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  1. #1
    tayloratl is offline New Member
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    Help with test cypionate/winstrol cut

    Did my first cycle this fall and am happy with results. I'm at about 20% bf and need to cut this shit down. I have a bottle of test cypionate left. Only have the one bottle so am gonna just hit it light to make it last at 250ml/week. Realize I could prolly order more but don't think my wife is ready to deal this quickly with the irritability. I was reading online bout stacking winstrol for my cut?? What's y'all s thoughts? Figured this would help add a little strength plus I read how beneficial it can be during a cut. What quantities would I wanna stack on top of the 250ml cypionate a week. Not looking to go crazy just a little added benefit.

  2. #2
    MuttonChop's Avatar
    MuttonChop is offline Associate Member
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    Need more stats.

    Winny is overrated IMO. Which one of it's effects are you specifically looking for? 250mg/week of Test is more than enough to cut with if you are just hovering somewhere near your genetic potential. As I said...stats!

  3. #3
    tayloratl is offline New Member
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    I'm 30yrs, 6'1" bout 215lbs. Around 20% bf. I've never been obese by any means just always had love handles. Just trying to get the most outta this cut. But I don't wanna stack to crazy because I can get pretty agro on this shit and my wife doesn't wanna deal with that. But was wondering if anything could be really beneficial on top of the cypionate . Diet is my number one but a little added help would be nice. Started my cut about a week ago and lost the initial 10 lbs of what is most likely water. Just heard that adding winstrol could cut down on water retention

  4. #4
    tayloratl is offline New Member
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    While I got this thread going just wanna clear up one more thing. With adding the testosterone don't I not have to worry as much about what my caloric deficit is and losing too much muscle along the way. That was my number one reason for adding it. Never gonna drop the weight I want at 500 cal deficit a week??

  5. #5
    MuttonChop's Avatar
    MuttonChop is offline Associate Member
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    You are probably not even close to your genetic potential mate. You could very easily cut without any roid and still retain muscle mass. Look into the ECA stack or Clenbuterol .

    Test at very very high doses can help with fat loss, but otherwise, the only reason to use Test is to retain muscle mass so you can go on a huge calorie deficit.

    You won't bloat too much at 250mg/week of Test. I would recommend that you rather add an AI like Arimidex or Aromasin than something like Winstrol . Winstrol can be extremely harsh on your joints and hairline.

    Even if you do end up bloated, why do you care? The water will come off eventually. Winny isn't worth it for someone with your stats mate. Test is underrated IMO.

    But I understand your thought process...when someone enters the world of steroids , it is like a kid entering a candy store...I want a bit of that...a bit of that...OOH and DEFINITELY THAT!!

    =) Good Luck

  6. #6
    MuttonChop's Avatar
    MuttonChop is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tayloratl View Post
    While I got this thread going just wanna clear up one more thing. With adding the testosterone don't I not have to worry as much about what my caloric deficit is and losing too much muscle along the way. That was my number one reason for adding it. Never gonna drop the weight I want at 500 cal deficit a week??
    I am 6feet almost 6'1" myself and I was 240 lbs at 20% bf once. I lost no muscle mass while on a 700 calorie deficit. As I said in my above post, you don't even need the test. Look into the ECA stack. It is a thermogenic AND it preserves muscle mass.

  7. #7
    tayloratl is offline New Member
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    Thanks brother, preciate it. Actually got this script because my test level is at 200 so doctor wanted me to take it. Kinda worked out nicely because I was just started my cut. Think ill just keep it simple and roll with this. Am taking pure rip with dim. Know it's not the strongest anti est but got a bottle

  8. #8
    stpete is offline Banned
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    You need to re evaluate your diet, first. That will be determining factor, not test/winstrol or anything else.

  9. #9
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    I agree with stpete its all about diet and cardio! Save the cyp for another day.

  10. #10
    tayloratl is offline New Member
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    I'm eating like a champ, prolly 1800 cals max, scared if I do too much cardio on top of that deficit without something to help preserve muscle, I'll wipe out my fall bulk??

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