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Thread: Pre Show Cycle

  1. #1
    aurey is offline New Member
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    Pre Show Cycle

    Okay this weekend I will be 15 weeks out from a show at the end of April. I've been fixing my diet and have already began cutting the last 4 and a half weeks. I am planning to do the following cycle depending on advice that I get.

    Test E 500 per week 1-12 weeks
    Deca 400 or 600 per week 1-10
    Nolvadex 14-18
    Arimidex on hand and I'm currently thinking the week leading to the show to rid the water retention at 1mg/day

    My test is dosed 200mg/ml and the deca is dosed 300mg/ml. I'd like a double check on my conversions.
    Test would be 2.5cc per week to equal 500mg
    Deca would be 1.4cc per week to equal 410mg or 2cc per week to equal 600mg

    I'm mostly wondering how much deca to use, I read 2mg/lb bodyweight, if I should use more test or more deca, and which week I should be on during the week of the show. If I should be on the deca or off it? The earliest I start would leave me 12 weeks out from the show.

    I decided not to run Winny because I've read it's not very efficient as a fat burner, which leaves Clen /Albuterol or Anavar but I figured I would skip that due to money as this is a smaller show.

    I was advised to actually run Anavar or Tren or Winny instead of Deca. So if I am also advised here against Deca then I would pick Anavar or Tren and would like recommendations for dosage and weeks on those if possible. I previously read that Deca could be used in a cutting cycle which is why it is here.

    Carb Cycling Weeks 1-5 at 2000 calories (BMR was 200 at day 1)
    --Macro split 40%carb 40%protein 20%fat on weight days
    --Macro split 35-40%protein 55-60%fat 0-5%carb on off days
    Carb Cycling Weeks 6-10 at 1900-1800 calories (dependent on new BMR)
    --Macro split 40%carb 40%protein 20%fat on weight days (may follow the split below)
    --Macro split 35-40%protein 55-60%fat 0-5%carb on off days
    Carb Cycling Weeks 11-14? at 1800-1700 calories (dependent on new BMR)
    --Macro split 30%carb 50%protein 20%fat on weight days
    --Macro split 35-40%protein 55-60%fat 0-5%carb on off days
    Keto Weeks 14-20? at ??? Calories (dependent on new BMR)
    --Macro split 40-50%protein 50-60%fat 0-5%carb
    A nutritionist who has done some work with natural competitors, nothing very serious though, told me I should not carb load before the contest. I would like to hear some more thoughts on this, as to how it best would be done.

    Weeks 1-6 Upper/Lower twice a week, 3 days long duration low intensity cardio, 4 days HIIT
    Weeks 7-13 4 day split, same cardio routine
    Weeks 14-20 2 day split, 3 times a week, same cardio or more days at fat burning
    I'm also unsure how to train the last week leading into the show. Should I primarily focus on getting a pump?

    Age - 21
    Height - 5'8
    Experience - 5 years
    Starting BF - 18% at 22 weeks out
    Cycle Starting BF - ?? (12%?)
    Goal - <8% BF
    Starting weight - 196 lbs
    Goal weight - ??
    Starting lean body mass - 158 lbs
    Goal lean body mass - >158 lbs
    Cycle #2
    Last edited by aurey; 01-10-2013 at 08:50 PM.

  2. #2
    Soar's Avatar
    Soar is offline Productive Member
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    21 is still young to cycle. Your adex is more of a preventative measure rater then a corrective measure, you'll want to use it during cycle regardless. Sounds like you're going for more of a cut not a bulk, I wouldn't suggest the deca for leaning out. You Should be able to lean out to your goal with diet alone.

  3. #3
    gymfu's Avatar
    gymfu is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Getting to 8% is possible without AAS, but to be competitive at most any show you need to be at 5% or better. Your kinda young, what was your first cycle? Have you read up on using AAS at a young age?

  4. #4
    aurey is offline New Member
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    So Adex at .25 EOD or ED then?

    My first cycle was Test E + Dbol . Yeah I have read into it, possible risk of early damage to the HPTA system or early permanent shutdown.

  5. #5
    gymfu's Avatar
    gymfu is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by aurey View Post
    So Adex at .25 EOD or ED then?

    My first cycle was Test E + Dbol. Yeah I have read into it, possible risk of early damage to the HPTA system or early permanent shutdown.
    Minimum dose in my opinion is 0.25 QD.

    Are you competing in BB or physique?

  6. #6
    Metalject's Avatar
    Metalject is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    So the last 4wks of your diet leading up to your show you're not using any gear?

  7. #7
    aurey is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gymfu View Post
    Minimum dose in my opinion is 0.25 QD.

    Are you competing in BB or physique?
    Is that supposed to be ED or EOD? Either way I have 1mg capsules, what would be the best advice on splitting? Just half and half again? Someone before told me 1 every three days.
    I honestly can't say 100% sure what it is, it is advertised as both and kind of poorly managed, it is just a really small show at my college.

    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    So the last 4wks of your diet leading up to your show you're not using any gear?
    No. Depending on when I start. If I start the beginning of February then my last injection would be the week of the show.

  8. #8
    craig1414's Avatar
    craig1414 is offline Junior Member
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    I am curious on the arimidex dosage as well. What I have done so far since recommended dose is 0.25 eod, I put four teaspoons of water in a bottle and empty a capsule in, then every second day I mix it up and pour out a teaspoon and take a "shot".

  9. #9
    Soar's Avatar
    Soar is offline Productive Member
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    I have the same and I just run 0.5 EOD

  10. #10
    gymfu's Avatar
    gymfu is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Split your pills and use 0.5mg every other day.

    When you get closer to the show you will want to get your estrogen lower than that. Read up.

    QD Means every day.

  11. #11
    Metalject's Avatar
    Metalject is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Yep, 1mg of Letro every day the last 2wks or so makes a big difference. You'll probably feel like crap but it sure does help. But you should be feeling like crap anyway, so what's a little more crap/ LOL!

    I always liked what Bob Chick said "It's better to look good than to feel good on the stage."
    If you're on stage feeling like a million bucks you're probably going to get your ass handed to you.

  12. #12
    briansvk's Avatar
    briansvk is offline Associate Member
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    I would say the above cycle is totally wrong to run before the show... Long esters with which is very hard to plan appropriate timing when to come off not to be bloated on stage. And obviously this is not am cutting cycle..
    I suggest:

    1st month:
    Test prop E2D
    Drostanolone Prop E2D

    2nd and 3rd month:
    add Tren ace or tren hexahydrobenzylcarbonate E2D with the above
    add Oxandrolone 30mg/day with the above

    clenbuterol , optionally t3/t4 if needed to enhance fatloss

    Before the show stop injectables about 10 day prior to show and run orals like stan and oxan to prevent holding water.

    With quality good gear and right attitude to diet and training about 3-4% BF is achievable easily

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