TRT dose consist of
    its enough to get your test levels in the normal range and can vary alot from person to person. 200mg per week would be high for most

    if you had bloodwork to confirm this, i would talk to your dr about getting on it and not self prescribe
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  5. #5
    gymfu's Avatar
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    How low is your test? Had bloodwork done?

  6. #6
    biggjd69's Avatar
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    Yes I did. Blood work was normal but the LH and tes was low. 1.22nh/ml on scare of 1.75-7.81. LH was 1.15 on scale of 1.24-8.62) FSH was. normal 1.88 and TSH Sensitive was 1.12 and Prolactin was 9.86. All normal. I hear what everyone is saying about TRT but I am in the military and those docs are not giving me good info. They wanted to start me on 200mg of test cyp for once a month for three months,lol. That is why I am considering self medicating. I also want to add I have sleep apnea which I believe is helping with the low T

  7. #7
    biggjd69's Avatar
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    CBC was normal.
    GFR-CALC >60 (60-NML>=60) mL/min
    PSA(1.22) (0-1.99) ng/mL
    Cholesterol (176) (25-199)
    Glucose-90 (70-125)
    TSH SENSITIVE 1.12 (.34-5.60)
    PROLACTIN 9.86 (2.64-13.3)
    Pancreas, liver all normal, no diabetes
    Urine was normal
    FSH 1.88 (1.27-19.26)
    LH WAS LOW 1.15 (1.24-8.62) mIU/mL
    TESTOST TOTAL WAS LOW 1.22(1.75-7.51) ng/ML

  8. #8
    gymfu's Avatar
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    That is very low test. You need to get on TRT. So I'm confused the military wont give it to you?

  9. #9
    biggjd69's Avatar
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    They will but my doc said once a month. I am going to ask for a referrel to an endo because they don't know what they are doing. You don't think the fact that I have sleep apnea could have made it that low? I had an MRI done and I don't have a pittuitary tumor

  10. #10
    SportbikerKid is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by biggjd69 View Post
    Yes I did. Blood work was normal but the LH and tes was low. 1.22nh/ml on scare of 1.75-7.81. LH was 1.15 on scale of 1.24-8.62) FSH was. normal 1.88 and TSH Sensitive was 1.12 and Prolactin was 9.86. All normal. I hear what everyone is saying about TRT but I am in the military and those docs are not giving me good info. They wanted to start me on 200mg of test cyp for once a month for three months,lol. That is why I am considering self medicating. I also want to add I have sleep apnea which I believe is helping with the low T
    200mg once a month??! That is beyond stupid. Test C needs to be administered at least once a week to give somewhat stable blood levels. I personally would want to dose at 150mg/week, and I definitely wouldn't touch anything under 100/wk.

  11. #11
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SportbikerKid View Post
    200mg once a month??! That is beyond stupid. Test C needs to be administered at least once a week to give somewhat stable blood levels. I personally would want to dose at 150mg/week, and I definitely wouldn't touch anything under 100/wk.
    why? I'm at 100mg every 5th day and realistically that is to much. I'm over 1100 on blood work.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  12. #12
    SportbikerKid is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    why? I'm at 100mg every 5th day and realistically that is to much. I'm over 1100 on blood work.
    Yeah. This is about equivalent to 140 per week; about right where you should TRT. 100 would put you at very average levels, and why would you wanna be average if you're doing TRT lawl

  13. #13
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SportbikerKid View Post
    Yeah. This is about equivalent to 140 per week; about right where you should TRT. 100 would put you at very average levels, and why would you wanna be average if you're doing TRT lawl
    because you are doing it for life and there are more long term health risk to having levels that high for ever.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  14. #14
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Sport because TRT is for the long term and those on it need to be concerned with overall health. Excessive trt doses can cause many other ancillary issues such as high rbc, hematocrit, etc, etc. Similar to a cycle, but it just can take longer for some of those issues to arise.

  15. #15
    biggjd69's Avatar
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    Kelkel, but what if you have Low T but none of the symptoms of it. Should I still check into TRT

  16. #16
    gymfu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by biggjd69 View Post
    Kelkel, but what if you have Low T but none of the symptoms of it. Should I still check into TRT
    Yes, your t is very low. Having it that low has negative health risks as well. A man's body needs testosterone .

    I would persue a script from a doc.

  17. #17
    biggjd69's Avatar
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    gymfy, I did get a script from the doc. But my doc only wanted to give me test cyp at 200mg a month. You and I both know that is no good

  18. #18
    gymfu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by biggjd69 View Post
    gymfy, I did get a script from the doc. But my doc only wanted to give me test cyp at 200mg a month. You and I both know that is no good
    Ok, are they actually going to inject once a month? Or is that just all they will give you for the month?

  19. #19
    biggjd69's Avatar
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    No, my doc wants to inject once a month

  20. #20
    gymfu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by biggjd69 View Post
    No, my doc wants to inject once a month
    Holy crap that's the most ridiculous thing ever. Will they be monitoring your bloodwork very often? You could just self administer more.

    I would try the endo route or any other options you have to get a more sensable prescription protocol I think your better off with nothing then the 200 per month.

  21. #21
    biggjd69's Avatar
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    I have Test ethanate at 250mg. I have enough for 10 weeks and was considering self administer myself. Because it will take a while for the military to ger referrel approved for me to see endo and the monthly injections are a no go. What are your thoughts on this Gymfu?

  22. #22
    gymfu's Avatar
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    Well I would pick one or the other. Either self administer or go for the endo.

    Problem is if you self administer your t will come up and when the endo checks your bloodwork what are you going to tell him? If you decide to get off just before going to see him you t levels will crash. Neither of these will work out.

    If your going the self administer route I can tell you for me 100mg/week brings my test to around 550ng/dl, 200mg/week gives me around 950ng/dl.

    I would start with 100mg/week, split up into two shots per week. So that's going to be 0.4ml per injection. Get more blood work done after 4 months.

  23. #23
    biggjd69's Avatar
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    One last thing, because you seem to know your stuff gymfu. Should I be using an AI like aromisin while on 100mg and also I am holding a little bodyfat with the muscle I have, about 20%, Should I try and bring that down before I inject? Thanks

  24. #24
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by biggjd69 View Post
    One last thing, because you seem to know your stuff gymfu. Should I be using an AI like aromisin while on 100mg and also I am holding a little bodyfat with the muscle I have, about 20%, Should I try and bring that down before I inject? Thanks
    you will need bloodwork to tell if you need an ai or not. Some guys here need alot of an ai dose, some require none.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  25. #25
    gymfu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    you will need bloodwork to tell if you need an ai or not. Some guys here need alot of an ai dose, some require none.
    That would be the best way of doing things. Every person is different, no way of knowing without bloodwork.

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