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  1. #1
    polandspring is offline New Member
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    Jan 2013

    Red face Heavy athletic training cycle

    Hello everyone! I am currently trying to design a stack that will give me quality lean gains and then some size, nothing to extreme though. I am 5'11 i weigh 207 pounds, I do very intense cross training everyday and also plan on doing standard lifts as well while on cycle. My diet is incredible clean and i am in great shape. I have run a cycle before consisting of testosterone cypionate at 400 mg a week and i loved it. I have wrote up a cycle that i think would work pretty well i would just like some feed back and suggestions. My cycle would consist of 14 weeks of anavar and 8 weeks of testosterone propionate at 100mg ED for me and 75mg ED for my friend(he has cycled before). Now i had some questions about lining up the 8 weeks of test prop with the anavar; should i start the test prop on week 1 with my 50mg of anavar or should i time it so both my anavar and test prop end on the same day on week 14? I had an idea that if i could start the testosterone at the right time it would end around week 12 and i could start pct and have 2 more weeks of anavar to keep me going while my HPTA kicks back in. I was also tossing around the idea of putting equipoise into my cycle, i hear its sort of like anavar as far as low side effects and slow lean gains(slightly larger gains then anavar from what ive read) I appreciate you guys taking the time to read my post and if there is any information I accidently forgot to add please feel free to ask! below im posting my rough outline of my cycle also i plan on getting my blood work checked before during and after my cycle.

    Anavar: total = 6650mg
    weekly dosage
    cholesterol problems = 6 grams of Niacin a day along with Guggul and Red yeast rice
    Liver problems = milk thistle and liv52
    1. 50 mg x7 = 350
    2. 70 mg x7 = 490
    3. 80 mg x7 = 560
    4. 80 mg x7 = 560
    5. 80 mg x7 = 560
    6. 80 mg x7 = 560
    7. 80 mg x7 = 560
    8. 80 mg x7 = 560
    9. 80 mg x7 = 560
    10. 80 mg x7 = 560
    11. 70 mg x7 = 490
    12. 50 mg x7 = 350
    13. 40 mg x7 = 280
    14. 30 mg x7 = 210

    Testosterone Propionate : total = 4200mg
    weekly dosage
    folic acid: 500 mg
    friend: 75mg ED
    me: 100mg ED

    1. 75mg ED
    2. 75mg ED
    3. 75mg ED
    4. 75mg ED
    5. 75mg ED
    6. 75mg ED
    7. 75mg ED
    8. 75mg ED

    Anti-Estrogens: 2800 mg Prov; 1120 Nolva
    weekly dosage:
    (take nolva 10mg morning/10mg night; prov during daytime.
    1. 50mg Prov; 20mg Nolva
    2. 50mg Prov; 20mg Nolva
    3. 50mg Prov; 20mg Nolva
    4. 50mg Prov; 20mg Nolva
    5. 50mg Prov; 20mg Nolva
    6. 50mg Prov; 20mg Nolva
    7. 50mg Prov; 20mg Nolva
    8. 50mg Prov; 20mg Nolva

    Post-Cycle Therapy: Clomid 2800mg; Nolva 1120mg
    Clomid & Nolva
    1. 150mg Clomid; 40mg Nolva
    2. 150mg Clomid; 40mg Nolva
    3. 100mg Clomid; 20mg Nolva
    4. 100mg Clomid; 20mg nolva
    5. 50mg
    6. 50mg

  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    14 weeks of var is way to long. I would run var with out bring test also
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    And the pumps from the var would limit me athletically
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  4. #4
    Soar's Avatar
    Soar is offline Productive Member
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    I'd either cut the var to the same length as the prop. No point in running it that long with no test.

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    You don't want to use proviron and nolva on cycle. Proviron is a weak estrogen antagonist and overall pretty much a waste anyway. It is suppressive of estrogen on 3 different levels but still, very weak. Use a normal AI on cycle. Nolva is for pct not on cycle as it will not suppress E levels, only block chest receptors.

    What gains you make will be contingent on diet.

  6. #6
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Good God! Did I read that right? 14 weeks of anavar , and 8 weeks of Test P? I wouldnt run the var any longer than 8 weeks max, and the Prop for the same time would be fine. But anavar and cross fit would not be a good choice for me personally. I think alot would agree that the intense pumps would no doubt limit you in alot of movements. I would re-think, then re-write. Let us know.

  7. #7
    human project's Avatar
    human project is offline Knowledgeable Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by polandspring
    Hello everyone! I am currently trying to design a stack that will give me quality lean gains and then some size, nothing to extreme though. I am 5'11 i weigh 207 pounds, I do very intense cross training everyday and also plan on doing standard lifts as well while on cycle. My diet is incredible clean and i am in great shape. I have run a cycle before consisting of testosterone cypionate at 400 mg a week and i loved it. I have wrote up a cycle that i think would work pretty well i would just like some feed back and suggestions. My cycle would consist of 14 weeks of anavar and 8 weeks of testosterone propionate at 100mg ED for me and 75mg ED for my friend(he has cycled before). Now i had some questions about lining up the 8 weeks of test prop with the anavar; should i start the test prop on week 1 with my 50mg of anavar or should i time it so both my anavar and test prop end on the same day on week 14? I had an idea that if i could start the testosterone at the right time it would end around week 12 and i could start pct and have 2 more weeks of anavar to keep me going while my HPTA kicks back in. I was also tossing around the idea of putting equipoise into my cycle, i hear its sort of like anavar as far as low side effects and slow lean gains(slightly larger gains then anavar from what ive read) I appreciate you guys taking the time to read my post and if there is any information I accidently forgot to add please feel free to ask! below im posting my rough outline of my cycle also i plan on getting my blood work checked before during and after my cycle.

    Anavar: total = 6650mg
    weekly dosage
    cholesterol problems = 6 grams of Niacin a day along with Guggul and Red yeast rice
    Liver problems = milk thistle and liv52
    1. 50 mg x7 = 350
    2. 70 mg x7 = 490
    3. 80 mg x7 = 560
    4. 80 mg x7 = 560
    5. 80 mg x7 = 560
    6. 80 mg x7 = 560
    7. 80 mg x7 = 560
    8. 80 mg x7 = 560
    9. 80 mg x7 = 560
    10. 80 mg x7 = 560
    11. 70 mg x7 = 490
    12. 50 mg x7 = 350
    13. 40 mg x7 = 280
    14. 30 mg x7 = 210

    Testosterone Propionate : total = 4200mg
    weekly dosage
    folic acid: 500 mg
    friend: 75mg ED
    me: 100mg ED

    1. 75mg ED
    2. 75mg ED
    3. 75mg ED
    4. 75mg ED
    5. 75mg ED
    6. 75mg ED
    7. 75mg ED
    8. 75mg ED

    Anti-Estrogens: 2800 mg Prov; 1120 Nolva
    weekly dosage:
    (take nolva 10mg morning/10mg night; prov during daytime.
    1. 50mg Prov; 20mg Nolva
    2. 50mg Prov; 20mg Nolva
    3. 50mg Prov; 20mg Nolva
    4. 50mg Prov; 20mg Nolva
    5. 50mg Prov; 20mg Nolva
    6. 50mg Prov; 20mg Nolva
    7. 50mg Prov; 20mg Nolva
    8. 50mg Prov; 20mg Nolva

    Post-Cycle Therapy: Clomid 2800mg; Nolva 1120mg
    Clomid & Nolva
    1. 150mg Clomid; 40mg Nolva
    2. 150mg Clomid; 40mg Nolva
    3. 100mg Clomid; 20mg Nolva
    4. 100mg Clomid; 20mg nolva
    5. 50mg
    6. 50mg
    I would save the anavar until you can run it at at least 100mg a day

  8. #8
    polandspring is offline New Member
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    Jan 2013
    The anavar description on this site promotes the idea of using it as a possible bridge between cycles to keep your gains going; The Jose Cansaco video that i watched on this site he said that anavar could be run year round and it not be a problem. I wanted the the prov and the nolva because im very prone to gyno and from what i read proviron at a proper dose will keep estrogen levels in check. Also what would you describe the pump like on anavar? I know ive read alot of speculation that anavar is the steroid of choice among most UFC fighters so it must be decent with heavy conditioning and explosiveness which is what im looking for. Im just reading now about the crazy pumps on anavar! one guy had such crazy pumps he couldnt walk on the treadmill because of the pump in his calfs haha! Im thinking of running anavar the first week at 20 mg and increasing the dosage untill i find a tolerable pump for my training. Im pretty much set on running anavar by itself just because i want to form my own opinion on how good anavar is on its own, so my biggest question at this point is how should I line up the testosterone with my anavar? I liked the idea of putting the testosterone in the middle of the anavar portion of the cycle so while I'm in PCT and regaining my natural testosterone ill have anavar to keep me going, but on that same token ive read that for some people anavar can and will shut you down just like test so it would make sense to line it up so the test prop and anavar end at the same time. At what dosage does anavar typically shut people down? Im sorry if my english is bad, Its a second language!

  9. #9
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Well i can tell you as someone who used to fight, anyone who knows anything isnt using var and fighting MMA,
    atomini just wrote a great thread about why you should use test with var, search for it.

    you cant run pct while still on var.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  10. #10
    REBORN52 is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2012
    Guys, would Winstrol ran with Test not be a better option for optimal performance in his kind of training? I train the same way (CrossFit and lift) and they've both been good to me. But take this with a grain of salt, as I'm a newby around here, and learning.....

    Take my post as more of a question than an answer.....

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